6 research outputs found

    Restraint of dogs in vehicles in the US, UK and Australia

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    Although dogs routinely travel in motor vehicles, there is a lack of evidence on if, how, and why people choose to restrain their dogs when travelling. A lack of restraint is likely to be associated with an increased risk of serious injury or death in the case of an accident, and in some cases may even precipitate an accident. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency in which dog restraints are used in the US, UK and Australia in a convenience sample, and the factors associated with whether or not a dog is restrained. Online surveys using SurveyMonkey® were distributed in the US, UK and Australia during 2017-2018. The survey consisted of questions related to owning a dog, owner and dog demographics, use of restraint when driving with the dog, reasons for restraining/not restraining the dog, and attitudes to restraint of dogs in vehicles. A logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with the use of restraint. There were 706, 692 and 637 completed surveys from the US, UK and Australia, respectively. A little over half of respondents restrained their dog in the US (55%) compared to 67% in Australia and 72% in the UK. The most common method of restraint in the US and UK was a cage/crate in the cargo area in the back of the vehicle; in Australia it was a harness and tether attached to a seat buckle. In the generalised linear model, country, dog size, owner age, dog age and vehicle type were all significant factors associated with the use of restraint for dogs in cars. Younger dog owners from the US who drove a pickup truck or utility van, had a large dog, and drove with their dogs less frequently were least likely to restrain their dogs. This research highlights the need for improved education and information regarding the use of restraints for dogs traveling in vehicles, although the limitations in the convenience sample used mean further research is needed, including use of a more representative sample.Susan J. Hazel, Lori R. Kogan, V. Tamara Montrose, Michelle L. Hebart, James A. Oxle

    Portraying Animal Cruelty: A Thematic Analysis of Australian News Media Reports on Penalties for Animal Cruelty

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    Media portrayals of animal cruelty can shape public understanding and perception of animal welfare law. Given that animal welfare law in Australia is guided partially by ‘community expectations’, the media might indirectly be influencing recent reform efforts to amend maximum penalties in Australia, through guiding and shaping public opinion. This paper reports on Australian news articles which refer to penalties for animal cruelty published between 1 June 2019 and 1 December 2019. Using the electronic database Newsbank, a total of 71 news articles were included for thematic analysis. Three contrasting themes were identified: (1) laws are not good enough; (2) laws are improving; and (3) reforms are unnecessary. We propose a penalty reform cycle to represent the relationship between themes one and two, and ‘community expectations’. The cycle is as follows: media reports on recent amendments imply that ‘laws are improving’ (theme two). Due to a range of inherent factors in the criminal justice system, harsher sentences are not handed down by the courts, resulting in media report of ‘lenient sentencing’ (theme one). Hence, the public become displeased with the penal system, forming the ‘community expectations’, which then fuel future reform efforts. Thus, the cycle continues

    Genomic Analysis of Purebred and Crossbred Angus Cows Quantifies Heterozygosity, Breed, and Additive Effects on Components of Reproduction

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    Multiple studies have quantified the production differences of Hereford Angus crossbreds compared to purebred Angus for a range of traits including growth, carcass, and reproductive traits. This study aims to quantify breed and heterosis effects on maternal performance using genomics. Thirty Hereford and thirty Angus sires were mated to 1100 Angus heifers and cows in a large commercial herd run on pasture at Musselroe Bay, Tasmania, Australia. Approximately 1650 calves were born. Heifers were weaned, scanned for attainment of puberty prior to joining at approximately 15 months of age, joined, and then recorded for status of pregnancy, calving, lactating, 2nd pregnancy, and weaning of second calf. Heterozygosity effects were significant for heifer pre-joining weight and height as well as proportion pubertal. Breed differences were significant for the same traits plus pregnancy rate at second joining and proportion rearing two calves. Genetic parameters were reported for 13 traits. On average, higher genetic merit (Estimated Breeding Value, EBV percentile) Hereford bulls were used than Angus for growth and puberty, but they were similar for fat and reproduction. Days to calving BREEDPLAN EBVs of the sires were related to puberty and reproduction. Scrotal size BREEDPLAN EBVs of the sires were related to attainment of puberty genomic EBVs calculated. In summary, breed differences in growth and puberty were due to heterosis, but there was an advantage of Hereford genes for reproductive performance. Ongoing emphasis on selection for reduced days to calving and estimation of multi-breed EBVs is important

    Genetic Correlations between Days to Calving across Joinings and Lactation Status in a Tropically Adapted Composite Beef Herd

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    Female fertility is essential to any beef breeding program. However, little genetic gain has been made due to long generation intervals and low levels of phenotyping. Days to calving (DC) is a fertility trait that may provide genetic gain and lead to an increased weaning rate. Genetic parameters and correlations were estimated and compared for DC across multiple joinings (first, second and third+) and lactation status (lactating and non-lactating) for a tropical composite cattle population where cattle were first mated as yearlings. The genetic correlation between first joining DC and mature joining DC (third+) was moderate–high (0.55–0.83). DC was uncorrelated between multiparous lactating and non-lactating cows (rG = −0.10). Mature joining DC was more strongly correlated with second joining lactating DC (0.41–0.69) than with second joining non-lactating DC (−0.14 to −0.16). Thus, first joining DC, second joining DC and mature joining DC should be treated as different traits to maximise genetic gain. Further, for multi-parous cows, lactating and non-lactating DC should be treated as different traits. Three traits were developed to report back to the breeding programs to maximise genetic gain: the first joining days to calving, the second joining days to calving lactating and mature days to calving lactating

    Comparison of Methods to Select Candidates for High-Density Genotyping; Practical Observations in a Cattle Breeding Program

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    Imputation can be used to obtain a large number of high-density genotypes at the cost of procuring low-density panels. Accurate imputation requires a well-formed reference population of high-density genotypes to enable statistical inference. Five methods were compared using commercial Wagyu genotype data to identify individuals to produce a “well-formed” reference population. Two methods utilised a relationship matrix (MCG and MCA), two of which utilised a haplotype block library (AHAP2 and IWS), and the last selected high influential sires with greater than 10 progeny (PROG). The efficacy of the methods was assessed based on the total proportion of genetic variance accounted for and the number of haplotypes captured, as well as practical considerations in implementing these methods. Concordance was high between the MCG and MCA and between AHAP2 and IWS but was low between these groupings. PROG-selected animals were most similar to MCA. MCG accounted for the greatest proportion of genetic variance in the population (35%, while the other methods accounted for approximately 30%) and the greatest number of unique haplotypes when a frequency threshold was applied. MCG was also relatively simple to implement, although modifications need to be made to account for DNA availability when running over a whole population. Of the methods compared, MCG is the recommended starting point for an ongoing sequencing project

    Comparison of Methods to Select Candidates for High-Density Genotyping; Practical Observations in a Cattle Breeding Program

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    Imputation can be used to obtain a large number of high-density genotypes at the cost of procuring low-density panels. Accurate imputation requires a well-formed reference population of high-density genotypes to enable statistical inference. Five methods were compared using commercial Wagyu genotype data to identify individuals to produce a “well-formed” reference population. Two methods utilised a relationship matrix (MCG and MCA), two of which utilised a haplotype block library (AHAP2 and IWS), and the last selected high influential sires with greater than 10 progeny (PROG). The efficacy of the methods was assessed based on the total proportion of genetic variance accounted for and the number of haplotypes captured, as well as practical considerations in implementing these methods. Concordance was high between the MCG and MCA and between AHAP2 and IWS but was low between these groupings. PROG-selected animals were most similar to MCA. MCG accounted for the greatest proportion of genetic variance in the population (35%, while the other methods accounted for approximately 30%) and the greatest number of unique haplotypes when a frequency threshold was applied. MCG was also relatively simple to implement, although modifications need to be made to account for DNA availability when running over a whole population. Of the methods compared, MCG is the recommended starting point for an ongoing sequencing project