25 research outputs found

    Contrastive linguistic study of websites promoting cheese

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    The promotion and selling of products online has become a new trend, so the websites need to be up-to-date and offer detailed information on their products. The corpus of texts was compiled from websites that sell traditional dairy products, especially cheese from three different countries: Romania (Covalact, Tudia), Italy (Granarolo, Agriform, Zanetti, Galbani) and the United Kingdom (Wensleydale, Neal’s Yard Dairy, The Fine Cheese Co.). For the first two countries, only the websites that had presentations in English were selected. The corpus of texts was compiled by downloading 30 texts advertising for cheese, summing up approximately 5000 running words. Wordsmith Tools 6.0 was used to wordlist the adjectives. The study revealed that there are some basic adjectives that can be found in all three corpuses of texts; the differences come from the variety of cheese commercialized (fresh or aged), tradition in cheese making (centuries old or brand new), types of cheese (soft or hard) and the property of words

    Teaching technical vocabulary to the 1st year students of food processing

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    In a changing world, the needs of those who learn English also evolve. In the last decades, the English courses for specific groups of learners have become highly important. English for special purposes found its way after the II World War. As for Romania, even if there was a certain interest in this field, it was taken to the next level only after 1990, when there appeared the economic and technological background for the development of this type of English. The scientific paper presents methods used for teaching the technical vocabulary to the first year students of the faculty of agriculture, the specialization of Technology of Processing Agricultural Products. The technical texts that are studied during the first year are those related to different types of cereals, such as wheat, maize, oats, barley, rice and millet. There is also a unit that deals with the history of food processing and types of preserving foodstuffs. The vocabulary awareness has in view various types of exercises, such as: true or false exercises and answering questions synonyms and antonyms, matching words, word-building types of exercises, find the mistakes, translation of technical texts both from Romanian into English and from English into Romanian. Typical mistakes have been found and we propose ways of correcting them. We noticed that during the students’ performance the most frequent mistakes were those of pronunciation. When learning the new vocabulary, the students confused words, trying to use the more common one; also they misspelled and misused words

    Stylistic and syntactic study of italian and romanian advertising slogans for beers

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    Generally, the advertisements use persuasion to make the consumers buy products, regardless of their necessities. The advertisements for beer are no exception, too. This paper follows the advertising tendencies in Italy and Romania. Thus, we focused on a comparative study of a corpus of thirty slogans, half Italian, half Romanian, both stylistically and syntactically. After a thorough examination, we could identify the common traits used in drawing the target group of consumers, such as the presentation of century-old tradition of brewing to offer prestige or the inherent connection between beer and spending leisure time with friends. There were especially pointed out the features that make some slogans unique and which define the two nations. The slogans revealed collective character traits, such as the weaknesses of the Italians towards women and the Romanians’ attachment to nature. From a syntactic point of view, both in Italian and Romanian ads, the short, concise sentences, made up of no more than six words prevail

    Peculiarities of teaching english in universities with agronomic profile. A case study

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    In a changing world, the needs of those who learn English also evolve. In the last decades, the English courses for specific groups of learners have become highly important. English for special purposes found its way after the II World War. As for Romania, even if there was a certain interest in this field, it was taken to the next level only after 1990, when there appeared the economic and technological background for the development of this type of English. The scientific paper presents methods used for teaching the technical vocabulary to the first year students of the faculty of agriculture, the specialization of Technology of Processing Agricultural Products. The technical texts that are studied during the first year are those related to different types of cereals, such as wheat, maize, oats, barley, rice and millet. There is also a unit that deals with the history of food processing and types of preserving foodstuffs. The vocabulary awareness has in view various types of exercises, such as: true or false exercises and answering questions synonyms and antonyms, matching words, word-building types of exercises, find the mistakes in a given text, translation of technical texts both from Romanian into English and from English into Romanian. Typical mistakes have been found and we propose ways of correcting them. We noticed that during the students’ performance the most frequent mistakes were those related to pronunciation. When learning the new vocabulary, the students confused words, trying to use the more common one; moreover, they misspelled and misused words

    Stylistic and syntactic study of romanian and moldavian advertising slogans for wine

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    As a general rule, the advertisements use persuasion to make the consumers buy products, regardless of their necessities. As expected, the advertisements for wine are no exception. This paper follows the advertising tendencies on the wine market in Romania and Moldavia. Thus, we focused on a comparative study of a corpus of approximately twenty slogans, half Romanian, half Moldavian, both stylistically and syntactically. After a thorough examination, we could identify the common traits used in drawing the target group of consumers, such as the presentation of century-old tradition of wine making, the prestige of the wine gained through awards or the inherent connection between wine and leisure time. There were especially pointed out the features that make some slogans unique and which define the two nations, such the signs that show the rank, status and lifestyle of the subjects. From a syntactic point of view, both in Romanian and Moldavian ads, the short, concise sentences, made up of no more than six words prevail

    Sources of Utopia

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    The myth of the Lost Paradise was present in more or less complex forms in almost all primitive culture and it can be considered the first manifestation of human thought on the harsh conditions of human existence, having as background the image of some primordial mythical happiness. All the peoples of the world have started to have a theological and mythological vision on the world since ancient periods of their existence. The idea of beauty, equilibrium, equitableness and justice presented in different forms, represented with no exception a semiconscious need of life


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    In order to carry out this study, work was carried out on the morphological, physical and chemical characterization, determining the productive potential of the soil cover, enunciating the measures of soil improvement and elaborating the fertilization plan on crops. The field stage includes the presentation of general and local ecopedological conditions. In this regard, observations were made on the territory from the point of view of each ecopedological factor. Based on the movement on the ground, observations were made on the micro-relief, the level of the groundwater, the vegetation and the degree of anthropization of the soil cover following the mobilization, preparation of the germination bed and current maintenance. The soil samples were collected according to the cadastral plan, with an area of 210 ha being located on the radius of SilișteaGumești commune, Teleorman county. For the characterization of the soil cover from the above mentioned surface, a soil profile and a few surveys were carried out, in order to correctly identify the representative soil type. Also, agrochemical mapping was performed, 44 soil samples were collected from the arable horizon (0-20 cm) in disturbed system (in plastic bags). The description of the pedogenetic conditions and the soil cover from soil boiling, was carried out according to the "Guide for the description in the field of the soil profile and the specific environmental conditions", authors: Munteanu I., Florea N., 2009 and "Methodology for the Development of Pedological Studies ", ICPA, 1987. The classification of soils at type and subtype level was made according to" Romanian Soil Taxonomy System (SRTS) ", ICPA, 2012

    Study regarding the situation of agricultural consultancy in the North-East Region of Romania

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    The undertaken study aimed to diagnose the situation of agricultural consultancy from the North – East Region of Romania, 12 years after its foundation. For the realization of the study the questionnaires method has been utilized which have been completed by a number of 80 agricultural consultancy specialists from 6 counties in the North – East Region. From the responses analysis, the following aspects emerged. All persons that ensure consultancy develop general activities from all fields of agriculture. There is a shortage of specialists, a person providing services to several thousand farmers. The consultants have benefited from training courses in consultancy, a short period of time, 2-8 weeks, fact that reflects on the services rendered. The local consultancy centres have a precarious endowment (office, computer, telephone), lacking transport means, training rooms, endowment with specific auxiliary means. Between consultancy methods, the biggest share is held by individual office consultancy. Group consultancy, which has the highest efficiency, is done sporadically because of reduced financial means. A lack of interest from local authorities is manifested for consultancy activity. Specialists are unhappy with the level of salaries, reduced training possibilities, high work volume, lack of endowment and transport means, and political interference in the recruitment process.Peer reviewe