14 research outputs found


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    This study is related to public policy issues, such as the ethics of marketing practices and the dynamics of popular culture. Although textbooks often present the consumer as a rational decision maker, often harmful for consumer activities of the individual or society. Often, the consumer's worst enemy is himself. Growth is still important, even morally required, if individuals and society towards improving the living standards of the peoples of the world. Socio-philosophical concept of social justice is an attribute that you should hold shares or individual therapy or groups in society, within the existing social order and moral or desirable. Values govern our actions and personality. Knowledge and understanding of business values gives the company the ability to control and manage in a sustainable manner, its future. Managers should sacrifice their own needs in favor of employee needs, and the last would have to give up their ambitions and needs, to eliminate customer sacrifice. Equality and freedom are two forms of the same fundamental values. Current marketing is a factor of democratization. Companies traded on the market, falling into one of two dichotomous situation: the mission and their action in the service of others, the community, its employees and the environment, or choose the dishonor, deceiving their confidence. Marketing itself is a subject of intense dispute. Today, competitiveness is the productivity growth in the use of resources. All forms of pollution are manifestations of economic waste. Companies that take a code of honor are reciving medals. Lack of Ethics is charged!marketing ethics, corporate social responsibility, consumer behavior, morality, role of marketing


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    Sport has been and continues to be a fun way for the masses and a long tradition since the ancient Greek and Roman times. People have always used sport to escape from their everyday problems. Emotions are the ones that lead sports fans to continue to support their favorite athletes and teams. Over the centuries, sports events have evolved into billions of dollar industries through large investments from corporations who want to associate the brand with a team or athlete. Most people, when they hear branding or branding, think about logos, but branding is much more than that. A brand has DNA, personality, identity, and so on. Brand is the essence of the product, and the logo is a small part of this complex set of elements. This paper aims at presenting some theoretical elements on the link between branding and sport, describing the branding process, the strength of the personal brand, trying to explain the reasons for choosing an athlete as an influencer for a particular brand. The paper is structured on several sections. The first section presents the concept of branding, the importance of branding in sports and the reasons why athletes are chosen to represent some of the world's largest brands. The following section presents the study carried out in this paper, the methods used and the results obtained. The last part of the article outlines the conclusions, limitations and suggestions for future work


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    Governance structure of nonprofit sports organizations involves three elements: the board, the governing board, and one or more subcommittees. The administrative board is made up of individuals or organizations registered as members, which have the right to vote on their membership status. Members of a nonprofit sports organization may include individual players or athletes, coaches, officials, administrators or other individuals. The governing board is responsible for making decisions during a mandate on behalf of the council and non-profit sports organizations. The governing board acts as the main forum of government where most organizational decisions are taken. In order to complete the objectives of governing, most non-profit sports organizations operate a system of subcommittees. The debt of the subcommittee is to focus on specific issues such as technical rules of committees, developing the training, financial management, human resources management or commercial business. Governance structures of nonprofit sports organizations were designed and analyzed extensively from three different perspectives: organizational theory, models of governance and inter-organizational relations. Each of these perspectives provide useful ways to consider the significant and recurring problems in the governance structure of nonprofit sports organizations. The organizational theory confirms that bigger organizations have become more formal, with several roles and departments of specialists and several levels of management in comparison with smaller organization


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    Succession and talent management approach from sports organizations should be shaped by its strategic goals, the context in which it can be find, and human resources requirements. We will present the six steps that provide a work schedule to design and implement succession in management: a) planning/extending the process, b) providing strategic integration, c) assess the current situation, d) identifying and assessing gifted individuals e) implementation: planning and undertaking development, f) evaluation. In the starting phase, the organization must define a business case for the succession in management. The second step should be considered in the demographic light of the organization and implications of the demographic change upon the application of candidates for critical organizational roles. By the third step, by estimating the current state of play, it is performed a risk assessment of possible departures from the existing already critical roles. The fourth step is to identify and evaluate the potential. It incorporates the identification of critical roles in the organization and the development of a clear understanding of the capabilities required for effectiveness in those roles. The fifth step is the implementation and this involves planning and implementing the program. The last step is evaluation. For the organization, assessing its results could be determined in the following terms: if organizational risk decreased, reduced or not


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    Today, the process of communication has come to be seen all together differently to how it was viewed a few decades ago, because contemporary society has greatly changed the way people interact with each other. Communication has stretched its arms to all areas, starting with businesses, where the human relations sector is quite important, up to sport organizations in which communication with the fans is essential. Organizations in all areas have become aware of the need for communication, realizing the strategic role that communication plays in achieving goals. The communication strategy is the defining lines of the organization’s attitude and conduct in order to achieve its communication goals and thereby performance goals. The paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the notions of social media and the connection between social media communications and the sports clubs, emphasizing how this connection leads to the increase of the awareness, with a practical example at the handball club SCM Craiova. REZUMAT. Interacțiunea cluburilor sportive cu fanii folosind comunicarea prin social media. Studiu de caz la SCM Craiova. Astăzi, procesul de comunicare a ajuns să fie privit în totalitate diferit față de modul în care a fost văzut în urmă cu câteva decenii, deoarece în societatea contemporană s-a schimbat foarte mult modul în care oamenii interacționează unul cu celălalt. Comunicarea și-a întins brațele în toate domeniile, pornind de la sfera afacerilor, unde sectorul relațiilor umane este destul de important, până la organizațiile sportive în care comunicarea cu fanii este esențială. Organizațiile din toate domeniile au devenit conștiente de nevoia de comunicare, realizând rolul strategic pe care îl joacă comunicarea în atingerea obiectivelor. Strategia de comunicare reprezintă liniile de definire a atitudinii și comportamentului organizației pentru a-și atinge obiectivele de comunicare și, prin urmare, obiectivele de performanță. Lucrarea urmărește prezentarea unor aspecte teoretice privind noțiunile de social media și legătura dintre comunicarea prin social media și cluburile sportive, subliniind modul în care această conexiune conduce la creșterea notorietății, prin prezentarea unui exemplu practic la clubul de handbal SCM Craiova. Cuvinte-cheie: social media, sport, marketing, Internet, comunicar


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    “Healthy mind in healthy body” has a wide coverage when it comes to personality development as a whole, including self-esteem. Through somatic optimization (better blood circulation, heart rate adjustment, hormonal balance, muscle strengthening, avoiding overweight, etc.), the sport also contributes to a higher self-esteem, through a greater weight of the physical self (perception of one’s body), in the general conception of self. If we make a connection between the quality of the overall life of people and the ways of spending their free time it is not difficult to observe that the high percentages of those who systematically practice physical exercise among the total population is itself an indicator of a society of some degree development. The practice of physical exercises was present in the social life of all the social-economic arrangements from the history of human society. The present paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the complexity of the roles of sport: the reciprocal effects between sport and society, the functions of sport, well-being and quality of life, the effects of standard of living and lifestyle on movement practice, organized physical education, but also a practical study regarding the influence of practicing physical exercises as a lifestyle on quality of life thus highlighting the importance of movement in our life. REZUMAT. Contribuția sportului la o viață sănătoasă. Dictonul „minte sănătoasă în corp sănătos” are o acoperire largă atunci când vine vorba despre dezvoltarea personalității în ansamblu, inclusiv despre respectul de sine. Prin optimizare somatică (mai bună circulație a sângelui, ajustarea frecvenței cardiace, echilibrul hormonal, întărirea mușchilor, evitarea excesului de greutate etc.), sportul contribuie, de asemenea, la o stimă de sine mai mare, printr-o pondere mai mare a sinelui fizic (percepția corpului cuiva), în concepția generală despre sine. Dacă facem o legătură între calitatea vieții oamenilor în general și modalitățile de a-și petrece timpul liber, este ușor să observăm că procentele mari ale celor care practică în mod sistematic exercițiul fizic în rândul populației totale este în sine un indicator al gradului de dezvoltare al unei societăți. Practica exercițiilor fizice a fost prezentă în viața socială a tuturor aranjamentelor social-economice din istoria societății umane. Lucrarea de față își propune să prezinte câteva aspecte teoretice cu privire la complexitatea rolurilor sportului: efectele reciproce dintre sport și societate, funcțiile sportului, bunăstarea și calitatea vieții, efectele nivelului de viață și ale stilului de viață asupra practicilor de mișcare, educația fizică organizată, dar și un studiu practic referitor la influența practicării exercițiilor fizice ca stil de viață asupra calității vieții, subliniind astfel importanța mișcării în viața noastră. Cuvinte cheie: stil de viață, beneficii, viață, obiective, sport


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    In contemporary social life, both ordinary people and political and cultural personalities value sport as a phenomenon with special functions in the development of the individual and through its socio-economic implications. Through its economic-financial implications such as the ever-flourishing industry of sports equipment and technology, huge amounts of money, accumulated and handled by clubs and sportsmen, advertisements, legal implications concerning national and international regulations, political implication in relationship with competition between countries, national pride, cultural implications including media, spectators, fanaticism, health implications in correlation with the obsession with the healthy body and others, it can be said that today sport is a major social phenomenon. This is valid for the developed countries, but also for the developing countries even if the agreement of opinions is not so high in this regard. In our paper we analyze the social and economic dimensions of the sport and of how it came to influence sustainable development today, as well as a presentation of the gains generated by some of the most important sporting events over time. REZUMAT. Contribuția sportului la dezvoltarea economică și socială. În prezent, atât pentru oamenii simpli, cât şi pentru personalităţile politice şi culturale, sportul este un fenomen cu caracteristici specifice care contribuie nu doar la dezvoltarea individuală, dar are şi implicaţii economice şi sociale. Prin implicaţiile sale economice şi sociale care au în vedere industriile şi tehnologiile de echipament sportiv, implicaţiile legale manifestate prin reglementările naţionale şi internaţionale, implicaţiile politice care vizează competiţiile între ţări şi mândria naţională, implicaţiile culturale care fac referire la mass-media, spectatori şi chiar fanatism, implicaţiile pentru sănătate care vizează un corp sănătos şi altele putem să afirmăm că sportul este un fenomen social major. Acest lucru este valabil atât pentru ţările dezvoltate cât şi pentru ţările în curs de dezvoltare chiar dacă există divergenţe de opinie în acest sens. În lucrarea de faţă analizăm dimensiunile economice şi sociale ale sportului, şi felul în care sportul contribuie la dezvoltarea durabilă, precum şi o prezentare a câştigurilor generate de cele mai importante evenimente sportive. Cuvinte cheie: evenimente sportive, practici sportive, efecte economice, dimensiune socială, creștere economică


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    eSports (Electronics Sports or short for esports, e-sports) is the term used in multiplayer computer games competitions, most of them organized and dedicated to professional players. Nowadays, esports has become a real industry, generating profits for the hardware companies, for the event organizers, but especially for the players, who can reach record receipts from the awards given at different events around them. Esports has slowly evolved into a cultural phenomenon. Across Asia, North America and Europe, the best pro gamers are competing for a share in hundreds of thousands of dollars at each tournament, watched by thousands if not millions of people around the globe. The present paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the connection between sport and society, and also the development of electronic sport in Romania. REZUMAT. Considerații cu privire la dezvoltarea fenomenului eSport. eSports (Electronics Sports sau prescurtare pentru eSports, e-sport) este termenul folosit în competițiile de jocuri pe computer multiplayer, majoritatea organizate și dedicate jucătorilor profesioniști. În zilele noastre, eSports a devenit o adevărată industrie, generând profituri pentru companiile de hardware, pentru organizatorii de evenimente, dar mai ales pentru jucători, care pot ajunge la încasări record din premiile acordate la diferite evenimente din jurul. eSportul a evoluat încet într-un fenomen cultural. În toată Asia, America de Nord și Europa, cei mai buni jucători profesioniști concurează pentru o cotă de sute de mii de dolari la fiecare turneu, urmăriți de mii, dacă nu chiar de milioane de oameni din întreaga lume. Prezenta lucrare își propune să prezinte câteva aspecte teoretice referitoare la conexiunea dintre sport și societate, precum şi dezvoltarea sportului electronic din România. Cuvinte cheie: eSport; Jocuri video profesionale; Jocuri video competitive


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    Globally, sponsorship has grown impressive over the last 30 years, receiving an increased importance in the communication mix of companies. Sport organizations have understood the importance and the role sponsorship it plays for the financial support they need. Sponsorship is the material support of an event, activity or organization by an unaffiliated partner. It is a good way to increase brand awareness, which helps to generate consumer preferences and promote brand loyalty and also improves the brand image. Brands play an important role in the development of companies because they bring a number of benefits to them. The paper "Innovation’s impact on sponsorship activation" aims to present a series of theoretical elements of activating sponsorship, as well as the element of innovation in this process, an element represented by the social media presence in our lives and in the last part of the paper is presented a study based on a survey on our topic. REZUMAT. Rolul social-media în activarea sponsorizării. La nivel global, sponsorizarea a crescut impresionant în ultimii 30 de ani, primind o importanță crescută în mixul de comunicare al companiilor. Organizațiile sportive au înțeles importanța și rolul de sponsorizare pe care îl joacă pentru sprijinul financiar de care au nevoie. Sponsorizarea este sprijinul material al unui eveniment, activitate sau organizație de către un partener neafiliat. Este o modalitate bună de a crește gradul de conștientizare a mărcii, care ajută la generarea preferințelor consumatorilor și la promovarea loialității mărcii și, de asemenea, îmbunătățește imaginea mărcii. Mărcile joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea companiilor, deoarece le aduc o serie de beneficii. Lucrarea „Impactul inovației asupra activării sponsorizării” își propune să prezinte o serie de elemente teoretice ale activării sponsorizării, precum și elementul de inovație în acest proces, element reprezentat de prezența social media în viețile noastre și în ultima parte a lucrării este prezentat un studiu bazat pe un sondaj pe tema noastră. Cuvinte cheie: Marcă, Activare Sponsorizare, Rețele Sociale, Sportiv

    Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Romanian Sport Organizations

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    Sports organizations worldwide are discovering their power of influence over the fans and communities in which they operate, making more and more specialists and practitioners question these organizations’ social responsibility and sustainable development. In sports organizations, although research is increasing, social responsibility and sustainability are topics that require special attention because sports organizations can instill values in a large number of people in different fields. In our paper, we propose a conceptual framework that allows for integrated research into corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the sustainability of sports organizations for sustainable management and identifies their influences on the overall performance. Based on the conceptual framework, we developed a scale for measuring sports organizations’ social responsibility and sustainability, which we applied within sports organizations in Romania. The empirical study involved 280 respondents selected from the first two leagues of four sports areas (football, handball, volleyball, basketball). To support the conceptual framework, we used quantitative research methods in a transversal analysis: structural equation modeling and artificial neural network analysis. The conclusions of the empirical study in Romania show that social responsibility and sustainability are essential for the sustainable management of sports organizations and significantly influence the organization’s overall performance. Among the pillars of sustainability, the social and human impact performance, given the specifics of sports organizations (involving large masses of people). Furthermore, legal and philanthropic responsibilities significantly influence CSR and organizational performance among CSR responsibilities