55 research outputs found

    Autism spectrum disorders: neurotrophins enter the dance

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a group of lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impairment in social interaction and communication, delayed and disordered language, restricted and stereotypic patterns of behaviour, interests and activities, and onset before 3 years of age

    Nutrition – trigger and protector in autoimmune diseases

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    Nutrition, mucosal immune system, intestinal microbiome, and immune-mediated diseases are intertwined and interact with each other. This review examines the connections between obesity, salt consumption, gluten, low-calorie diets, polyunsaturated fatty acids, olive oil, polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamin D, probiotics, and the immune system, and their role as a trigger or protective factor in the inflammatory cascade. Some practical aspects of the diet for autoimmune diseases are also presented as part of the personalised approach

    Microribonucleic acids in children with Crohn’s disease

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    In recent years, several microribonucleic acids (microRNA) have been used as promising non-invasive biomarkers in patients with ulcerative colitis. Quantitative characteristics of the expression of 11 different serum microRNAs were examined by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction in a total of 33 children. There were 22 children, 16 girls and six boys, aged between nine and 17 years with Crohn’s disease and 20 healthy children, 12 girls and eight boys, aged between four and 17 years. There was a higher expression of all the microRNAs in patients than in healthy children. The values of microRNA142-3p and microRNA642-b3 were statistically reliably greater in children with Crohn’s disease than in healthy children (t=2.05; p<0.05 and t=2.00; p<0.05, respectively). Some microRNAs play a diagnostic role in children with Crohn’s disease. An additional systematic research is needed for children and adults with this disease.In recent years, several microribonucleic acids (microRNA) have been used as promising non-invasive biomarkers in patients with ulcerative colitis. Quantitative characteristics of the expression of 11 different serum microRNAs were examined by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction in a total of 33 children. There were 22 children, 16 girls and six boys, aged between nine and 17 years with Crohn’s disease and 20 healthy children, 12 girls and eight boys, aged between four and 17 years. There was a higher expression of all the microRNAs in patients than in healthy children. The values of microRNA142-3p and microRNA642-b3 were statistically reliably greater in children with Crohn’s disease than in healthy children (t=2.05; p<0.05 and t=2.00; p<0.05, respectively). Some microRNAs play a diagnostic role in children with Crohn’s disease. An additional systematic research is needed for children and adults with this disease

    Microribonucleic acids in children with ulcerative colitis

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    In recent years, several microribonucleic acids (microRNA) have been used as promising non-invasive biomarkers in patients with ulcerative colitis. Quantitative characteristics of the expression of 11 different serum microRNAs were examined by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction in a total of 33 children. There were 13 children, eight girls and five boys, aged between seven and 17 years with ulcerative colitis and 20 healthy children, 12 girls and eight boys aged between four and 17 years. All the microRNAs presented with a higher expression in patients than in healthy children. The mean value of microRNA122 expression was 3.76 times greater in children with ulcerative colitis than in healthy children, however, the difference was statistically insignificant (t=1.73; p>0.05). Some microRNAs play a diagnostic role in children with ulcerative colitis, however, further systematic research is needed for patients with this disease in childhood and adulthood.In recent years, several microribonucleic acids (microRNA) have been used as promising non-invasive biomarkers in patients with ulcerative colitis. Quantitative characteristics of the expression of 11 different serum microRNAs were examined by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction in a total of 33 children. There were 13 children, eight girls and five boys, aged between seven and 17 years with ulcerative colitis and 20 healthy children, 12 girls and eight boys aged between four and 17 years. All the microRNAs presented with a higher expression in patients than in healthy children. The mean value of microRNA122 expression was 3.76 times greater in children with ulcerative colitis than in healthy children, however, the difference was statistically insignificant (t=1.73; p>0.05). Some microRNAs play a diagnostic role in children with ulcerative colitis, however, further systematic research is needed for patients with this disease in childhood and adulthood

    Nutritional status, macro- and micronutrient deficiency in children with neurodevelopmental disorders

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    The nutritional status of children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) has a significant impact on their overall health and quality of life. Most of the scientific research, exploring NDD children`s nutrition, has been dedicated to cerebral palsy (CP) patients who are reported to suffer from malnutrition in 46% - 90% of the cases. The etiology of malnutrition in children with NDD involves many underlying factors and can be contributed to both nutritional and non-nutritional factors. Obesity typically associated with mentally retarded children and children with genetic syndromes (e.g. Down syndrome) is nowadays less frequently observed. The energy needs of children with severe cases of central nervous system disorder differ from the energy requirements of normally developing children. The difference can be largely attributed to the interplay of several factors affecting the basal metabolic rate. The prevalence of malnutrition can induce or worsen respiratory failure as well as secondary immune deficiency, which in turn affects the prognosis of the underlying disease. Macronutrient deficiency in NDD children is commonly accompanied by micronutrient losses of folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin D, essential fatty acids, etc., which are crucial for a number of metabolic pathways. The lacking in any or all macro- and micronutrients may produce symptoms that are difficult to distinguish from the already present neurological disorder. This situation calls for a comprehensive evaluation and nutritional support for NDD children for an improved prognosis and quality of life, considering the current data and knowledge on the problem

    New developments in the diagnostics of celiac disease in children

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    Gluten enteropathy (or celiac disease) is the most common genetically related nutritional intolerance worldwide. Celiac disease is a multifactorial, autoimmune disease, which is observed in genetically predisposed individuals. It affects both children and adults leading to an atrophy of the small bowel mucosa of a varying degree. The article outlines the conclusion of the last guidelines on the topic. Finally, a summary and a conclusion on the topic are presented

    Adiponectin, some markers of metabolic risk and abdominal obesity in preschool age

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    Всички проучвания на Балканския полуостров през последното десетилетие откриват нарастваща честота на затлъстяването. Абдоминалното затлъстяване се смята за по-морбидно поради по-високата метаболитна активност на абдоминалната мастна маса, характеризираща се с нискостепенно хронично възпаление. Цел: Да се установи връзка между мастната маса (ММ) и някои метаболитни маркери в предучилищна възраст.Участници и методи: Измерени са ръст, тегло и коремна обиколка (KO) на 40 здрави деца от област Варна на средна възраст 5,31 години (4-7 год.), разпределени като нормални, с наднормено тегло и със затлъстяване чрез ИТМ и CDC референтни стойности в зависимост от пола и възрастта. Биохимичните изследвания са взети след 12 ч. нощен глад. Поставени са педометри за определяне нивото на физическа активност (ФА). С цел валидизиране на абдоминалното затлъстяване се проведе DXA изследване за количество MM.Резултати: Със затлъстяване са 17,5% от участниците, като само 9,7% от всички покриват минималните препоръки за двигателна активност през седмицата и 16,1% през почивните дни. ММ (ср. кг) корелира сигнификантно с ИТМ и KO (р<0,001), a от метаболитните маркери корелира с hsCRP (r=0,533; p=0,04), както и с повишените нива на общ холестерол (r=0,458; p=0,016). Открива се значима връзка между серумния лептин и ИТМ, KO, ММ (р<0,001), както и с общия холестерол (r=0,482; p=0,008) и ниските нива на LDL-холестерол (r=0,434; p=0,019). Нивата на серумен адипонектин корелират обратнопропорционално с теглото (r=-0,415, p=0,025), при контролиране за ФА и с КО (r=0,437; p=0,042).Заключение: Настоящото проучване открива значима връзка между коремната обиколка, мастната маса и утвърдени маркери за метаболитен риск при здрави деца дори в тази ранна възраст.All the studies in the Balkan countries, over the last decade, found an increasing incidence of obesity. Abdominal obesity is considered with higher morbidity, due to the higher metabolic activity of the abdominal fat mass, which is characterized by low-level chronic inflammation.Objective: to establish a link between (abdominal) fat mass and some metabolic markers in preschool age. Participants and methods: height, weight and waist circumference (WC) of 40 healthy children living in Varna district were measured, mean age 5.31 years (4-7 yr.). Normal weight, overweight and (abdominal) obesity was defined by BMI and CDC reference values according to sex and age. Biochemical tests were taken after 12 hours of overnight fasting. Children wore pedometers to measure physical activity. In order to determine and validate the abdominal obesity a DXA study was performed. Results: With obesity were 17.5% of respondents, and only 9.7% of all meet the minimum recommendations for physical activity during the week and 16.1% at weekends. Fat mass correlated significantly with BMI and WC (p <0.001), and of metabolic markers it correlated with hsCRP (r=0,533, p=0,04), as well as with elevated cholesterol levels (r=0,458, p=0,016). A significant correlation between serum leptin and BMI, WC, fat mass (p<0.001), as well as total cholesterol (r=0,482, p=0,008) and lower levels of LDL-cholester ol (r=0,434, p=0,019) was found. Levels of serum adiponectin correlated inversely with weight (r=-0,415, p=0,025), when controlling for the level of physical activity with WC too (r=-0,437, p=0,042).Conclusion: This study found a significant association between waist circumference, fat mass and established metabolic risk markers in healthy children even at this early age. Keywords: metabolic risk, adiponectin, abdominal obesity, preschoolers

    Bacterial pulmonary colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients

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    Introduction: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common life-limiting autosomal recessive condition in Caucasians. Lung damage is the main determinant of morbidity and mortality. The most important factor for chronic lung infection is the colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Aim: Understanding the nature of the infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its factors of virulence and compiling statistics on age-related bacterial pulmonary colonization in patients with cystic fibrosis in Expert Center-Varna.Methods: Review of the medical literature and microbiological examination (sputum specimen, oropharyngeal swabs, BAL) of patients with cystic fibrosis at the Expert Center-Varna.Results: With increasing age of the patient with cystic fibrosis there has also been an increase in the rate of pulmonary colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa - up to 85% in patients over 18 years of age.Conclusion: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is largely responsible for morbidity and mortality in chronically infected cystic fibrosis patients. Therefore, prevention and early diagnosis are vital to the prognosis of these patients