27 research outputs found


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    Any enterprise is willing to get a higher profit and when taxation is low and when this is higher. As a manager, you do not justify your presence in the top, if you do not want to maximize your business opportunities, and get as much as possible. Therefore, the new lump-sum tax introduced by means of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2009, from our point of view, it directly acts over the firms’ financing. The Government Emergency Ordinance no.34/ 2009 concerning the introduction of the lumpsum tax in Romania, the measures that restrict and remove costs that can be deductible in a firm’s accounting, as well as those related to the rise of the tax to be paid by microenterprises caused strong debates in the business environment, especially within small businessmen. Financiers could not mention how long the firms would pay the lump-sum tax, because according to economic forecasts, many of them will not succeed to outrun the crisis and forecast a gloomy period for Romania, especially when, according to deadlines in the ordinance, many measures will be maintained up to the end of the next year, that obviously indicates the date when the state authorities expect a modification of the situation.business environment, SME, income, tax, profit, turnover


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    The current financial and economic crisis seems to be unprecendentely in the last half century. The economic downturn extented in the USA, Europe and Japan seems to be much more painful than the economic downturn in 1981-1982. A massive drop of confidence is under way, both across the business sector, and the consumers, both reacting by cutting costs. The U.S. Government and some governments in Europe, are trying to recover stability, and nationalized parts of their financial sectors to an extent that is in conflict with the modern capitalism basics. Today the entire world seems to change its direction, shaping its course to a period wherein the state role will be higher, and that of the private sector will be lower. This will be probably the most dramatic consequence of the current economic crisis.liquidity, inflation, financial-accounting reportings, fiscal policy, financial markets

    Fiscal Policy during the current Crisis

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    Fiscal policy is an important government tool for managing the economy, having the ability to affect the total amount of output produced - GDP. Changes in the level and composition of government spending, taxation or other instruments of fiscal policy have impact on aggregate demand, the pattern of resource allocation, and the distribution of income. The article shows the mechanisms through which fiscal policy stabilizes the business cycle, and the specific requirements for fiscal policy during recession; the practical problems that may occur in implementing an effective fiscal policy are emphasized. Regarding the circumstances of the current financial and economic crises, the revival of the fiscal policy as a macroeconomic policy faces high expectations as to what it can accomplish. The paper highlights the composition of fiscal stimulus package, and reviews the specific fiscal stimulus plans adopted so far by different countries and their objectives. The final section contains an overview of the Romanian government response to the current crises, regarding fiscal policy. The conclusion is that Romania has conducted an inconsistent and ineffective fiscal policy, which has contributed to macro-economic and fiscal imbalances and to an increased fiscal pressure on business. Therefore, a medium-term fiscal framework has to be implemented, in order to ensure effectiveness and fiscal sustainability.fiscal policy, automatic stabilizers, discretionary fiscal policy, fiscal stimulus, government spending, taxation

    New approaches regarding business combinations

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    The accounting for business combinations is a very important area, therefore it needs a high quality accounting standard that could be used for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting. IASB issued in January 2008 the revised IFRS 3 Business Combinations, which aims to help both users and preparers of the consolidated financial statements by improving the relevance, reliability and comparability of the information reported by companies around the world. This article aims to highlight few significant changes in the accounting treatment of business combinations that have arisen from the revised IFRS 3, focusing on the accounting principles surrounding the recognition and measurement of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree and any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and on the implications for calculating and measuring goodwill.control, acquisition method, fair value, non-controlling interest, goodwill

    Issues on recognition, measurement and impairment of goodwill

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    Investors and their advisers have to asses how the activities of the acquirer and its acquired business develop following a business combination. Due to a complexity of business activities this is a challenging exercise. Certainly, one of the major challenge concerns the goodwill. Is it an asset? How can it be measured? Which are the implications on fair image of financial position and performances? Therefore, the accounting treatment of goodwill involves applying professional judgment in terms of meeting criteria for its recognition as an intangible asset, but also related to the initial measurement and its impairment. IFRS 3 (Revised) “Business Combinations” will create significant changes in accounting for goodwill, and further more, for business combinations.goodwill, fair value, impairment loss, full goodwill, non-controlling interest

    Arguments for introducing accrual based accounting in the public sector

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    From a long time, accounting for public entities has been on a cash basis, with no change until the '80s when it was considered appropriate that these should move closer to commercial accounting principles practiced in the private sector. Demands for better accountability by governments and by public sector managers are being heard around the world as the public realizes that living on credit is not sustainable for individuals and the same principle applies to governments. The paper highlights the main characteristics of accrual accounting, arguments and counter-arguments on this reform and particular aspects of Public Accountancy reform in Romania through introduction of accounting-based accrual, in order to facilitate better planning, financial management and decision making in government as well as an accepted way of measuring the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public policies.public sector, accrual-based accounting, public accountancy reform in Romania

    Issues on Hedge Effectiveness Testing

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    The starting point for risk management and hedging lies in understanding a corporation’s exposure to different risks. Hedging is vital for corporate risk management, involving reducing the exposure of the company to particular risks. Hedge effectiveness testing permits firms to assess if they match the timing of the gains and losses of hedged items and their hedging derivatives. In principle, a hedge is highly effective if the changes in fair value or cash flow of the hedged item and the hedging derivative offset each other to a significant extent. This article reviews the concepts of accounting and economic hedging, and presents the requirements for testing the hedge effectiveness.hedge accounting, hedging effectiveness, hedging ineffectiveness, highly effective, effectiveness test

    Capital adequacy and risk management - premises for strengthening financial system stability

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    In the last decades, we have witnessed the progressive integration of European financial system, as a result of the cumulative effect of markets' liberalization, innovation and globalisation, and of harmonization of the regulations and implementation of financial reforms by the EU Member States. In this context, increased risk of financial instability necessarily requires the development of standards and codes of best practices in order to improve financial system integrity and stability, and to insure the health of the global banking and financial markets. From this perspective, the Basel II Accord represents a true revolution, aiming the improvement of the consistency of capital regulations internationally and better operational risk management practices. As a member of the EU, Romania is currently through the stages of implementation of Basel II, starting 1st of January 2008. As a central bank, NBR main objectives are: to adapt national legislation; to coordinate the efforts of credit institutions to develop new strategies regarding solvency, capital adequacy and measurement system for each risk category; to impose the disclosure requirements for financial reports and to adapt the IT system.Basel II Accord, capital adequacy, financial system stability, minimum capital requirements, risk management, risk-weighted assets

    Arguments for introducing accrual based accounting in the public sector

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    From a long time, accounting for public entities has been on a cash basis, with no change until the '80s when it was considered appropriate that these should move closer to commercial accounting principles practiced in the private sector. Demands for better accountability by governments and by public sector managers are being heard around the world as the public realizes that living on credit is not sustainable for individuals and the same principle applies to governments. The paper highlights the main characteristics of accrual accounting, arguments and counter-arguments on this reform and particular aspects of Public Accountancy reform in Romania through introduction of accounting-based accrual, in order to facilitate better planning, financial management and decision making in government as well as an accepted way of measuring the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public policies