1,686 research outputs found


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    The economic development of the community must not be viewed as an ordinary quantitative increase, measured in GDP parts. It must be viewed as a whole, considering all the factors that characterise this community. It will be understood as an effect of a performing management, which manifests maximal sensitivity and ability regarding the resources coordination in order to completely satisfy the interest of its members.sustainable development, European management, geography of organizations

    The Development and the Evaluation of a System for Extracting Events from Web Pages

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    The centralization of a particular event is primarily useful for running news services. These services should provide updated information, if possible even in real time, on a specific type of event. These events and their extraction involved the automatic analysis of linguistic structure documents to determine the possible sequences in which these events occur in documents. This analysis will provide structured and semi-structured documents in which the unit events can be extracted automatically. In order to measure the quality of a system, a methodology will be introduced, which describes the stages and how the decomposition of a system for extracting events in components, quality attributes and properties will be defined for these components, and finally will be introduced metrics for evaluation.Event, Performance Metric, Event Extraction System


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    The corruption is a complex and generalized phenomenon all over the world, withcultural, social, psychological, political and economical dimensions. The defining and the studyingof the phenomenon are going through the most different thinking filters known in the specializedliterature: social-cultural, political, administrative and economic. The article’s aim is to quantifyand analyze the relationship between corruption and political, administrative and economicdeterminants factors, through a regressive "pool data" model. The sample includes the 27 countriesof the actual European Union, and the data refer to the period 1996-2008. The study shows that thelimitation of corruption’s phenomena (maximizing FC index) has the result of increasing of socialwelfare (maximizing HDI index).corruption, social welfare, EU27

    The particularities of the calculation and of the cost reduction in lignite production

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    In the market economy, the entities are, in an objective way, obliged to be preoccupied with the reduction of costs, taking into consideration the relationship of independence and indirect proportionality between the level of production costs and profit. The laws of competition oblige to the limitation of the waste channels, to the introduction of performant tehnological and tehnical solutions, to the systematic development of the work productivity. Because of this, we appreciated that is advisable that also in the extraction of lignite, we should determine a correct production cost, according to which should be possible the identification of the cost optimization possibilities. On the other hand, the effective cost of the lignite has a major importance because it represents the price which is registered in the accountancy, and, at the same time, through its size, concreted in stocks, it influences the total of the circulant actives and the net active, and the financial result of the exercise. These aspects can be arguments for the option of approaching this work’s theme, in which there are analised the following problems: the general structure and the particularities of the production cost in lignite extraction and the directions for the minimization of the effective production cost, including for the applying of the standard-cost method.lignite stocks, production costs, actual cost, standard cost, cost reduction.


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    In case of online applications the cycle of software development varies from the routine. The online environment, the variety of users, the treatability of the mass of information created by them, the reusability and the accessibility from different devices are all factors of these systems complexity. The use of model drive approach brings several advantages that ease up the development process. Working prototypes that simplify client relationship and serve as the base of model tests can be easily made from models describing the system. These systems make possible for the banks clients to make their desired actions from anywhere. The user has the possibility of accessing information or making transactions.MDA, UML, Online Banking, Class diagram, Platform Independent Model


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    The paper analyzes the relationship between taxes and economic growth in the case ofRomania in the period January 1999 - March 2010, using an unrestricted Vector AutoregressionModel (VAR) based on the rate of dynamic taxation’s level and the rate of dynamic economic growth.The relationship is questioned in both directions, namely with reference to the manner in which taxesaffect economic growth, but also in terms of the influence that economic growth exerts on taxes in thecase of Romania for the mentioned period. The results show that tax policy in Romania cannot be takento extremes, and should be very carefully implemented because a large amount of factors can influencethe resultstax, growth, VAR analysis, impulse functions, effects

    Geography of waste as a new approach in waste management study

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    Municipal waste management in the last two decades has become a global environmental priority in the context of increasing amounts of waste generated due to the development of a mass consumer society. Various issues of waste management , territorial and temporal variability, spatial analysis of treatment or disposal facilities, systemic implications on the environment, the harmonization of international policy at national, regional and local level are solid arguments for studying this field by geography. Mostly technical or economic studies, lacking a vision of territory are supplemented in the conceptual and methodological level by geographers. This paper performed on the one hand, an overview of various approaches in current literature on waste management issue and on another hand analyses the geographical contributions in this field. Our conclusions lead to the idea that waste management must be performed according to the geographical features of the territory concerned
