234 research outputs found

    Digestion of Repair Sites in Rat Liver DNA by Endogenous Nucleases

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    The proportion of sheared rat liver DNA recovered from benzoylated DEAE-cellulose in the final stage following stepwise elution with NaCl and caffeine solutions was dependent upon the DNA isolation procedure. An increase in the proportion of DNA containing single stranded regions, consequent upon delay or addition of Mg2+ prior to phenol extraction, suggested nuclease mediated degradation. Administration of methyl methanesulphonate to rats resulted in a consistent proportional increase in the caffeine-eluted fraction. The results of caffeine gradient elution of control and alkylated DNA from benzoylated DEAE-cellulose were consistent with repair-associated single stranded regions being substrates for endogenous single strand-specific exonucleases

    The MYCN Oncogene

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    Lack of correlation between MYCN expression and the Warburg effect in neuroblastoma cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many cancers preferentially meet their energy requirements through the glycolytic pathway rather than via the more efficient oxidative phosphorylation pathway. It is thought that this is an important adaptation in cancer malignancy. We investigated whether use of glycolysis for energy production even in the presence of oxygen (known as the Warburg effect) varied between neuroblastoma cell lines with or without <it>MYCN </it>amplification (a key indicator of poor disease outcome in neuroblastoma).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined ATP and lactate production, oxygen consumption and mitochondrial energisation status for three neuroblastoma cell lines with varying degrees of <it>MYCN </it>amplification and MYCN expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found no correlation between MYCN expression and the Warburg effect in the cell lines investigated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest preferential use of glycolysis for energy production and MYCN expression may be independent markers of neuroblastoma malignancy <it>in vitro </it>if not <it>in vivo</it>.</p

    Developmental Curiosity and Social Interaction in Virtual Agents

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    Infants explore their complex physical and social environment in an organized way. To gain insight into what intrinsic motivations may help structure this exploration, we create a virtual infant agent and place it in a developmentally-inspired 3D environment with no external rewards. The environment has a virtual caregiver agent with the capability to interact contingently with the infant agent in ways that resemble play. We test intrinsic reward functions that are similar to motivations that have been proposed to drive exploration in humans: surprise, uncertainty, novelty, and learning progress. These generic reward functions lead the infant agent to explore its environment and discover the contingencies that are embedded into the caregiver agent. The reward functions that are proxies for novelty and uncertainty are the most successful in generating diverse experiences and activating the environment contingencies. We also find that learning a world model in the presence of an attentive caregiver helps the infant agent learn how to predict scenarios with challenging social and physical dynamics. Taken together, our findings provide insight into how curiosity-like intrinsic rewards and contingent social interaction lead to dynamic social behavior and the creation of a robust predictive world model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; accepted to CogSci 2023 with full paper publication in the proceeding

    Priming Leukemia with 5-Azacytidine Enhances CAR T Cell Therapy

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    Purpose: Despite the success of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells in clinical studies, a significant proportion of responding patients eventually relapsed, with the latter correlating with low CAR T cell expansion and persistence. Methods and Results: Using patient-derived xenograft (PDX) mouse models of CD19+ B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), we show that priming leukemia-bearing mice with 5-azacytidine (AZA) enhances CAR T cell therapy. AZA given 1 day prior to CAR T cell infusion delayed leukemia growth and promoted CAR T cell expansion and effector function. Priming leukemia cells with AZA increased CAR T cell/target cell conjugation and target cell killing, promoted CAR T cell divisions and expanded IFNγ+ effector T cells in co-cultures with CD19+ leukemia Nalm-6 and Raji cells. Transcriptome analysis revealed activation of diverse immune pathways in leukemia cells isolated from mice treated with AZA. We propose that epigenetic priming with AZA induces transcriptional changes that sensitize tumor cells to subsequent CAR T cell treatment. Among the candidate genes up-regulated by AZA is TNFSF4 which encodes OX40L, one of the strongest T cell co-stimulatory ligands. OX40L binds OX40, the TNF receptor superfamily member highly specific for activated T cells. TNFSF4 is heterogeneously expressed in a panel of pediatric PDXs, and high TNFSF4 expression correlated with increased CAR T cell numbers identified in co-cultures with individual PDXs. High OX40L expression in Nalm-6 cells increased their susceptibility to CAR T cell killing while OX40L blockade reduced leukemia cell killing. Conclusion: We propose that treatment with AZA activates OX40L/OX40 co-stimulatory signaling in CAR T cells. Our data suggest that the clinical use of AZA before CAR T cells could be considered

    Translational development of difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) for the treatment of neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma is a childhood tumor in which MYC oncogenes are commonly activated to drive tumor progression. Survival for children with high-risk neuroblastoma remains poor despite treatment that incorporates high-dose chemotherapy, stem cell support, surgery, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. More effective and less toxic treatments are sought and one approach under clinical development involves re-purposing the anti-protozoan drug difluoromethylornithine (DFMO; Eflornithine) as a neuroblastoma therapeutic. DFMO is an irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (Odc), a MYC target gene, bona fide oncogene, and the rate-limiting enzyme in polyamine synthesis. DFMO is approved for the treatment of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense encephalitis (“African sleeping sickness”) since polyamines are essential for the proliferation of these protozoa. However, polyamines are also critical for mammalian cell proliferation and the finding that MYC coordinately regulates all aspects of polyamine metabolism suggests polyamines may be required to support cancer promotion by MYC. Pre-emptive blockade of polyamine synthesis is sufficient to block tumor initiation in an otherwise fully penetrant transgenic mouse model of neuroblastoma driven by MYCN, underscoring the necessity of polyamines in this process. Moreover, polyamine depletion regimens exert potent anti-tumor activity in pre-clinical models of established neuroblastoma as well, in combination with numerous chemotherapeutic agents and even in tumors with unfavorable genetic features such as MYCN, ALK or TP53 mutation. This has led to the testing of DFMO in clinical trials for children with neuroblastoma. Current trial designs include testing lower dose DFMO alone (2,000 mg/m2/day) starting at the completion of standard therapy, or higher doses combined with chemotherapy (up to 9,000 mg/m2/day) for patients with relapsed disease that has progressed. In this review we will discuss important considerations for the future design of DFMO-based clinical trials for neuroblastoma, focusing on the need to better define the principal mechanisms of anti-tumor activity for polyamine depletion regimens. Putative DFMO activities that are both cancer cell intrinsic (targeting the principal oncogenic driver, MYC) and cancer cell extrinsic (altering the tumor microenvironment to support anti-tumor immunity) will be discussed. Understanding the mechanisms of DFMO activity are critical in determining how it might be best leveraged in upcoming clinical trials. This mechanistic approach also provides a platform by which iterative pre-clinical testing using translational tumor models may complement our clinical approaches

    Enhancing the anti-angiogenic action of histone deacetylase inhibitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) have many effects on cancer cells, such as growth inhibition, induction of cell death, differentiation, and anti-angiogenesis, all with a wide therapeutic index. However, clinical trials demonstrate that HDACIs are more likely to be effective when used in combination with other anticancer agents. Moreover, the molecular basis for the anti-cancer action of HDACIs is still unknown. In this study, we compared different combinations of HDACIs and anti-cancer agents with anti-angiogenic effects, and analysed their mechanism of action.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Trichostatin A (TSA) and α-interferon (IFNα) were the most effective combination across a range of different cancer cell lines, while normal non-malignant cells did not respond in the same manner to the combination therapy. There was a close correlation between absence of basal p21<sup>WAF1 </sup>expression and response to TSA and IFNα treatment. Moreover, inhibition of p21<sup>WAF1 </sup>expression in a p21<sup>WAF1</sup>-expressing breast cancer cell line by a specific siRNA increased the cytotoxic effects of TSA and IFNα. <it>In vitro </it>assays of endothelial cell function showed that TSA and IFNα decreased endothelial cell migration, invasion, and capillary tubule formation, without affecting endothelial cell viability. TSA and IFNα co-operatively inhibited gene expression of some pro-angiogenic factors: vascular endothelial growth factor, hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and matrix metalloproteinase 9, in neuroblastoma cells under hypoxic conditions. Combination TSA and IFNα therapy markedly reduced tumour angiogenesis in neuroblastoma-bearing transgenic mice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that combination TSA and IFNα therapy has potent co-operative cytotoxic and anti-angiogenic activity. High basal p21<sup>WAF1 </sup>expression appears to be acting as a resistance factor to the combination therapy.</p

    Balance control in pirouettes – what role does spotting play?

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    Rotations around the vertical axis are among the most often-performed dance movements. Especially in ballet, pirouettes take a prominent place in the movement vocabulary. However, evidence on balance control and coordination during pirouettes is scarce. So far, no studies have addressed the influence of the fundamental spotting technique on balance in pirouettes. Therefore, the aim of this presentation is to summarise findings from two different studies on balance control and the coordination of spotting in pirouettes and continuous rotations. Study A tested 24 intermediate ballet dancers for postural stability after turning 14 consecutive rotations either actively or passively on a rotating chair. In both conditions, participants turned once while adopting the spotting technique and once without spotting. Before and after the rotations, Centre-of-Pressure (COP) displacement in quiet stance was measured on a force plate and perception of vertigo after-effect was measured by self-assessment (Keshavarz & Hecht, 2011). Conditions were compared with repeated-measures ANOVA. Study B was conducted with eight intermediate dancers who performed double pirouettes with and without the spotting technique. Whole-body movement was measured with a three-dimensional motion capture system and COP displacement with a force plate. The following balance measures were calculated: topple angle, instantaneous axis, and displacement of the foot marker. The following spotting measures were calculated: duration of head towards front, and head-trunk dissociation. Study A showed that balance after turning with the spotting technique was better than turning without spotting (p=.047). It thus seems that spotting helps balance control after rotations. In study B, we could show that spotting also helps balance control during rotations (topple angle with spotting is smaller (M=5.8°, SD=1.1°) than while turning without spotting (M=7.1°, SD=1.2°; p>.001). Besides discussing the results of our studies in more detail, we will present the advantages and disadvantages of different performance measure in pirouettes. Valid, dance-specific measures are crucial to allow for the comparison and progress of studies in the field of dance science and further, to advance the understanding of the role of spotting in whole body rotations. This research brings novel insights to the methods for quantifying the complex movements of dance, ultimately to improve dance training and technique. References: Keshavarz, B., & Hecht, H. (2011). Validating an efficient method to quantify motion sickness. Human factors, 53(4), 415–426