158 research outputs found

    La educación de las virtudes morales en la infancia: un análisis filosófico

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es presentar las dos grandes tradiciones éticas que han predominado el mundo de la filosofía moral Occidental y, por tanto, las dos visiones diferentes que se han tenido de la educación moral. Se incide sobre todo en explicar la importancia de la ética de las virtudes en la formación del carácter de cualquier individuo, formación que ha de empezar en la infancia y seguir a lo largo de toda la vida. La ética de las virtudes ha estado presente desde sus orígenes en la Antigua Grecia hasta nuestro mundo actual aunque, como cualquier otra ética, ha tenido sus períodos de declive. En este trabajo se defiende una recuperación de esa visión de la moral humana, reflexionando sobre sus conceptos, fundamentos y propuestas de cara al desarrollo de una educación moral en la actualidad

    Assessment of metabolic syndrome components in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) consists of multiple cardiometabolic risk factors that tend to aggregate in an individual more often than only by chance. It frequently coexists with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of the present study is to characterize the prevalence of MS and its traits, as well as the modalities of clustering of the components, in 1111 (49.6% female, 50.4% male; mean age of 59 years) newly diagnosed T2DM patients from an outpatient diabetes clinic. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF)'s definition, the abdominal obesity is one of "any three of five characteristics" in a person with MS. As all our patients were diabetics, in order to be defined as having MS they must have had a waist circumference ≥ 94 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women and at least one of any of the following factors: elevated triglycerides: ≥150 mg/dL or specific treatment for this lipid abnormality; decreased HDL-cholesterol: 100 mg/dL. Metabolic syndrome incidence was high, no matter what definition was used: 89.7% (IDF's definition), 92.3% (the 2009 harmonized definition with a cut-off value for waist of 80 cm in women and 94 cm in men) and 88.6% (the 2009 harmonized definition with a cut-off value for waist of 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men). The concordance between the three definitions was 85.3% (higher in women). Most of the patients with MS fulfilled four of the criteria. Beside hyperglycemia, the decreasing frequency of MS traits was: increased waist circumference (96.4%), high blood pressure (84.8%), low HDL cholesterol (63.9%) and high triglycerides (57.9%). Among patients with MS, the increased waist and low HDL cholesterol were more frequent findings in women than in men, while hypertriglyceridemia was more frequent in men. Mean value for both systolic and diastolic pressure were higher in women. In sum, the results underline the high prevalence of MS among subjects with newly diagnosed T2DM and in majority of cases, four components are clustering. The clustering appears to be dependent on excess of visceral adipose tissue and has a different pattern depending on gender.Adipobiology 2012; 4: 91-96

    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a marker of adipose tissue distribution

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    Recent evidence has shifted the paradigm of white adipose tissue from simple energy storage to the body's major endocrine and paracrine organ synthesizing and releasing multiple signaling proteins, collectively termed adipokines. White adipose tissue is distributed in two large depots (subcutaneous and visceral) and many small depots associated with the heart, blood vessels, lymph nodes, ovaries, mammary glands, prostate gland, pancreas. Even in a lean person, adipose tissue represents about 15-20 % of body weight, including external (subcutaneous and visceral) and internal (organ-associated) adipose tissue, the latter being even more important than the former; however the internal fat distribution was beyond the scope of the present study. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a term used to describe the accumulation of fat in the liver of people in the absence of alcohol consumption or consumption of less than 20 g/day. It is a progressive, low-grade inflammatory disease related to obesity and metabolic syndrome. NAFLD represent a spectrum of disorders ranging from fat accumulation (steatosis) to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) that can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinic and metabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD depending on gender and BMI and to assess relation of adipose tissue distribution with insulin resistance. Total of 118 patients (mean age 55.93 years; male, 46, female, 72) with type 2 diabetes evaluated in an outpatient diabetes clinic were diagnosed with NAFLD by ultrasonography and were assessed by weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, fasting plasma glucose, HbAlc, and fasting insulin level. We calculated the HOMA-IR index [FPG (mmol/l) x FI (μU/ml)]:22.5. Body adipose percentage and trunk adipose content were measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (TANITA BC-418). Overall, the present results suggest that insulin resistance may be considered a pathogenic link between T2DM and NAFLD, also at the level of adipose tissue distribution. Evaluating the distribution of internal, organ-associated adipose tissue remains a challenge for future studies in patients with T2DM and NAFLD.Adipobiology 2012; 4: 97-101

    A short observational study regarding the lifestyle intervention in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients - cohort 2010

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    To evaluate the results in metabolic control at newly discovered type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM) patients regarding the lifestyle optimization only. In this short (1 year) observational study we included a number of 1855 newly discovered T2DM patients. We compared body mass index (BMI), fasting blood glucose (FBG), HbA1c, triglycerides (TG), high density level cholesterol (HDLc) all these recorded initially at the diagnosis and then 1 year later. At baseline 52.91% males and 52.41% females were recommended only lifestyle and the rest was treated with metformin, sulfonylurea or insulin. After one year the patients who remained on lifestyle only decreased with only 5%, demonstrating that lifestyle optimization remains one of the most important "therapeutic" tools in the metabolic control of T2DM patients studied.Adipobiology 2012; 4: 103-106

    Study on the use of new trends, materials and exercises for the development of coordination in 5th grade students (10-11 years old)

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    From studying the bibliography and from experience we found that education issues regarding coordination abilities are addressed very vaguely and made by practical means scientifically unproven as effective. In today's sports branches, the importance of coordinative capacities is the starting point in the correct performance of motor skills but also in the ability to quickly adapt to different situations or working conditions. With the increase in the level of development of these motor capacities, in schools, through dedicated lessons, we could speak of a much better selection for certain sports branches but also for performance sports. Research presented at various scientific conferences and the published papers had a good impact on the specialists of Sport Science and Physical Education. We believe today that these studies are just the beginning to modernize the entire contents aimed at optimizing the motor capacities of the child. We know that today's young people, with problems of a motor nature, also have problems of an affective-social nature. This psychosocial imbalance is closely related to psychomotor development. In this sense, psychomotricity must be promoted as the main part of personality development

    Barrett\u27s esophagus as a premalignant condition; medical and surgical therapeutic management

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    Barrett\u27s esophagus (BE) represents a special clinical entity, which may have reduced symptoms, but an increased potential for malignant degeneration. The factors that lead to the appearance of Barrett\u27s esophagus are multiple, the most important being gastro-esophageal reflux, as well as smoking and obesity. BE occurs as a result of damage of the esophageal mucosa, caused by acid/basic gastroesophageal reflux and resulting in the transformation of the epithelium from squamous to intestinal type. The diagnosis of BE is primarily based on endoscopic examination. This method has not only a diagnostic role, but also a therapeutic one through the minimally invasive resection of the mucosa with suspicious dysplastic lesions, thus reducing the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Conservative therapeutic methods by administering chemoprotective agents (proton pump inhibitors, statins, etc.) are also useful. Surgical treatment of Barrett\u27s esophagus aims to both resect areas of high-grade esophageal dysplasia/adenocarcinoma and reduce the degree of gastroesophageal reflux through various surgical procedures. As a conclusion, the potential for malignant degeneration of BE should not be neglected, the form of treatment largely depending on the patient\u27s age and comorbidities

    Diabetes mellitus: interdisciplinary medical, surgical and psychological therapeutic approach

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    Diabetes mellitus is a complex and widespread metabolic disease, having extremely complex implications (biological, psychological, social) for patients. Understanding the pathophysiology of diabetes (majorly influenced by various factors such as genetic predisposition, age, lifestyle choices, etc.) is essential for the prevention of this condition and the establishment of effective treatment strategies. The latest and relevant literature data related to the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of diabetes are presented, after an exhaustive review of the articles published on this topic and indexed in the WOS, PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. Preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes can be achieved in some patients with type 2 diabetes. After onset, treatment of diabetes is complex, involving a comprehensive approach (pharmacological interventions, lifestyle changes, surgical interventions in selected cases, as well as psychological support), depending on the stage of the disease and possible associated complications. Finally, diabetes is often asymptomatic in the initial stages, so an early diagnosis remains the essential element for the best subsequent therapeutic control

    Influența exercitată de Led-uri și tuburile fluorescente, de diferite culori, asupra proceselor regenerative și a morfogenezei la culturile in vitro de Rebutia heliosa

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    The paper traces how the light source and light color influence the regenerative processes and morphogenesis in vitro cultures of Rebutia heliosa. To establish the vitroculture of R. heliosa, some explants from young plants, either buds or rounds cut from young stems and cross-sectioned were considered. The culture medium consisted of: macroelements and Fe EDTA Murashige-Skoog (1962), microelements Heller (1953), a mineral mixture to which the following vitamins were added: pyridoxine HCl, thiamine HCl and nicotinic acid (each 1 mg/l, each), m-inositol – 100 mg/l, sucrose – 20 g/l and agar-agar 7 g/l, without growth phytoregulators.The variable element was the lighting source. Fluorescent tubes and LEDs (monochrome but differently coloured) have been used: blue (λ = 470 nm), yellow (λ = 580 nm), green (λ = 540 nm), red (λ = 670 nm) as well as LED`s emitting white light (λ = 510 nm) at a luminous intensity of 1000 lux. The evolution of R. heliosa vitro cultures was monitored for 90 days and analyzed their reaction variability. Based on the comparative study, the following can be stated: the light of fluorescent tubes is more suitable for the morphogenesis of R. heliosa vitroplants, but the processes of regeneration and organogenesis are directly influenced by the source and color of light influenced, thus rhizogenesis and caulogenesis is favored by the presence of green and red light emitted by LEDs, while the white and yellow light of fluorescent tubes favors the caulogenesis and callusogenesis processes.Lucrarea urmărește modul în care sursa de iluminare și culoarea luminii influențează procesele regenerative și morfogeneza în vitroculturile de R. heliosa. Pentru a înființa vitrocultura de R. heliosa am prelevat explante de la plante t inere, fie mugurași, fie rondele decupate din tulpinile tinere și secţionate transversal. Mediul de cultură utilizat de noi a constat din: macroe-lemente şi Fe EDTA Murashige-Skoog (1962), microelemente Heller (1953), amestec mineral la care au fost adăugate vitaminele: piridoxină HCl, tiamină HCl şi acid nicotinic (câte 1 mg/l, fiecare), m-inozitol – 100 mg/l, zaharoză – 20 g/l şi agar-agar 7 g/l, fără fitoregulatori de creștere. Variabila este reprezentată de sursa de iluminare, tuburi fluorescente și LED-uri (monocrome și diferit colorate): albastru (λ = 470nm), galben (λ = 580nm), verde (λ = 540nm), roșu (λ = 670nm) și LED-uri care emit lumină albă (λ = 510nm) la o intensitate luminoasă de 1000 lux. Am urmărit timp de 90 de zile evoluţia vitroculturilor de R. heliosa și am analizat variabilitatea de reacţie a acestora iar pe baza studiului comparativ putem afirma următoarele: lumina tuburilor fluorecente este mai potrivită pentru morfogeneza vitroplantulelor de R. heliosa, dar procesele de regenerare și organogeză sunt influențate în mod direct de sursa și culoarea luminii, astfel rizogeneza și caulogeneza este favorizează de prezența luminii verde și roșie emisă de LED-uri în timp ce lumina albă și galbenă a tuburilor fluorescente avantajează procesele de caulogeneză și calusogeneză

    Added value of intravenous contrast-enhanced ultrasound for characterization of cystic pancreatic masses: a prospective study on 37 patients

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the added value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the pancreatic cystic mass (PCM) diagnosis by using a qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to make a relevant characterization. Patients and method: Between December 2008 and November 2011, 37 patients with PCM discovered at ultrasound examination were prospectively followed. A qualitative and quantitative CEUS analysis was performed in order to differentiate etiologies of the PCM. In the quantitative analysis several parameters were followed: Peak Intensity (PI), Time to Peak (TTP), maximum ascending gradient (GRAD), Time to maximum gradient (TTG) and Area Under the Curve (AUC). Normalized ratios were also calculated. In all patients a definite cytological or histological diagnosis was obtained. Results: Thirty-seven patients were studied: 12 with pancreatitis-associated pseudocyst and 25 with cystic tumors (10 serous cystic adenoma, 5 mucinous cystic adenoma, 6 cystadenocarcinomas, 2 solid pseudopapillary tumors and 2 intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms). There was a significant difference of the nAUC and nTTP between pseudocyst and cystic tumors, p=0.03 and p=0.01, respectively. A normalized TTP value above 7 sec was suggestive for the diagnosis of pseudocysts with 79.16 % accuracy. There was a significant difference of nTTP and nTTG between the benign and malignant lesions. nTTP < 9 sec and nTTG < 8.5 sec rules out malignant cysts in almost 90% of cases. Conclusion: The CEUS is useful in the diagnosis of PCM. The quantitative analysis of the enhancement of the cystic wall may discriminate the different types of the PCM