6 research outputs found


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    Economic policy measures are generally fundamented on a system of indicators which allows both a static and a dynamic analysis of the complex processes taking place at macroeconomic level, especially when dealing with structural changes or dependences between population and economy. Labor market development and functioning is one of the key issues of Romania’s transition to the market economy. This requires the total reconsideration of the employment policy and of the use of labor in general, as well as of the mechanisms regulating demand and supply of labor.labor force indicators, unemployment rate, employment indicators

    A Modern Quality Assurance System - Condition and Support to an Efficient Management

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    The development and diversification of the business environment needs better and better quality assurance for provided services and products for all execution stages. The organizational management, researchers and specialists in the quality management field are studying, analyzing, comparing and proposing modern solutions for organizing and monitoring a quality assurance system within organizations. In this context, this paper analyzes the interactions between development and quality as well as the way to perform and implement a procedure for regulating the way to prepare and update the documents needed for quality management at the knowledge-based organizations level, using IT&C


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    Economic policy measures are generally fundamented on a system of indicators which allows both a static and a dynamic analysis of the complex processes taking place at macroeconomic level, especially when dealing with structural changes or dependences between population and economy. Labor market development and functioning is one of the key issues of Romania’s transition to the market economy. This requires the total reconsideration of the employment policy and of the use of labor in general, as well as of the mechanisms regulating demand and supply of labor.labor force indicators, unemployment rate, employment indicators

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services

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    From a functional perspective, a service is a standalone unit, such as taking a request from an e-commerce site. By this definition, a service is an operation that can be invoked discreetly. Services can be combined to provide the functionality of a high scope software. SOA makes it easier for different software components on computers connected via a network to cooperate in order to accomplish a certain functionality. SOA comprises several dimensions that must work together effectively to be successful. The adoption of service-based technology itself will not allow organizations to achieve benefits associated with SOA

    Exploring the Impact of Electronic Commerce on Employment Rate: Panel Data Evidence from European Union Countries

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    The objective of this study is to explore the impact of electronic commerce on employment rate for a sample covering the whole 27 Member States of the European Union (EU-27), from 2010 to 2019. Moreover, this research explores the clusters of nations with reference to electronic commerce adoption and employment rate dynamics. The outcomes of cluster analysis show that Western Europe reveals the most developed e-commerce marketplace in EU-27, shown by Internet accessibility and high penetration rate of digital tools, and the lowest figures are registered in the Eastern part of Europe. Furthermore, the empirical findings of the panel data fixed-effects and the generalized least squares regressions suggest that electronic commerce influences employment rate positively. By including country-level control variables (real GDP growth rate, research and development expenditure, employed ICT specialists, enterprises with Internet access), the outcomes reveal that one percentage change in enterprises’ total turnover from e-commerce sales, enterprises’ turnover from web sales, and enterprises with e-commerce sales of at least 1% turnover will increase employment rate by 0.205, 0.258, and 0.350 percentage points. Furthermore, the econometric evidence from the method of moments quantile regression models with fixed effects reinforces our findings. Enterprises’ total turnover from e-commerce sales and the percentage of enterprises with e-commerce sales of at least 1% turnover positively influence employment rate for all quintiles, but in the case of enterprises’ turnover from web sales, the effect is positive only for the quintiles ranging from 0.5–0.8

    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): The Engine of Economic Growth through Investments and Innovation

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are crucial for local economic development, playing a noteworthy role in job creation, poverty alleviation and economic growth, but they encounter many funding barriers. The purpose of the current paper is to investigate the impact of investments and innovation on territorial economic growth, as measured by turnover, for Romanian active enterprises, especially SMEs, over the period 2009–2017. By estimating several log–log linear regressions, the quantitative outcomes provide support for a positive influence of investments on turnover. The association was confirmed both for all active enterprises at the national level, as well as for micro, small, middle-sized and big companies. As regards expenditures on innovation, a positive impact on turnover was acknowledged for all enterprises and particularly for big companies, but there was an absence of any statistically significant relation in the case of SMEs. The impact of firm size on turnover was positive for all active enterprises at the national level, along with active micro-units. Also, the estimation results show a positive impact of the number of active micro-units on territorial economic growth. The empirical findings are relevant to managers and policymakers in order to stimulate, encourage and offer support to SMEs’ development through their strategies