15 research outputs found

    DLC Thin Films and Carbon Nanocomposite Growth by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) Technology

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    The aim of this chapter is to report the results on synthesis DLC thin films and carbon nanocomposites by the versatile nanofabrication method based on plasma entitled thermionic vacuum Arc (TVA). TVA technology is based on the localized ignition of the arc plasma in vacuum conditions. Among thin film coating methods by vacuum deposition techniques with high purity, low roughness, and good adhesion on the substrates, TVA is one of the major suitable methods to become a powerful coating technology. Two or three different TVA discharges can be ignited simultaneously in the same chamber for multi-material processing using TVA and separate power supplies. These TVA discharges are localized and do not interfere with each other. Simultaneous two or three TVA discharges were already used for the production of alloy/composite of various materials. This is due to the high versatility concerning the configuration of experimental arrangements, taking into account the number of electron guns, symmetry of the electrodes, relative position of the anode versus cathode, and also the huge opportunity to combine the materials to be deposited: bi- and multi-layers, nanocomposites, or alloys in order to have specific applications. This chapter presents the comparative results concerning the surface-free energy information processing, the reflective index, the hardness, and the morphology to provide a coherent description of the diamond-like carbon films and carbon nanocomposites synthesized by thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) and related configurations where Me = Ag, Al, Cu, Ni, and Ti: binary composites (C-Me, C-Si) and ternary composites (C+Si+Me). The results include reports on the distribution in size, surface, geometry, and dispersion of the nanosized constituents, tailoring and understanding the role of interfaces between structurally or chemically dissimilar phases on bulk properties, as well as the study of physical properties of nanocomposites (structural, chemical, mechanical, tribological). The results presented here could have a great impact on the development of advanced materials and many manufacturing industries, as well as expanding the technologically important field of interface science where the control of the film-substrate interface would be critical

    Neuropatia periferică la confecţionerii de încălţăminte

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    Obiectiv: Am ales neuropatia periferică ca obiect de investigaţie al actualului studiu, deoarece ea constituie o problemă de actualitate, rezultatele investigaţiilor sunt de multe ori contradictorii, acest tip de neuropatie este adesea neglijată, în favoarea altor afecţiuni, evoluţia ei este gravă, ducând la incapacitate temporară de muncă şi chiar la invaliditate majoră. Material si metoda: Tipul de studiu a fost analitic, observaţional, case-control (caz-martor) şi retrospectiv, Lotul luat în studiu a cuprins 160 lucrători, din care 27 persoane internate în Clinica de Medicina Muncii, expuşi la componenţii adezivilor şi solvenţi organici în industria încălţămintei. Criteriile de includere: expunerea la concentraţii crescute de componenţi ai adezivilor (omologi ai benzenului, hexan, tricloretilenă etc), existenţa unor defi cienţe organizatorice la locul de muncă, .prezenţa altor simptome astenovegetative şi respiratorii la lucrătorii expuşi. Criteriile de excludere: complicaţii severe micro sau macroangiopatice şi cauze non-diabetice de simptome astenovegetative şi respiratorii la lucrătorii expuşi. Variabilele utilizate la lotul studiat şi lotul martor: bateria de teste a lui Ewing, examenul clinic al neuropatiei periferice, examenul oftalmologie, determinarea microproteinuriei, metode de analiză statică (SYSTAT12). Concluzii: S-a concluzionat că prevalenţa neuropatiei periferice la confecţionerii de încălţăminte este notabilă, dar în general diagnosticată în minus, are o contribuţie importantă în morbiditate şi duce la invaliditate, este difi cil de tratat în stadiile avansate, se impune introducerea unui screening la controlul medical periodic

    Cluster Algorithm for a Solid-On-Solid Model with Constraints

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    We adapt the VMR (valleys-to-mountains reflections) algorithm, originally devised by us for simulations of SOS models, to the BCSOS model. It is the first time that a cluster algorithm is used for a model with constraints. The performance of this new algorithm is studied in detail in both phases of the model, including a finite size scaling analysis of the autocorrelations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures appended as ps-file

    Confinement criterion for QCD with dynamical quarks

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    High precision verification of the Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario

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    We verify the Kosterlitz Thouless scenario for three different SOS (solid-on-solid) models, including the dual transforms of XY-models with Villain and with cosine action. The method is based on a matching of the renormalization group (RG) flow of the candidate models with the flow of a bona fide KT model, the exactly solvable BCSOS model. We obtain high precision estimates for the critical couplings and other non- universal quantities

    Critical acceleration of finite-temperature SU(2) gauge simulations

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    e present a cluster algorithm that strongly reduces critical slowing down for the SU(2) gauge theory on one time slice. The idea that underlies the new algorithm is to perform efficient flips for the signs of Polyakov loops. Ergodicity is ensured by combining it with a standard local algorithm. We show how to quantify critical slowing down for such a mixed algorithm. At the finite-temperature transition, the dynamical critical exponent z is ≊0.5, whereas the purely local algorithm z≊2