1 research outputs found

    Infiintarea unui spital privat in Romania

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    In Romania, health legislation encourages the foundation of private medical units. This article discusses the reasons why it is benefic to open such hospitals, especially in the conditions where the Romanians are faced with the problem of the diminution of the number of public hospitals, and consequently of the number of beds. The article also presents the legal conditions to follow in order to open such an institution and makes a short review of the most important aspect to consider out when discussing the subject of planning a new hospital. Because the private hospital not only serves the population, but also it is an institution that has to provide financial profits, it is very important to take into account aspects related to the location, the characteristics of the population to be served,  the financial investment and so on. Anyway, if planned carefully and according to the law, the private health units can influence the quality of the medical act and the satisfaction of the population, by the stimulation of the competition.In Romania, legislatia incurajeaza infiintarea unitatilor medicale private. Acest articol prezinta motivele beneficiilor infiintarii unor spitale private, in special in conditiile in care Romania se confrunta cu o diminuare a numarului de spitale publice si, consecutiv, a numarului de paturi de spital. Articolul descrie, de asemenea, conditiile legale ce trebuie respectate pentru infiintarea unei asemenea institutii si o scurta revizie a celor mai importante aspecte punctate de literatura stiintifica in termeni de planificare a unui nou spital. Deoarece spitalul privat nu doar serveste populatia, dar, de asemenea, reprezinta o institutie care trebuie sa produca beneficii financiare, este foarte important sa fie luate in considerare aspecte privind locatia, caracteristicile populatiei deservite, investitiile financiare necesare etc. Printr-o planificare atenta si in concordanta cu prevederile legale,  unitatile medicale private nou infiintate pot influenta calitatea actului medical si satisfactia populatiei, ca urmare a cresterii competitiei