6 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción artroscópica de la lesión aguda de la articulación acromioclavicular con injerto de palmar mayor

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    Razones para la cirugía precoz en las luxaciones acromioclaviculares tipo iii

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    ResumenActualmente hay un creciente interés en el conocimiento de la compleja biomecánica de la cintura escapulohumeral para su aplicación a la recuperación completa y satisfactoria de nuestros pacientes tanto en el momento del alta como para su futuro.Aplicar el tratamiento más correcto en las luxaciones acromioclaviculares debería estar basado en una clara estandarización a la hora de categorizar las lesiones y asociar un tratamiento para cada una de las categorías. A día de hoy, considerar que esto está resuelto nos parece arbitrario, ya que ni los métodos de clasificación por imagen y clínicos están claramente definidos, ni las intervenciones quirúrgicas están adecuadamente comparadas con la alternativa no quirúrgica en la literatura.Incluso en la evaluación de resultados creemos que faltan datos, ya que si consideramos que la alteración de la función del hombro en forma de discinesia escapular pone a riesgo a nuestros pacientes de sufrir una mala evolución después de estas luxaciones, considerar que nuestro objetivo es devolver la función debería ir asociado a intentar evitar en lo posible la aparición de esta. Para lo cual debemos depender no solo de una buena coordinación y entrenamiento muscular, sino de conseguir estructuras articulares estables que soporten las grandes cargas a las que serán sometidas.Plantear, en esta revisión, la indicación quirúrgica precoz en estas lesiones acromioclaviculares tipoiii desde el punto de vista de la evidencia no es posible dado el gran volumen de recomendaciones en contra que podemos encontrar y que seguramente serán detalladas en otro capítulo de este monográfico.Por tanto, planteamos esta revisión desde el punto de vista de las dudas razonables que se nos plantean con el advenimiento de las nuevas técnicas quirúrgicas, los nuevos estudios biomecánicos de estas técnicas, el creciente interés por la discinesia escapular y su relevancia en la disfunción del hombro.AbstractThere is growing interest to learn more about the complex scapulo-humeral biomechanics in order to apply them for a full and satisfactory recovery of our patients at discharge as well as for their future.Applying the most appropriate treatment for acromioclavicular dislocations should be based on a clear standardisation when categorising the lesions, and associating a treatment option to each category. To considering this as solved question to date, seems arbitrary, since neither the imaging or clinical classification methods are well defined, and the surgical interventions are adequately compared to the non-surgical option in the literature.There even appears to be a lack of data in the evaluation of outcomes. If it is considered that scapular dyskinesis puts our patients at risk of suffering a bad recovery after these dislocations, and that our main objective is getting the shoulder back to normal, it should be associated with trying to avoid this condition as far as possible. Thus, it should depend not only on good coordination and muscle training, but also on obtaining strong and stable articular structures that will support the heavy loads that the shoulder will have to bear.In this review, it is suggested that early indication for surgery of acromioclavicular joint dislocations typeiii, from an evidence based point of view, is not possible due to the numerous recommendations against surgery that have been published, and will probably be discussed in another chapter of this journal.Therefore, this has been structured on a point of view based on reasonable doubts due to the arrival of new surgical techniques, new biomechanics studies on these techniques, and the growing interest in scapular dyskinesis and its importance in shoulder dysfunction

    Evaluation of the inter and intraobserver reproducibility of the “defect coverage index method”, a new computed tomography assessment method of sagittal graft positioning in arthroscopic bone block procedures

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    Abstract Purpose To assess the reproducibility of a new 2-dimensional computed tomography (CT) method of assessing graft positioning in arthroscopic bone block procedure. Methods This is a prospective observational study. Twenty-seven patients, (all men, mean [Standard deviation] age at surgery 30.9 [8.49] years) were included. Vertical graft position was assessed on the sagittal view by measuring the amount of glenoid bone defect covered by the graft. The length of the bone defect and the amount of graft covering the defect were measured. Positioning of the graft on the sagittal plane was classified as accurate if the graft covered at least 90% of the defect. Intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility was analyzed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Kappa coefficient with 95% confidence. Results Excellent intraobserver reproducibility was found, with an ICC of 0.94 (CI 95%, 0.86-0.97). Interobserver reproducibility was good, with the ICC value of 0.71, ranging from 0.45 to 0.86 (CI 95%). Conclusion This new method of assessing graft positioning in arthroscopic bone block procedures on 2-dimensional computed tomography scans is reliable, with an excellent intraobserver and good interobserver reproducibility. Level of evidence II