23 research outputs found

    Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Environmental Management

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    The Geographical Information Systems technology is used in many fields where the spatial information is very important and relevant, that means in all fields that use a system for saving, analyzing and representing the data which are processed. The aim of this paper is using modern technology for monitoring the environment. Geographical Information System together with remote sensing have a very important role in decision process regarding the environment. Integration of remote sensing images in a Geographical Information System which enables complex spatial analysis is a useful and modern solution for environmental management and decision-making process. Satellite images contain various information that can support environmental monitoring, images that can be analyzed and interpreted in various ways by using the Geographical Information System tools

    Model de estimare a producției de orz pe baza imaginilor satelitare

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    The present study aimed to analyze and evaluate the barley crops, and also to estimate production by analyzing satellite images. The study was conducted at Didactic and Experimental Resort (DER) of BUASVM Timisoara, Timis County, Romania. The PlanetScope platform was used for the study, with a spatial resolution of 3 m. The satellite images were taken in the PlanetScope Remote Sensing System, at 7 different moments, between 27 March and 27 June 2020. Based on spectral data, MSAVI2 and NDVI indices were calculated. Four plots cultivated with barley were studied (B/ A75, B/A80, B/A82 and B/A84). The variation of the MSAVI2 and NDVI indices in relation to the time factor (T, days), over the study interval, was described by the polynomial models of 2nd degree, in statistical accuracy conditions. Based on the regression analysis, the estimation of the production based on the MSAVI2 and NDVI indices was possible under the conditions of R2=0.998, P<0.05 for plot B/A75, R2=0.999, P<0.05 for plot B/A80, R2=0.997, P=0.0577 for plot B/ A82 and respectively, R2=0.999, P<0.05 for plot B/A84. From the calculation of the RMSEP index, for the estimated productions, the values were obtained: RMSEP=80.8162 for YB/A75, RMSEP=50.1633 for YB/A80, RMSEP=192.3947 for YB/ A82 and respectively RMSEP=112.2899 for YB/A84. The value of RMSEP=50.1633 for YB/A80 confirms that for the plot B/ A80 the production estimate was made with the highest precision.Prezentul studiu a avut ca scop analiza și evaluarea culturilor de orz, precum și estimarea producției prin analiza imaginilor satelitare. Studiul a fost realizat la Statiunea Didactica si Experimentala (SDE) a BUASVM Timisoara, Judetul Timis, Romania. Pentru studiu a fost utilizată platforma PlanetScope, cu o rezoluție spațială de 3 m. Imaginile satelitare au fost realizate în Sistemul de Teledetecție PlanetScope, în 7 momente diferite, în perioada 27 March and 27 June 2020. Pe baza datelor spectrale, au fost calculați indicii MSAVI2 și NDVI. Au fost studiate patru parcele cultivate cu orz (B/A75, B/A80, B/A82 si B/A84). Variația indicilor MSAVI2 și NDVI în raport cu factorul timp (T, zile), pe intervalul de studiu, a fost descrisă de modelele polinomiale de gradul II, în condiții de acuratețe statistică. Pe baza analizei de regresie, estimarea producției pe baza indicilor MSAVI2 și NDVI a fost posibilă în condițiile R2=0,998, P<0,05 pentru parcela B/ A75, R2 =0,999, P<0,05 pentru parcela B/A80, R2=0,997, P=0,0577 pentru parcela B/A82 și respectiv, R2 =0,999, P<0.05 pentru parcela B/A84. Din calculul indicelui RMSEP, pentru producțiile estimate, s-au obținut valorile: RMSEP =80,8162 pentru YB/A75, RMSEP =50,1633 pentru YB/A80, RMSEP=192,3947 pentru YB/A82 și respectiv RMSEP =112.2899 pentru YB/A84. Valoarea RMSEP =50,1633 pentru YB/A80 confirmă faptul că pentru parcela B/A80 estimarea producției a fost făcută cu cea mai mare precizie

    Model to Estimate Soil Erosion Based on Imaging Analysis

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    The study aimed to development a prediction model for soil erosion degree by image analysis techniques. The spectral information was obtained by image analysis in the RGB and HSB color system, and by calculus resulted rgb normalized values. Specific indices were calculated: intensity (INT), normalized difference index (NDI) and dark green color index (DGCI). The correlation analysis emphasized the existence of high levels of interdependence between specific indices and normalized color data rgb, respectively luminance (L). The regression analysis has enabled the creation of estimation models for soil erosion degree (DSE), in the form of linear equations in relation to luminance (R2=0.999, p<<0.001, RMSEP=25.5766) and INT (R2=0.998, p<<0.001, RMSEP=25.5833), and 2nd degree polynomial equations in relation to DGCI (R2=0.768, p<0.001, RMSEP=28.3275). Clustering analysis facilitated the grouping of the studied cases in two distinct clusters with four sub-clusters, under conditions of statistical accuracy, Coph. corr. = 0.831


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    The number of inhabitants and their distribution in a given area varies within very large limits of tolerance, both in time and space, regardless of geographic region considered. The natural and anthropogenic frame of the area studied in this paper, namely the upper and middle basin of the river Bega, was described on the basis of existing scientific literature, supplemented by produce maps to work with, such as digital elevation model generated with using Global Mapper software, model used to delimitate the analyzed area; the map of communal territories included in the investigated area was prepared by extracting them from the administrative-territorial map of Timis county, overall population density map and the map of population density developments, compiled from data of population censuses in each communal area, obtained by processing using GIS software. The purpose of this study is to highlight trends in the evolution of the population and to identify areas at risk of depopulation, which means, on the one hand knowledge of the number of inhabitants and for variations in this indicator, on the other hand density analysis population synthetic indicator used to highlight differences in the land surfaces occupied by humans. The upper and middle basin of the river Bega is characterized by a variety of natural and socio-economic conditions, resulting in major differences in the evolution of the number of inhabitants and their spatial distribution. In the period considered (1880 - 2011), the most populous census occurred in 1910, since then a definitely downward trend in this indicator can be observed, until the current period, in some cases "losses " were very large (village Bara, Balinţ, Ohaba Lungă, etc). The downward trend in the number of inhabitants has direct implications on the overall density of the population, over time, this indicator registered a continued reduction in most cases and time periods considered. Estimates on future population numbers are difficult to achieve because some variables can not be predicted or quantified, such as political decisions, migrations and general demographic balance values


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    Flood risk assessment in Timis River basin - the Caransebes -Lugoj sector- using GIS technique. Over time freshets, thus floods constituted and constitute a particularly important issue that requires attention. In many cases, flood damages are extensive to the environment, to the economy and also socially. The purpose of this paper is to identify flood-prone areas between Caransebes and Lugoj, land that is part of the Timis river basin. This paper is based on a theoretical model in which we considered the building elements of the flood produced on the Timis river in April 2005 (levels and flows). to represent the zones flood – prone, we used the numerical model of the terrain, created for the abovementioned area. On this model , according to levels measured at hydrometric stations, were defined those flood prone areas. The Timis river hydrographic basin includes a varied terrain (mountains, hills and plains), with pronounced differences in altitude and massiveness, resulting from tectonic movements that have affected the region, this fact has affected water flow processes, both directly through fragmentation and slope, and indirectly, by creating the vertical climate, vegetation and soils zones. Using GIS technology to study hydrological phenomena and their impact on the geographic area are of particular importance due to the complexity of these techniques, which enables detailed analysis and analytical precision as well as an increased speed of the analysis. Creating theoretical models that give scale to the hydrological phenomena, in this case representing the flood areas, is of great practical importance because based on these models the areas can be defined and viewed, having the possibility of taking measures to prevent environmental effects on the natural and / or anthropogenic environment. In the studied area review of the flood of 2005, were represented flood areas, therefore, according with the researches, several villages, located in Timis valley or in the low lands, where the landscape decreases in altitude, were partially affected, also transport infrastructure (roads and railways) was covered by water in some areas, resulting in the isolation of villages; agricultural land located near or within the localities were flooded, situation that had negative consequences on their productivity. The data presented in this study support the importance and opportunity of using GIS techniques in the evaluation of the hydrological risk assessment, techniques through which tackling the problems that address the geographic area is of a global importance, thus giving clear indications to prevent and protect against destructive phenomena

    The Study Related to the Execution of a Triangulation Network in the Dump of Rovinari Pit, in Order to be Restored to the Economic Circuit

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    The lignite mining extraction within the mining perimeter in Rovinari is carried out through mining works in the open, by using large equipments for the excavation, transport and storage of the mining material. These surfaces are currently being set up in the area of level two of the dump, the west and north-west part of Rovinari pit. In order to carry out the set-up works and of follow-up of the stability of the pit levels it is necessary to maintain the triangulation network


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    The Landsat program is the longest running enterprise for acquisition of satellite imagery of Earth. On July 23, 1972 the Earth Resources Technology Satellite was launched. This was eventually renamed to Landsat. The most recent, Landsat 8, was launched on February 11, 2013. The instruments on the Landsat satellites have acquired millions of images. The images, archived in the United States and at Landsat receiving stations around the world, are a unique resource for global change research and applications in agriculture, cartography, geology, forestry, regional planning, surveillance and education

    Processing and Use of Satellite Images in Order to Extract Useful Information in Precision Agriculture

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    Image analysis methods were developed and diversified greatly in recent years due to increasing speed and accuracy in providing information regarding land cover and vegetation in urban areas. The aim of this paper is to process satellite images for monitoring agricultural areas. Satellite images used in this study are medium and high resolution images taken from QuickBird and SPOT systems. Based on these images, a supervised classification was performed of a very large area, having as result the land use classes. Supervised classification can be defined as the ability to group the pixels that compose the satellite image, digitally, in accordance with their real significance. Gaussian algorithm of maximum similarity (Maximum likelihood) was used, referred to in the specialty literature as maximum likelihood method or probabilistic classification, and based on the use of probability theory (function Gaussian) to compare the spectral values of each pixel in hand with statistical " fingerprint "of each area of interest. Practically, conditional probabilities were calculated of belonging to one class or another. The points in the middle of the group have a higher probability of belonging to the certain class, probability intervals (concentric isolines or contours of equal probability) being delimited graphically by izocontours expressing spectral variations within each set of training

    Monitoring of Excavation Works Using Modern Measuring Technology

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    Modern technology plays a fundamental role in the engineering activities undertaken in day-to-day operations, in order to obtain the necessary material for construction or to obtain certain useful materials that are found near the surface. A special contribution of this branch of terrestrial measurements, of the topography, using modern technology, is materialized by specific studies carried out from a preliminary phase of design of the operation and up to the phase in which the perimeter is ecologized. The present article aims to test and evaluate the accuracy of the data for volumetric measurements of exploited material, using modern technology and specialized software based on topographic altitude, with which we will be able to realize the three-dimensional model of the operating perimeter. For this purpose, an exploitation has been chosen on the appropriate surface, materialized through a case study, with reference to the Doman Quarry, Caras Severin, in which we determined the volumes exploited during the activity period