13 research outputs found
Influence of application of hygienic measures before, during and after milking cows on milk quality on family farms
Циљ докторске дисертације је био испитивање утицаја хигијенских мера пре, у
току и после муже крава на квалитет млека на 127 породичних газдинстава у
различитим регионима Србије.
Утврђивање стања на фармама је вршено применом дефинисаног упитника са
оценама од 1 до 5. Квалитет млека је испитан анализом садржаја протеина, масти,
укупног броја микроорганизама и соматских ћелија вршених референтним методама.
Након сагледавања стања дефинисане су препоруке за кориговање поступака на
фармама, а обука фармера је вршена од стране саветодаваца. Оцена хигијенских
аспеката и поступака на фарми и квалитет млека су испитивани током 6 месеци.
Статистичка анализа резултата је вршена применом ANOVA, LSD i hi-квадрат теста,
као и применом парцијалног ета квадрата.
Карактеристике фарме су статистички значајно утицале на све хигијенске аспекте
и квалитет млека. Пропусти у примени хигијенских мера и поступака значајно
доприносе смањењу квалитета млека на породичним газдинствима. Едукација
фармера и кориговање поступака на фармама доприноси побољшању хигијенских
мера пре, током и након муже, а такође показује и позитиван ефекат на квалитет
млека. Упитник за оцену хигијенских мера и поступака пре, у току и после муже
крава на фармама, представља значајан резултат дисертације. Применом развијеног
упитника и његовим систематским коришћењем могу се у значајној мери сагледати
фактори и вршити корекције поступака који значајно утичу на квалитет млека.The aim of the doctoral dissertation was to examine the impact of hygienic measures
before, during and after milking of cows on milk quality at 127 family farms in different
regions of Serbia. Determination of the situation on farms was performed using a defined
questionnaire with grades from 1 to 5. The quality of milk was examined by analyzing the
content of protein, fat, total number of microorganisms and somatic cells performed by
reference methods. After reviewing the situation, recommendations for correcting the
procedures on the farms were defined, and the training of farmers was carried out by
advisors. The assessment of the hygienic aspects and procedures on the farm and the
quality of the milk were examined during 6 months. Statistical analysis of the results was
performed using ANOVA, LSD and chi-square test, as well as using partial eta squares.
The characteristics of the farm had a statistically significant effect on all hygienic aspects
and the quality of milk. Failures in the application of hygienic measures and procedures
significantly contribute to the reduction of milk quality on family farms. Education of
farmers and correction of procedures on farms contributes to the improvement of hygiene
measures before, during and after milking, and also shows a positive effect on the quality of
milk. The questionnaire for the assessment of hygienic measures and procedures before,
during and after milking cows on farms is a significant result of the dissertation. By
applying the developed questionnaire and its systematic use, factors can be significantly
considered and corrections of procedures that significantly affect the quality of milk can be
Relation of the observed water level decrease and morphological changes of the river channel in the middle Danube
This work is a continuation of works by Goda et al. (2007) and Tamás et al. (2021) that were prompted by the drying of floodplains and problems in the water supply of irrigation and drainage canal networks in the whole middle Danube region. Previous works focused on hydrology and showed a constant lowering of water levels, which indicated the deepening of the riverbed. In the present study, the relationship between indicators of morphological changes and the decrease in low water levels at gauging stations (GS) is sought. At this stage, results confirm a continuous deepening of the riverbed. Despite smaller correlation coefficient values between low water levels (Zmin) and percentage increase in the cross-sectional areas in the sand bed part of the investigated reach, the linear decreasing trend in Zmin is evident
Identification and characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from artisanal white brined Golija cows' milk cheeses
The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of artisanal Golija raw and cooked cows' milk cheeses traditionally manufactured without the addition of starter culture. A total of 188 Gram-positive and catalase-negative isolates of Golija cheeses were obtained from seven samples of different ripening time. Phenotype-based assays as well as rep-PCR and 16S rDNA sequence analysis were undertaken for all 188 LAB strains. The most diverse species were isolated from 20-day-old BGGO8 cheese (Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei/paracasei, Lactobacillus sucicola, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis by. diacetylactis, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus durans and Leuconostoc mesenteroides). In other Golija cheeses Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus garvieae, Streptococcus thermophilus and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides were found. Pronounced antimicrobial properties showed enterococci (13/42) and lactococci (12/31), while the good proteolytic activity demonstrated lactococci (13/31) and lactobacilli (10/29)
Improvement of Hygiene Practices and Milk Hygiene Due to Systematic Implementation of Preventive and Corrective Measures
The Total Bacterial Count (TBC) and the Somatic Cells Count (SCC) in the milk are important indicators of its hygiene and quality. Hygienic conditions in barns, milking procedures, udder hygiene before, during and after milking, milking machine hygiene, as well as milk cooling procedures immediately after milking, have direct or indirect
influences on milk hygiene indicators. Poor results of milk hygiene quality, when it comes to SCC and TBC, which are often seen in dairy cattle farms in our country, indicate numerous omissions before and during milking. To determine the possibility of improving milk hygiene quality, training of extension service professionals and farmers was conducted, corrective and preventive measures were determined and the achieved state was monitored on 128 dairy farms where SCC and TBC were observed at regular monthly intervals for 6 months. The results showed a continuous statistically very significant improvement in hygienic conditions in barns, milking procedures, udder
hygiene before, during and after milking, milking machine hygiene, as well as milk cooling procedures. This has contributed to a statistically very significant improvement
in the hygienic quality of milk, both in SCC and TBC indicators, continuously from month to month, with a visible improvement at the end related to the beginning of the
study period. At the begining and the end of survey 19.7% and 50.0% of milk samples belong to 1st class of milk quality, respectively, indicating a significant improvement
after implementation of corrective measurements
Estimation of Changes in Sediment Transport along the Free-Flowing Middle Danube River Reach
The subject of this study is an approximately 300 km long Middle Danube River reach that
spans from river kilometer (rkm) 1581 in Hungary to (rkm) 1255 in Serbia. The observed drying of
floodplains in Hungary some thirty years ago initiated the hydrological studies. However, problems
related to the navigation route maintenance of the Danube River and those in the water supply of
irrigation and drainage canal networks are now present in the whole free-flowing middle Danube
region. The study aims at investigating the correlation between the observed water level decrease
and recorded incision of the river bed at gauging stations and the indirect estimation of the long-term sediment transport along the sand-bed reach based on the surveillance cross-sections’ data
collected during regular monitoring surveys on the navigable Danube. It starts with hydrological
analyses of the 70-year-long time series of water level and discharge yearly data and continues
with morphological and correlation studies. It ends with the estimation of sediment transport. The
decreasing trend in water levels and the increasing trend in cross-sectional areas are persistent. There is a linear correlation between the two. Longitudinal changes in sediment transport indicate the existence of both degrading and aggrading riverbed reaches.Носиоци осталих ауторстава су уредници посебног, тематског броја Sediment Transpor
Mathematical modeling for genomic selection in Serbian dairy cattle
Mathematical modeling for genomic selection in serbian dairy cattle. - Genetika, Vol 53, No.3, 1105-1115. This manuscript has come as a result of an efficient breeding program in Serbian cattle populations for some economically important traits. Genomic selection in the last two decades has been the main challenge in animal breeding programs and genetics. Many SNP markers are used in statistical analysis in predicting the accuracy of breeding values for young animals without their performance. The new breeding tendency in the selection of young animals allows their genetic progress with reducing cost. In this study, 92 Holstein cows from various regions in Serbia were analyzed based on SNP molecular markers. Within this investigation, an empirical model was developed for the prediction of Yield Traits and Fertility Traits variables, according to Key traits data for dairy cattle. The developed model gave a reasonable fit to the data and successfully predicted Yield Traits (such as Fat and Protein Percent, Cheese Merit, Fluid Merit, and Cow Livability) and Fertility Traits variables (such as Sire Calving Ease, Heifer Conception Rate, Cow Conception Rate, Daughter Stillbirth, Sire Stillbirth, and Gestation Length). A total of 92 dairy cattle data were used to build a prediction model for the prediction of Yield Traits and Fertility Traits variables. The artificial neural network model, based on the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno iterative algorithm, showed good prediction capabilities (the r2 values during the training cycle for the before mentioned output variables were in the range between 0.444 and 0.989)
The hygienic condition of dairy cows and their udders in 128 small household farms in different regions of Serbia, producing mostly milk, having 5–15 cows, a milk cooler and at least one milking machine, was evaluated by the following indicators: 1. general assessment of body cleanliness, 2. visual inspection of teats and udder base, and 3. maintenance of udder cleanliness, rated on a scale of 0 and 1 or 1 to 5. The samples were taken at each visit to the farm after cooling and tested for milk protein and fat content, somatic cell count (SCC) and the total number of microorganisms (TNM). The milk fat content was determined by the Gerber method, the protein content by the Kjeldahl method, the TNM according to the ISO 4833-1:2013 method and the SCC using Fossomatic TM. The IBM SPSS program was used for statistical data processing. Capacity, housing system, breed, milking system, number of cows, and capacity occupancy mostly had a very significant or significant impact on hygiene parameters, protein and fat content, SCC and TNM in milk. The hygiene parameters showed a continuous trend of improvement in relation to the visits. TNM mean scores increased after each visit, with significant differences between visits (F=9.63, P<0.0001). SCC scores varied very significantly between visits (F=5.17, P<0.0001). The number of visits tended to show a significant influence on the milk fat rate (F=2.221; P<0.1), but no influence on the milk protein rate (P=0.480; F=0.901). Copyright©2023 by authors, all rights reserved
Influence of application of hygienic measures before, during and after milking cows on milk quality on family farms
Циљ докторске дисертације је био испитивање утицаја хигијенских мера пре, у
току и после муже крава на квалитет млека на 127 породичних газдинстава у
различитим регионима Србије.
Утврђивање стања на фармама је вршено применом дефинисаног упитника са
оценама од 1 до 5. Квалитет млека је испитан анализом садржаја протеина, масти,
укупног броја микроорганизама и соматских ћелија вршених референтним методама.
Након сагледавања стања дефинисане су препоруке за кориговање поступака на
фармама, а обука фармера је вршена од стране саветодаваца. Оцена хигијенских
аспеката и поступака на фарми и квалитет млека су испитивани током 6 месеци.
Статистичка анализа резултата је вршена применом ANOVA, LSD i hi-квадрат теста,
као и применом парцијалног ета квадрата.
Карактеристике фарме су статистички значајно утицале на све хигијенске аспекте
и квалитет млека. Пропусти у примени хигијенских мера и поступака значајно
доприносе смањењу квалитета млека на породичним газдинствима. Едукација
фармера и кориговање поступака на фармама доприноси побољшању хигијенских
мера пре, током и након муже, а такође показује и позитиван ефекат на квалитет
млека. Упитник за оцену хигијенских мера и поступака пре, у току и после муже
крава на фармама, представља значајан резултат дисертације. Применом развијеног
упитника и његовим систематским коришћењем могу се у значајној мери сагледати
фактори и вршити корекције поступака који значајно утичу на квалитет млека.The aim of the doctoral dissertation was to examine the impact of hygienic measures
before, during and after milking of cows on milk quality at 127 family farms in different
regions of Serbia. Determination of the situation on farms was performed using a defined
questionnaire with grades from 1 to 5. The quality of milk was examined by analyzing the
content of protein, fat, total number of microorganisms and somatic cells performed by
reference methods. After reviewing the situation, recommendations for correcting the
procedures on the farms were defined, and the training of farmers was carried out by
advisors. The assessment of the hygienic aspects and procedures on the farm and the
quality of the milk were examined during 6 months. Statistical analysis of the results was
performed using ANOVA, LSD and chi-square test, as well as using partial eta squares.
The characteristics of the farm had a statistically significant effect on all hygienic aspects
and the quality of milk. Failures in the application of hygienic measures and procedures
significantly contribute to the reduction of milk quality on family farms. Education of
farmers and correction of procedures on farms contributes to the improvement of hygiene
measures before, during and after milking, and also shows a positive effect on the quality of
milk. The questionnaire for the assessment of hygienic measures and procedures before,
during and after milking cows on farms is a significant result of the dissertation. By
applying the developed questionnaire and its systematic use, factors can be significantly
considered and corrections of procedures that significantly affect the quality of milk can be
Under the conditions of hypoxia and ischemia due to the reduced ATP production there are many structural and functional changes especially in the highly differentiated cells of the kidneys, the heart and the CNS. It is certain that the loss of function of the cell membrane represents a primary event in the cell damage genesis under the given conditions, but the definite basis of the mechanism due to which the membrane dysfunction emerges still remains obscure. However, the existence of the fol-lowing potential mechanisms should be stressed, namely, of the ionic homeostasis disturbance, the membrane lipid peroxidation, cross-connection of the membrane proteins and an increased decomposition of the phospholipids. Likewise, much of the experimental research supports the importance of the free radical production after the acute hypoxia. All the changes that are related to the reversible hypoxic and ischemic cell damage, if they are qualitatively or quantitatively adequate, can produce irreversible damages. That is why in the cases of hypoxia and ischemia of the heart, the kidneys or the CNS as the organs that are highly dependent upon the aerobic production of the ATP the application of the medicaments contributing to the preservation of the membrane stability, in addition to the standard drug application, would be completely justified
Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from artisanal Travnik young cheeses, sweet creams and sweet kajmaks over four seasons
The aim of this study was to investigate the composition of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in autochthonous young cheeses, sweet creams and sweet kajmaks produced in the Vlasic mountain region of central Bosnia and Herzegovina near the town of Travnik over a four season period. These three products were made from cow's milk by a traditional method without the addition of a starter culture. Preliminary characterization with phenotype-based assays and identification using rep-PCR with a (GTG)(5) primer and 16S rDNA sequence analysis were undertaken for 460 LAB isolates obtained from all the examined samples. Fifteen species were identified as follows: Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus raffinolactis, Lactococcus garviae, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus helveticus, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus durans, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus italicus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides, Leuconostoc lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus and Streptococcus mitis. A wide genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of the species was observed, particularly within the Lc. lactis strains. In all of the tested dairy products across four seasons, a significantly positive correlation (r = 0.690) between the presence of lactococci and enterococci and a negative correlation (r = 0.722) between the presence of lactococci and leuconostocs were recorded. Forty-five percent of the lactobacilli and 54.4% of the lactococci exhibited proteolytic activity, whereas 18.7% of the total LAB isolates exhibited antimicrobial activity