16 research outputs found

    Activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients with liver echinococcosis

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    Background/Aim. Chronic echinococcocal disease is the parasite human disease caused by the penetration of larval (asexual) stages of the canine tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus) in the liver of humans. After the penetration of the parasite, the host organism react by activating complement- depending immune response. The aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of larval form of Echinococcus granulosus in the liver on the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention. Methods. We investigated the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes: copper/zinc containing superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the controls, clinically healthy persons. Results. Our results showed that the activity of the GSH-Px was significantly decreased in the plasma of the patients with echinocococal disease before the surgery in respect to the controls. The activity of GST was significantly higher in the blood of the patients after the surgery in comparison to the controls. Conclusion. Chronic liver echinoccocal disease caused significant changes of some antioxidative defense enzymes, first of all Se-dependent enzyme GSH-Px, which could be a suitabile biomarker in the biochemical evaluation of the disease. This work represents a first comprehensive study of the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in cronic liver echinococcocosis in the patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the clinically healthy persons

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 15

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: saprotrophic fungus Geastrum morganii, Guignardia istriaca and Hypoxylon howeanum, mycorrhizal fungus Amanita friabilis and Suillus americanus, xanthophyte Vaucheria frigida, stonewort Chara hispida, liverwort Calypogeia integristipula and Ricciocarpus natans, moss Campylopus introflexus, Dicranum transsylvanicum, Tortella pseudofragilis and Trematodon ambiguus, fern Ophioglossum vulgatum subsp. vulgatum, monocots Epipactis exilis, Epipactis purpurata and Epipogium aphyllum and dicots Callitriche cophocarpa, Cornus sanguinea subsp. hungarica and Viscum album subsp. austriacum are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Kinetics of glycoalkaloid hydrolysis and solanidine extraction in liquid-liquid systems

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    The kinetics of glycoalkaloid hydrolysis and solanidine extraction in Analyzed in this study. obtained from dried and milled potato haulm to to which hydrochlotic acid was added is the first liquid phase, while chloroform trichloroethylene or carbon tetrachlondeisthe second organic, liquid phase. The purpose of this paper was to combine the processes of glycoalkaloid hydrolysis to solanidine and solanidine extraction into one step, and to find the optimal liquid-liquid system for such a process

    Determination of total lipids and characterization of marigold flower extracts (Calendula officinalis)

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    Bioactive extracts from marigold flower are important ingredients for parapharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations. Their antiflogistic holeretic.antimicrobic, antidermatic and anticancer effects are due to the presence of flavonoids, carotenoids, etheric oils, and terpenoids. This study presents the results of spectrophotometric investigation for the overall carotene content calculated as (3-caroten (442 nm), visual and physico-chemical characteristics according to Ph.Jug. V in oil extracts of marigold flower obtained by maceration (room temperature and 70°C) and percolation (room temperature) with olive oil and sunflower oil by original procedures.The largest content of (3-carotene (57.5 mg/kg of oil extracts) is in the oil extract obtained by maceration for 72 hours with olive oil (solvomodulus 1:5 m/m) at room temperature


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    The main carriers of the pharmacological activity of garlic (Allium sativum L.) are organic sulfur compounds, the most important among them being allicin, a sulfenic acid thioester, or allylthiosulfonate. In this paper, the identification of synthesized and purified allicin was determined by using various spectroscopic methods (UV/Vis, FTIR and NMR). An HPLC method was developed for the detection and determination of the allicin content. The thermal degradation of allicin by using FTIR method was monitored. The method for the production of allicin gel based on Carbopol 940 (poly(acrylic acid)) was elaborated. The antimicrobial activity of pure allicin and allicin incurporated into gel by using a disk diffusion method was determined. In order to determine the antioxidant activity of allicin DPPH testing was done and it was proved that with low concentrations (1 mg⋅cm-3) a high DPPH radicals scavenging capacity (90%) was achieved. The main carriers of the pharmacological activity of garlic (Allium sativum L.) are organic sulfur compounds, the most important among them being allici

    The effect of hydrodistillation technique on the yield and composition of essential oil from the seed of petroselinum crispum (mill.) Nym. Ex. A.W. Hill

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    The essential oil was isolated from the seed of Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. ex. A.W. Hill by using different techniques of Clevenger-type hydrodistillation. The highest yield of oil, after five consecutive hydrodistillation runs (3.9 mL/100 g of plant material), was obtained by the technique in which water from the still flask was separated by filtration and used together with fresh water for immersing the plant material in a subsequent distillation. Regardless of the technique used, the oil contained different amounts of α-pinene, ß-p/nene, limonene, 2,3,4,5-tetramethoxy-1-allylbenzene, apiole and 1,2-benzenedicarbonic acid

    Bioindikatori kao sredstvo za analizu zagađenosti životne sredine

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    The interest in using bioindicators as monitoring tools to assess environmental pollution with toxic metals continually increasing. Heavy metals arise from natural sources and human activities, and once released in the environment they do not disappear, but accumulate in soils, sediments and biota and become a global problem. Due to the easy transport and circulation of pollutants in the nature and the high correlation of the food web systems, the consequences of the increasing pollution are relatively rapidly reflected on people. A bioindicator can be defined as an organism or a part of an organism or a community of organisms that contains information on the quantitative aspects of the quality of the environment. Bioindicators can be animals or plants, and mostly used animal species as bioindicators are zooplankton, invertebrates and vertebrates while biomaterials such as micro and macro algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, tree bark and leaves of higher plants have been mostly used as plant bioindicators. Depending on their environment, one or the other kind of bioindicators are used to detect the deposition, accumulation and distribution of heavy metal pollution in soil, water and air. This work summarized the recent studies of various organisms used as a toxic metal bioindicators in air, water and soil ecosystems, and clearly confirms the importance, necessity and efficiency of bioindicators as a relatively new tool for monitoring and analysis of environmental pollution.Interesovanje za korišćenje bioindikatora kao sredstva za monitoring i procenu zagađenosti životne sredine toksičnim metalima neprestano se povećava. Teški metali dospevaju u okruženje iz prirodnih izvora, ali i putem antropogenih aktivnosti, a jednom dospeli u životnu sredinu oni ne nestaju već se akumuliraju u zemljištu, sedimentu i bioti i sve više postaju rastući globalni problem. Usled lakog transporta i kruženja zagađujućih materija u prirodi, kao i velike povezanosti u lancu ishrane, posledice sve većeg zagađenja se relativno brzo manifestuju i na ljude. Bioindikator se može definisati kao organizam ili deo organizma ili kao zajednica organizama koja sadrži sa kvantitativnog aspekta informacije o kvalitetu životne sredine. Bioindikator mogu biti životinje ili biljke, i od životinjskih vrsta se koriste zooplankton, beskičmenjaci i kičmenjaci, dok se biomaterijali poput mikro i makro algi, gljiva, lišajeva, mahovina, kore drveta i lišća viših biljaka uglavnom koriste kao biljni bioindikatori. U zavisnosti od njihovog staništa, jedna ili druga grupa bioindikatora koristi se za detekciju taloženja, akumulacije i distribucije teških metala u tlu, vodi i vazduhu. Ovaj rad daje pregled novijih istraživanja o različitim organizmima koji se koriste kao bioindikatori toksičnih metala u vazduhu, vodi i zemljištu, i jasno potvrđuje važnost, neophodnost i efikasnost bioindikatora kao relativno novog načina za praćenje i analizu zagađenja životne sredine

    Kinetika hidrodestilacije i sastav etarskog ulja fermentiranog semena peršuna

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    The effect of fermentation conditions on the yield and composition of the essential oil from Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. ex. A.W. Hill seeds was studied. The yield of essential oil was determined by a Clevenger-type apparatur, and the composition of the oil by GC analysis. The highest yield of essential oil (5.90 mL per 100 g, i.e. 96.7% in regard to the oil content in parsley seeds) was obtained from disintegrated parsley seeds fermented for 4 h at 30°C with a hydromodulus of 1:20 w/v, after the sixth hydrodistillation each lasting 240 minutes. The obtained oil contained α-pinene, ß-pinene, sabinene, myristicin, 2,3,4,5-tetramethoxy-1-allylbenzene, apiole and 1,2 benzene-dicarbonic acid. The density of the oil (d25) was 1.039 g/mL3, the refractive index, (nD20) was 1.5214 and the oil solubility was 8 volume parts of 80% vol. ethanol for 1 mL of oil.Peršun (Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. ex. A.W. Hill) je dvogodišnja biljka poznata po antimikrobnom, baktericidnom, hipotenzitivnom, laksativnom, diuretičnom i spazmolitičkom dejstvu. Seme peršuna sadrži 3-7% etarskog ulja koje se uglavnom dobija parnom destilacijom. U radu je ispitan uticaj uslova fermentacije na prinos i sastav etarskog ulja iz nesamlevenog i samlevenog semena peršuna. Seme je fermentirano na temperaturama 28-39°C u toku 2-8 sati i za­tim praćena kinetika hidrodestilacije etarskog ulja. Prinos ulja određen je primenom Clevenger-aparature, a sastav ulja GC analizom. Prinos i sastav ulja zavise od uslova fermentacije i mlevenja semena. Najveći prinos ulja (5,90 mL/100 g biljnog materijala, odnosno 96,7% u odnosu na sadržaj ulja u semenu) ostvaren je sa samlevenim semenom peršuna fermentiranim na temperaturi 30°C, u toku 4 sati, pri hidromodulu 1:20 m/v i hidrodestilacijom u seriji od šest uzastopnih proba. Korišćen je postupak hidrodestilacije u kome se vodena faza suspenzije iz prethodnih destilacija koristi za kvašenje biljnog materijala u narednim destilacijama. U ulju su gasnom hromatografijom identifikovani α-pinen, ß-pinen, sabinen, miristicin, 2,3,4,5-tetrametoksi-1-alilbenzen, apiol i 1,2-benzendikarbonska kiselina. U literaturi se sve komponente izuzev sabinena, 1,2 benzendikarbonske kiseline i mirtenala, pominju kao komponente identifikovane u ulju semena peršuna. Gustina ulja (d25) je 1,039 g/mL, indeks refrakcije (nD20) 1,5214, a 8 zapreminskih delova 80% vol. etanola je potrebno za rastvaranje 1 mL ulja. Vrednosti fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika dobijenih ulja pokazuju dobro slaganje sa literaturnim podacima

    Thermal degradation, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the synthesized allicin and allicin incorporated in gel

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    The main carriers of the pharmacological activity of garlic (Allium sativum L.) are organic sulfur compounds, the most important among them being allicin, a sulfenic acid thioester, or allylthiosulfonate. In this paper, the identification of synthesized and purified allicin was determined by using various spectroscopic methods (UV/VIS, FTIR, NMR). A HPLC method was developed for the detection and determination of the allicin content. The thermal degradation of allicin by using FTIR method was monitored. The method for the production of allicin gel based on Carbopol 940 (poly(acrylic acid)) was elaborated. The antimicrobial activity of pure allicin and allicin incorporated into gel by using a disk diffusion method was determined. In order to determine the antioxidant activity of allicin DPPH test was done and it was proved that with low concentrations (1 mgcm-3) a high DPPH radicals scavenging capacity (90%) was achieved