87 research outputs found

    Defect structure in nanoalloys

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    The defect structure of bimetallic nanoparticles differs from that of particles made of a single atomic species. Using high resolution TEM imaging along with molecular dynamics simulations, it is possible to investigate the nature and features of these defects. The definition of a local order parameter allows one to locate regions with different kinds of stacking on the simulated nanoparticles and thus to make a direct comparison with the experimental observations

    Structural transformation of tungsten oxide nanourchins into IF–WS2 nanoparticles: an aberration corrected STEM study

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    IF–WS2 nanoparticles synthesized starting from tungsten oxide nanourchins have been investigated by using aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (Cs-STEM). The synthesis process produced IF–WS2 nanoparticles of two different and well differentiated ranges of size. High resolution HAADF–STEM images and their comparison with simulated STEM micrographs reveal the predominance of stacking of the type 1T close to the border of the structure; the observation of this kind of stacking, observed previously in IF–MoS2 but never reported before in the case of the IF–WS2 nanostructures, adds a new dimension to the existing understanding of structure and stacking in the case of the nanostructures of transition metal chalcogenide

    The Co–Au interface in bimetallic nanoparticles: a high resolution STEM study

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    We report the formation of Au/Co nanoparticles and their characterization by aberration (Cs) corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The nanoparticles were synthesized by inert gas condensation, forming initially core-shell and bimetallic crystals. However, after thermal treatment at normal atmospheric conditions, the Co nanoparticles changed their morphology into a fine layer forming a perfect interface with the gold. The ordering of the zone rich in Co presents a fcc arrangement matching the gold lattice. The atomic analysis on the interface and the comparison of the STEM images with numerical simulations corroborated the atomic substitution of gold by cobalt

    Gold–palladium core@shell nanoalloys: experiments and simulations

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    In this work, we report a facile synthesis route, structural characterization, and full atomistic simulations of gold–palladium nanoalloys. Through aberration corrected-STEM, UV-vis spectroscopy and EDS chemical analysis, we were able to determine that Au(core)–Pd(shell) bimetallic nanoparticles were formed. Using different computational approaches, we were capable of establishing how the size of the core and the thickness of the shell will affect the thermodynamic stability of several core–shell nanoalloys. Finally, grand canonical simulations using different sampling procedures were used to study the growth mechanism of Pd atoms on Au seeds of different shapes

    Highly size-controlled synthesis of Au/Pd nanoparticles by inert-gas condensation

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    Gold/Palladium nanoparticles were fabricated by inert-gas condensation on a sputtering reactor. With this method, by controlling both the atmosphere on the condensation chamber and the magnetron power, it was possible to produce nanoparticles with a high degree of monodispersity in size. The structure and size of the Au/Pd nanoparticles were determined by mass spectroscopy, and confirmed by atomic force microscopy and electron transmission microscopy measurements. The chemical composition was analyzed by X-ray microanalysis. From these measurements we confirmed that with the sputtering technique we are able to produce particles of 1, 3, and 5 nm on size, depending on the choice of the synthesis conditions. From TEM measurements made both in the regular HREM, as well as in STEM-HAADF mode, we found that the particles are icosahedral in shape, and the micrographs show no evidence of a core-shell structure, in contrast to what is observed in the case of nanoparticles prepared by chemical synthesis

    Gold−Copper Nano-Alloy, “Tumbaga”, in the era of nano: phase diagram and segregation

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    Gold–copper (Au–Cu) phases were employed already by pre-Columbian civilizations, essentially in decorative arts, whereas nowadays, they emerge in nanotechnology as an important catalyst. The knowledge of the phase diagram is critical to understanding the performance of a material. However, experimental determination of nanophase diagrams is rare because calorimetry remains quite challenging at the nanoscale; theoretical investigations, therefore, are welcomed. Using nanothermodynamics, this paper presents the phase diagrams of various polyhedral nanoparticles (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, decahedron, dodecahedron, rhombic dodecahedron, truncated octahedron, cuboctahedron, and icosahedron) at sizes 4 and 10 nm. One finds, for all the shapes investigated, that the congruent melting point of these nanoparticles is shifted with respect to both size and composition (copper enrichment). Segregation reveals a gold enrichment at the surface, leading to a kind of core–shell structure, reminiscent of the historical artifacts. Finally, the most stable structures were determined to be the dodecahedron, truncated octahedron, and icosahedron with a Cu-rich core/Au-rich surface. The results of the thermodynamic approach are compared and supported by molecular-dynamics simulations and by electron-microscopy (EDX) observations