22 research outputs found

    On Framed Quantum Principal Bundles

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    A noncommutative-geometric formalism of framed principal bundles is sketched, in a special case of quantum bundles (over quantum spaces) possessing classical structure groups. Quantum counterparts of torsion operators and Levi-Civita type connections are analyzed. A construction of a natural differential calculus on framed bundles is described. Illustrative examples are presented.Comment: 13 pages, AMS-LaTe

    Quantum Principal Bundles and Their Characteristic Classes

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    A brief exposition of the general theory of characteristic classes of quantum principal bundles is given. The theory of quantum characteristic classes incorporates ideas of classical Weil theory into the conceptual framework of non-commutative differential geometry. A purely cohomological interpretation of the Weil homomorphism is given, together with a standard geometrical interpretation via quantum invariant polynomials. A natural spectral sequence is described. Some quantum phenomena appearing in the formalism are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, AMS-LaTeX, Lectures, Workshop on Quantum and Classical Gauge Theories, Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland, May 199

    On Braided Quantum Groups

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    A braided generalization of the concept of Hopf algebra (quantum group) is presented. The generalization overcomes an inherent geometrical inhomogeneity of quantum groups, in the sense of allowing completely pointless objects. All braid-type equations appear as a consequence of initial axioms. Braided counterparts of basic algebraic relations between fundamental entities of the standard theory are found.Comment: 14 pages, (AMS-LaTeX

    On Differential Structures on Quantum Principal Bundles

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    A constructive approach to differential calculus on quantum principal bundles is presented. The calculus on the bundle is built in an intrinsic manner, starting from given graded (differential) *-algebras representing horizontal forms on the bundle and differential forms on the base manifold, together with a family of antiderivations acting on horizontal forms, playing the role of covariant derivatives of regular connections. In this conceptual framework, a natural differential calculus on the structure quantum group is described.Comment: 15 pages (AMS-LaTeX

    Quantum Classifying Spaces and Universal Quantum Characteristic Classes

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    A construction of the noncommutative-geometric counterparts of classical classifying spaces is presented, for general compact matrix quantum structure groups. A quantum analogue of the classical concept of the classifying map is introduced and analyzed. Interrelations with the abstract algebraic theory of quantum characteristic classes are discussed. Various non-equivalent approaches to defining universal characteristic classes are outlined.Comment: 12 pages, AMS-LaTeX, Lectures, Quantum Groups and Quantum Spaces Minisemester, Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland, November 199

    First-Order Differential Calculi Over Multi-Braided Quantum Groups

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    A differential calculus of the first order over multi-braided quantum groups is developed. In analogy with the standard theory, left/right-covariant and bicovariant differential structures are introduced and investigated. Furthermore, antipodally covariant calculi are studied. The concept of the *-structure on a multi-braided quantum group is formulated, and in particular the structure of left-covariant *-covariant calculi is analyzed. A special attention is given to differential calculi covariant with respect to the action of the associated braid system. In particular it is shown that the left/right braided-covariance appears as a consequence of the left/right-covariance relative to the group action. Braided counterparts of all basic results of the standard theory are found.Comment: 32 pages, AMS-LaTeX/1, this is the revised version of an unpublished `92 articl

    Braided Clifford Algebras as Braided Quantum Groups

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    The paper deals with braided Clifford algebras, understood as Chevalley-Kahler deformations of braided exterior algebras. It is shown that Clifford algebras based on involutive braids can be naturally endowed with a braided quantum group structure. Basic group entities are constructed explicitly.Comment: 10 pages, AMS-LaTe

    General Frame Structures On Quantum Principal Bundles

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    A noncommutative-geometric generalization of the classical formalism of frame bundles is developed, incorporating into the theory of quantum principal bundles the concept of the Levi-Civita connection. The construction of a natural differential calculus on quantum principal frame bundles is presented, including the construction of the associated differential calculus on the structure group. General torsion operators are defined and analyzed. Illustrative examples are presented.Comment: 16 pages, AMS-LaTeX, extended versio

    Classical Spinor Structures on Quantum Spaces

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    A noncommutative-geometric generalization of the classical concept of spinor structure is presented. This is done in the framework of the formalism of quantum principal bundles. In particular, analogs of the Dirac operator and the Laplacian are introduced and analyzed. A general construction of examples of quantum spaces with a spinor structure is presented.Comment: 14 pages (AMS-LaTeX

    Quantum Principal Bundles

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    A noncommutative-geometric generalization of the theory of principal bundles is sketched. A differential calculus over corresponding quantum principal bundles is analysed. The formalism of connections is presented. In particular, operators of covariant derivative and horizontal projection are described and analysed. Quantum counterparts for the Bianchi identity and the Weil's homomorphism are found. Illustrative examples are considered. (Lecture presented at the XXII-th Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico, September 1993).Comment: 10 pages, LaTe