15 research outputs found

    To Have Friends and to Be a Friend

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    In the first part of his study the author analyses the psychological coditions of the friendship: free choice, personal relationship, mutual trust. He sees the main obstacle for friendship in a neurotical need for love. The second part of the study deals with some interpersonal attitudes which usually inable a person to enter in a satisfactory relationships with others, i. e. to be a friend. Such attitudes are basically two: seeing oneself superior or inferior in comparison to others. True friendship is possible only between persons that percieve each others as partners on the same level

    Typical Difficulties in a Martial Union

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    Marriage and family can be examined as a series of developmental stages which require perpetual adjustments by family members. These stages not in-frequently include crises. If a crisis is positively resolved, the marriage continues to function on a high plane and it is possible to speak of a renewed commitment. When this is not the case, the marriage may be preserved but characterized by perpetual tension or assume the aspect of an empty shell, i.e. the outer form is retained but satisfaction is absent. Several general principles are presented as a giude for crisis solving: be prepared for crisis, seek outside help and believe in marriage as a sacrament

    To Have Friends and to Be a Friend

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    In the first part of his study the author analyses the psychological coditions of the friendship: free choice, personal relationship, mutual trust. He sees the main obstacle for friendship in a neurotical need for love. The second part of the study deals with some interpersonal attitudes which usually inable a person to enter in a satisfactory relationships with others, i. e. to be a friend. Such attitudes are basically two: seeing oneself superior or inferior in comparison to others. True friendship is possible only between persons that percieve each others as partners on the same level

    El otoño del corazón

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    The Myth and Reality of Maturity

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    The author analyzes the concept of maturiy, including obstacles to achieving it. Maturity involves internal autonomy, personal integrity and a commitment to a particular goal in life. For today\u27s youth, maturation is hampered by various social influences: the young are victims of a permissive society and therefore vulnerable, the heirs to an agnostic culture which does not provide them with clear values. Mass media, using an idiom which even adults often fail to grasp, is another negative force. The author emphasizes education to foster heroism, to establish a priority of values and to achieve personal asceticism

    EinfĂŒhrung in die Holzartenkunde

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