10 research outputs found

    Poor results of drilling in early stages of juxta-articular osteonecrosis in 12 joints affected by Gaucher disease

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    Background and purpose Gaucher disease is heterogeneous. One of the most devastating complications is bone involvement, ranging from mild osteopenia to osteonecrosis, but no markers have been discovered to predict onset and/or progression. We describe our experience in a large referral center using drilling for juxta-articular osteonecrosis in young patients with Gaucher disease

    Bioengineering in the oral cavity: our experience

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    L Catalfamo,1 E Belli,2 C Nava,1 E Mici,1 A Calvo,1 B D'Alessandro,1 FS De Ponte1 1Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Messina, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, Policlinico G Martino, Messina, Italy; 2Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Rome Sapienza, Azienda Ospedaliera Sant Andrea, Rome, Italy Background: To date, there are no studies reported in the literature on the possible use of bovine collagen, oxidized regenerated cellulose, or synthetic hyaluronic acid medications in the oral cavity. The aim of this paper is to report the use of bovine collagen, oxidized regenerated cellulose, and synthetic hyaluronic acid medications to improve wound healing in the oral cavity by stimulating granulomatous tissue. Methods: From 2007 to 2011, 80 patients (median age 67 years) suffering from oral mucosal lesions participated in this double-blind study. The patients were divided into two groups, each consisting of 40 patients. One group received conventional medications, while the other group of patients were treated with the advanced medications. Results: Advanced medications allowed re-epithelialization of the wound margin in 2–20 days, whereas patients receiving conventional medication showed a median healing duration of 45 days. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that treating oral mucosal wounds with advanced medication has an advantage with regard to wound healing time, allowing patients to have a rapid, functional, and esthetic recovery. Keywords: bioengineering, oral cavity, mucosal recover

    Klinika za ortopediju i traumatologiju, Klini~ki centar Ni{ 2 Hirur{ka klinika, Klini~ki centar Ni{

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    Politrauma danas predstavlja te‘ak socio-ekonomski i medicinski problem. Za uspe{an ishod le~enja od presudnog je zna~aja odgovaraju}e hirur-{ko zbrinjavanje pojedinih povreda po prioritetu hitnosti. Blagovremeno i adekvatno zbrinjavanje preloma dijafize femura u sklopu politraume u zna~ajnoj meri smanjuje morbiditet i mortalitet i omogu}ava br‘i oporavak uz minimalni invaliditet. Prospektivnom klini~kom studijom analizirana je serija od 23 politraumatizovana pacijenta sa zatvorenim prelomima dijafize femura le~enih u Klini~kom centru u Ni{u u petogodi{njem periodu. Prvu grupu ~ini 9 ispitanika kod kojih je prelom re{en intramedularnom fiksacijom Kuntcherovim klinom dok drugu grupu ~ine 14 ispitanika kod kojih je prelom re{en unutra{njim fiksatorom po Mitkovi}u. Unutra{nji dijafizarni fiksator po Mitkovi}u predstavlja novo osteosintetsko sredstvo za definitivno le~enje preloma dijafize femura kod politraumatizovanih. Zahteva minimalno invazivnu hirur{ku tehniku bez grubih manipulacija uz minimalni gubitak krvi, pogodan je za zbrinjavanje te{kih kominutivnih preloma femura koji su ~esti u sklopu politraume i obezbeduju odli-~ne uslove za zarastanje. Klju~ne re~i: prelom dijafize femura, politrauma, unutra{nji fiksator Mitkovi} rezim

    Parotid gland oncocytoma in HCV-positive patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Case report

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    We report a case of parotid gland oncocytoma in a patient with chronic infection from hepatitis C virus (HCV) and associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and xerophthalmia. Our case confirms the triple tropism of the HCV: hepatotropism, lymphotropism and sialotropism

    Parotid gland oncocytoma in HCV-positive patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Case report

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    We report a case of parotid gland oncocytoma in a patient with chronic infection from hepatitis C virus (HCV) and associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and xerophthalmia. Our case confirms the triple tropism of the HCV: hepatotropism, lymphotropism and sialotropism

    Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome). Case report

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    Gorlin-Goltz syndrome or nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) comprises multiple basal cell carcinomas, keratocysts of the jaw, palmar/plantar pits, spine and rib anomalies, calcifications of the falx cerebri etc. The diagnosis is made according to clinical criteria (Kimonis Criteria) and genetic ones. We studied one family where father and then his sun resulted affected by each syndrome. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is a rare disease diagnosed according to clinical criteria sometimes difficult to integrate. The family case we presented shows how you can get diagnosis even in older age and after numerous surgeries. Patients should be given special attention and therefore should be monitorized and need multidisciplinary treatments continued in time, even a trivial change of signs and symptoms may be an important indicator of a precipitating event which puts the patient's life under threat

    Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome). Case report

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    Gorlin-Goltz syndrome or nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) comprises multiple basal cell carcinomas, keratocysts of the jaw, palmar/plantar pits, spine and rib anomalies, calcifications of the falx cerebri etc. The diagnosis is made according to clinical criteria (Kimonis Criteria) and genetic ones. We studied one family where father and then his sun resulted affected by each syndrome. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is a rare disease diagnosed according to clinical criteria sometimes difficult to integrate. The family case we presented shows how you can get diagnosis even in older age and after numerous surgeries. Patients should be given special attention and therefore should be monitorized and need multidisciplinary treatments continued in time, even a trivial change of signs and symptoms may be an important indicator of a precipitating event which puts the patient's life under threat