58 research outputs found

    Effect of inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on yield and fodder value of winter pea in wheat mixture

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    Dvogodišnjim istraživanjima (1999. do 2001.g.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učin-kovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimog graška i prihrane dušikom na broj i aktivnost kvržica na korijenu graška, te prinos zelene mase, suhe tvari i krmnu vrijednost smjese graška cv. Maksimirski ozimi i pšenice cv. Sana. Prije sjetve izvršena je predsjetvena bakterizacija sjemena graška s autohtonim sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U utvrđivanju (25. 04. 2000. i 2001.) ukupni najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti (154), kao i aktivni broj kvržica 144. Prosječni prinosi zelene mase smjese iznosili su od 46,3 t ha-1 (kontrola) do 54,7 t ha-1 (bakterizacija). U ukupnom prinosu zelene mase, udio mase graška iznosio je od 28 % (prihrana dušikom) pa do 34 % (kontrola). Ukupni prinosi suhe tvari iznosili su od 11,65 t ha-1 (kontrola) pa do 13,25 t ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). U masi bakterizirane varijante 2 i kontrolne varijante 1 je utvrđen veći udio graška u suhoj tvari (29,6 i 28 %) u odnosu na dušikom prihranjivane varijante 3 (23,8 %) i 4 (22,5 %). Prinosi sirovih bjelančevina graška u 2001. g. varirali su od 196 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 300 kg ha-1 (bakterizacija), a pšenice od 1 707 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 2 111 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Ukupni prinosi sirovih bjelančevina smjese iznosili su od 1 903 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 2 407 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom).Two year field trials (1999-2001) were carried out to determin the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on number and activity of pea root nodules and also on the green mass and dry matter yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and wheat cv. Sana mixture. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was performed by the indigenous variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which is part of the microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. In the investigation period (25th April, 2000 and 2001) the highest total nodule number on pea root was determined on the inoculated variant (154) as well as active nodule 144. Average mixture green mass yield were ranging from 46,3 t ha-1 (control) up to 54,7 t ha-1 (inoculation). Pea mass content in total green mass yield was from 28 % (nitrogen top-dressing) up to 34 % (control). Total dry matter yields were ranging from 11,65 t ha-1 (control) up to 13,25 t ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Inoculated mass variant 2 and control variant 1 had (29,6 % and 28 %) a higher pea mass content in respect to nitrogen top-dressing variants 3 and 4 (23,8 and 22,5 %). Pea crude proteins yields in 2001 were ranging from 196 kg ha-1 (control) up to 300 kg ha-1 (inoculation) and for wheat, those values ranged from 1 707 kg ha-1 (control) up to 2 111 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Total crude proteins mixture yield were from 1 903 kg ha-1 (control) up to 2 407 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing)

    Effect of inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on yield and fodder value of winter pea in triticale mixture

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    Dvogodišnjim istraživanjima (1999. do 2001. g.) utvrđivan je utjecaj bakterizacije sjemena ozimog graška kao i utjecaj prihrane dušikom na broj i aktivnost kvržica na korijenu graška, na prinos zelene mase, suhe tvari i na krmnu vrijednost smjese graška cv. Maksimirski ozimi i tritikale cv. Clercal. Prije sjetve izvršena je predsjetvena bakterizacija sjemena graška autohtonim sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Najveći ukupni broj kvržica na korijenu graška (141), kao i aktivni broj kvržica (133) utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti. Prosječni prinosi zelene mase smjese iznosili su od 48,2 t ha-1 (kontrola) do 52,1 t ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Ukupni prinosi suhe tvari iznosili su od 11,6 t ha-1 (kontrola) do 13,3 t ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Prinosi sirovih bjelančevina graška u 2001. g. varirali su od 196 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 333 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom), a tritikale od 1 562 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 2 105 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Ukupni prinosi sirovih bjelančevina smjese iznosili su od 1 758 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 2 438 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom).Two year field trials (1999-2001) were carried out to determin the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on a number and activity of pea root nodules and also on the green mass and dry matter yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and triticale cv. Clercal mixture. Wright before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was performed by the indigenous variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which is part of microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (141) was determined on the inoculated variant as well as active nodule (133). Average mixture green mass yield were ranging from 48,2 t ha-1 (control) up to 52,1 t ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Total dry matter yields were ranging from 11,6 t ha-1 (control) up to 13,3 t ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Pea crude proteins yields in 2001 were ranging from 196 kg ha-1 (control) up to 333 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing) and for triticale, those values were from 1 562 kg ha-1 (control) up to 2 105 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Total crude proteins mixture yield were from 1 758 kg ha-1 (control) up to 2 438 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing)

    Genotypic Characterisation of Indigenous Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae Field Population in Croatia

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    Genetic diversity of thirteen Rhizobium legumnosarum bv. viciae strains isolated from different field sites in continental part of Croatia was investigated. All rhizobial isolates were obtained either from plants grown in pots containing soil samples or from field grown plants. The strains were analyzed for DNA polymorphism using two DNA fingerprinting methods - randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) and repetitive extragenomic palindromic- PCR (rep-PCR). Both methods resulted in very similar grouping of strains. Cluster analysis of rep- and RAPD-PCR profi les showed significant differences among Rh. leguminosarum bv. viciae isolates. The highest differences were detected among reference strains and all field isolates revealing considerable genetic diversity of rhizobial field populations. These results suggest the presence of adapted indigenous Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strains, probably with higher competitive ability, whose symbiotic properties have to be evaluated in further investigations

    Enzymatic activity and microbiological characteristics of luvic and pseudogley soils in western Slavonia

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    Background and Purpose: Soil microorganisms participate in major processes associated with sustainable soil management and ensure cycling of nutrients required for plant production. Their role is of special importance for the dynamics of generation and decomposition of soil organic matter, and they also take part in other processes that provide soil fertility and health. Different anthropogenic influences as well as mechanical and chemical properties of soil have a significant influence on the presence of functional groups of microorganisms and on enzymatic activities in the plough-layer. The main research aim was to study the microbial characteristics and enzymatic activity in pseudogley and luvic soil types of western Slavonia. Materials and Methods: Soil samples collected from soil profiles differently affected by anthropogenic action, from four localities in western Slavonia were analyzed. Results: Average total number of micoorganisms was 13.90 ´ 106 CFU/g soil in pseudogley and 21.33 ´ 106 CFU/g soil in luvic soil. In pseudogley the proportion of functional groups was poor to medium and proteolytic activity was 6.21 (gelatine units/g soil). In luvic soil very good proportion of aerobic asymbiotic nitrogen fixators and cellulolytic fungi was determined. The average proteolytic activity was 5.08 gelatine units/g soil. Research results for cellulolytic activities in luvic soils and pseudogley show that higher values were determined for endogluconase than for cellobiohydrolase

    Improvement of Rhizobial Inoculants: A Key Process in Sustainable Soybean Production

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    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation has important role in sustainable soybean production because of utilization of atmospheric nitrogen for soybean nutrition. Pre-sowing soybean seed inoculation with selected rhizobial strains is used to improve the amount of symbiotically fixed nitrogen. Besides strain selection, suitable inoculant formulation is important for the success of inoculant application. The aim of this research is the evaluation of symbiotic efficiency and compatibility of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains with soybean cultivar as well as possibility of using different inoculant formulation in soybean production. During two years of field trials in eastern Slavonia, nodule dry weight, nitrogen content in plant, seed yield, 1000 seeds weight, protein and oil content in seed were determined. Results of this study indicate that inoculant formulation as well as the use of selected strains affects nodulation, symbiotic and agronomic properties of soybean. Despite the differences in results in both experimental years, it can be concluded that the strains used as well as inoculant formulations are suitable for soybean inoculation in agroecological conditions of eastern Slavonia

    Značenje zrna ozimog graška cv. Maksimirski rani u proizvodnji mlijeka na obiteljskim gospodarstvima

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    Forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) is gaining importance as a forage legume in the Republic of Croatia. Pea seed contains 20-30 percent of protein, it is utilized without thermal treatment in feeding different types and categories of livestock, and with stable yield it provides an appreciable income per hectare. Two-year field trials (2005-2006) were carried out to determine the effect of winter pea seed inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on the number and mass (g/plant-1) of root nodules and also on the yield and quality of winter pea cv. Maksimirski rani in a mixture with wheat cv. Sana. Just before sowing, pea seeds were inoculated with the strain Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 from the microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb. The highest number of root nodules (43 nodules/plant), as well as the highest nodule mass (0.219 g/plant-1) were determined in the inoculated variant. The highest number of pods (19.0) and seeds per plant (60) were determined in the inoculated variant as well. The highest 1000-seed mass (132 g) and seed mass per plant (7.93 g) were also determined in the inoculated variant. Average pea seed yield ranged from 2949 kg ha-1 (control) up to 3353 kg ha-1 (inoculation). The conclusion of this research is that the highest seed (3353 kg ha-1) and crude protein yields (833 kg ha-1) were obtained with inoculated forage winter pea cv. Maksimirski rani. Seed inoculation of the studied pea cultivar Maksimirski rani with the strain Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 influenced also higher milk production per hectare compared to the control and the nitrogen top-dressed variant.Krmni grašak (Pisum sativum L.) postaje sve zastupljenija krmna mahunarka na oranicama Republike Hrvatske. Zrno graška sadrži 20-30% bjelančevina, koristi se bez termičke obrade u ishrani različitih vrsta i kategorija stoke, a uz stabilan prinos osigurava značajan dohodak po hektaru. Dvogodišnjim istraživanjima (od 2005. do 2006.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učinkovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimog graška cv. Maksimirski rani i prihrane dušikom na broj i masu suhe tvari kvržica na korijenu graška (g/biljka-1), prinose i kvalitetu zrna graška cv. Maksimirski rani u smjesi s pšenicom cv. Sana. Prije sjetve izvršena je predsjetvena bakterizacija sjemena graška sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ukupno najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti (43 kvržica/biljka), kao i masa suhe tvari kvržica (0,219 g/biljka-1). Najveći broj mahuna (19,0) i zrna po biljci graška (60) utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti. Najveća masa 1000 zrna (132 g) i masa zrna po biljci graška (7,93 g) također je utvrđena na bakteriziranoj varijanti. Prosječni prinosi zrna graška cv. Maksimirski rani iznosili su od 2949 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 3353 kg ha-1 (bakterizacija). Na temelju ovih istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je najveći prinos zrna (3353 kg ha-1) i sirovih bjelančevina (833 kg ha-1) ostvaren bakterizacijom zrna ozimog graška cv. Maksimirski rani. Bakterizacija sjemena istraživanog kultivara graška Maksimirski rani sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 utjecala je i na veću proizvodnju mlijeka po hektaru u odnosu na kontrolu i varijantu prihranjivanu dušikom

    Prirodna raznolikost i simbiozna učinkovitost autohtonih sojeva rizobija koji noduliraju stočni grašak

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    The main aim of this study was to assess genetic diversity within the natural populations of field pea rhizobia on different field sites in Northwestern Croatia and to evaluate their symbiotic efficiency. Identification of related bacterial strains was carried out using RAPD and rep-PCR methods and on the basis of differences in the nodulation nodD gene region by PCR-RFLP method. Indigenous strains have been shown to differ significantly from each other as well as from the reference strains Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae used in these study. Based on the nodulation genes, it was found that most isolates have the same or very similar nodulation nodD region except the isolates K22 and K23. A greenhouse studie was performed for evaluation of symbiotic efficiency of strains. The highest nodule dry weight was determined by inoculation with strains K23, K22, K17 and K20, indicating their high infectivity and nodulation ability. Significantly higher green mass and dry matter yield in abouveground plant parts were determined by inoculation with two indigenous strains K26 and K16 that showed potentially high symbiotic efficiency compared to other tested strains.Glavni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi genetsku raznolikost unutar prirodne populacije rizobija koji noduliraju stočni grašak na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske te procijeniti njihovu simbioznu učinkovitost. Identifikacija srodnih bakterijskih sojeva provedena je primjenom RAPD i rep-PCR metode te na osnovi razlika u nodulacijskoj nodD genskoj regiji putem PCR-RFLP metode. Dokazano je da se autohtoni sojevi međusobno značajno razlikuju kao i od referentnih sojeva Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae korištenih u ovim istraživanjima. Na osnovu nodulacijskih gena primjenom PCR-RFLP metode utvrđeno je da većina izolata ima istu ili vrlo sličnu nodulacijsku nodD regiju osim izolata K22 i K23. Vegetacijski pokus u stakleniku postavljen je u svrhu procjene simbiozne učinkovitosti sojeva. Najveća masa suhe tvari kvržica utvrđena je primjenom izolata K23, K22, K17 i K20 što ukazuje na njihovu visoku infektivnost i nodulacijsku sposobnost. Signifikantno veći prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari nadzemnog dijela biljke, ostvaren je uz bakterizaciju s dva autohtona soja K26 i K16 koji su pokazali potencijalno visoku simbioznu učinkovitost u usporedbi s ostalim istraživanim sojevima

    Effect of inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing of winter pea and triticale mixture on the seed yield

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    Dvogodišnjim istraživanjima (1999. do 2001.g.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učinkovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimog graška i prihrane dušikom na broj i masu suhe tvari kvržica na korijenu graška (g/biljka), te prinose zrna smjese graška cv. Maksimirski ozimi i tritikale cv. Clercal. Prije sjetve izvršena je predsjetvena bakterizacija sjemena graška s sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ukupno najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2 (30 kvržica/biljka), kao i masa suhe tvari kvržica (0,150 g/biljka). Prosječni prinosi zrna graška iznosili su od 1205 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 1836 kg ha-1 (bakterizacija). Prosječni prinosi zrna tritikale iznosili su od 2469 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 3753 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Prosječni ukupni prinosi zrna ozime smjese graška i tritikale su iznosili od 3674 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 5321 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Najveći broj mahuna (9,5) i zrna po biljci graška (38,5) je utvrđen na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2. Najveća masa 1000 zrna (104,5 g) i masa zrna po biljci graška (4,03 g) također je utvrđena na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2.Two year field trials (1999-2001) were carried out to determin the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on number and nodule dry weight g/plant of pea root and also on the yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and triticale cv. Clercal mixture. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was performed by the variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which is part of the microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (30 nodule/plant) was determined on the inoculated variant 2 as well as nodule dry weight (0,150 g/plant). Average pea seed yield were ranging from 1205 kg ha-1 (control) up to 1836 kg ha-1 (inoculation). Average triricale grain yield were ranging from 2469 kg ha-1 (control) up to 3753 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Average total grain yield of winter peas in mixture triticale were ranging from 3674 kg ha-1 (control) up to 5321 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). The highest number of pods (9,5) and of seeds per winter pea plant (38,5) was determined on the inoculated variant 2. The highest on thousand seeds weight (104,5 g) and weight of seeds per winter pea plant (4,03 g) was determined on the inoculated variant 2