17 research outputs found
Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Re-based double perovskites
Este trabajo recoge la caracterizaci贸n estructural y el estudio de las propiedades magn茅ticas de muestras de dobles perovskitas basadas en Re: la serie A2FeReO6 (donde A = Ba, Sr o Ca), el compuesto Sr2CrReO6 puro y la serie Sr2-xLnxCrReO6 (con Ln = La, Nd o Sm). Para ello se han utilizado varias t茅cnicas experimentales (tanto macrosc贸picas como de sonda local) que est谩n explicadas detalladamente en la parte introductoria. El volumen contiene tambi茅n una introducci贸n te贸rica en la que se explican varios fen贸menos f铆sicos, importantes para las propiedades f铆sicas de los compuestos estudiados
Airborne magnetic technoparticles in soils as a record of Anthropocene
Airborne magnetic particles in soils were studied in sites located in various distances to industrial plants. Chemical and mineral composition of soil samples were analysed. The highest values of the Pollution Load Index (PLI) calculated for several elements were noted for sites relatively distant from industrial plants. Soil samples exposed for the deposition of airborne particles were examined by means of magnetization versus an external applied magnetic field as well as ^{52}Fe M枚ssbauer spectroscopy measurements showing a lack of correlation of the magnetic properties with total Fe content, which points toward a strong impact of the industrial activities. Magnetic fraction was extracted and studied using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry. Two types of spherical particles were noted. Massive ones occurring in all sites and particles with a complex internal structure more abundant in sites situated closer to industrial plants. The presence of spherical magnetic particles formed in high temperature processes indicate their relatively long range transport in the atmosphere. Broad distribution, characteristic and easy for identification spherical form of these magnetic technoparticles, suggest that one can consider them as a record of the Anthropocene. Accumulation of such technoparticles is related to rapid industrialization in the post-World War II period
Tailoring magnetic properties of Fe_(0.65)Co_(0.35) nanoparticles by compositing with RE_(2)O_(3) (RE = La, Nd, and Sm)
Fe-Co alloys are the most important soft magnetic materials, which are successfully used for a wide range of applications. In this work, the magnetic properties of lanthanide-substituted (Fe_(0.65)Co_(0.35))_(0.95)((RE_(2)O_(3))_(0.05) (RE = La, Nd, and Sm) nanoparticles, prepared by mechanical alloying, are reported. Our comprehensive studies (X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry, SQUID magnetometry and differential scannin)g calorimetry) have revealed different properties, depending on the dopant type. The RE_(2)O_(3) addition led to a decrease in the crystallite size and to an increase in the internal microstrain. Moreover, because of the high grain fragmentation tendency of RE_(2)O_(3), the cold welding between Fe-Co ductile particles was minimized, indicating a significant decrease in the average particle size. The parent Fe_(0.65)Co_(0.35) alloy is known for its soft ferromagnetism. For the La-substituted sample, the magnetic energy product was significantly lower (0.450 MG center dot Oe) than for the parent alloy (0.608 MG center dot Oe), and much higher for the Sm-substituted compound (0.710 MG center dot Oe). The processing route presented here, seems to be cost-effective for the large-scale production of soft magnetic materials
Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Re-based double perovskites tesis doctoral /
Tyt. z ekranu tytu艂owego.Promotorzy z towarzysz膮cych materia艂贸w.Praca doktorska. Akademia G贸rniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanis艂awa Staszica (Krak贸w), 2009.Thesis. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2009.Zawiera bibliogr.Dost臋pna tak偶e w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dost臋pu: Internet.Spin polarization, polarized currents in electronic devices, intrinsic, Lorentz, anisotropic, spin-disorder, colossal, giant, intergrain tunnel magnetoresistance, orbit coupling, magneto-crystalline anisotropy, thermally assisted demagnetization, spin waves, modern materials for spin electronics, double perovskites, structural, magnetic properties of most common compounds, magneto-structural coupling in Re based Double Perovskites, enhancing the Curie temperature, electron doping, importance of the crystallographic structure quality, defects, experimental techniques, data analysis, sample preparation, solid state synthesis of ceramic samples, lanthanide doped samples, questions about stability of electron doped material, bulk characterization methods, SQUID magnetometry, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, high pulsed, static fields, Singular Point Detection, resistivity, crystallographic structure, microstructure, chemical composition, diffraction methods, X-ray, Neutron Powder Diffraction, rietveld refinement of the diffraction data, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Fluorescence, synchrotron methods, X-rays interaction with matter, XANES, EXAFS experiments, X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure spectra features, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure data analysis, XMCD under high pulsed magnetic fields, Sr2CrReO6, parent compound for the Lanthanide doped series, crystallographic, magnetic structure investigated by diffraction methods, estimate of defects amount, lattice constants, magnetic configuration as a function of temperature, magnetic properties, low field range, high pulsed, static field experiment, FeRe-based double perovskites, A2FeReO6 low field magnetic properties, A2FeReO6 low temperature magnetism under high magnetic fields, Re orbital contribution to overall saturation magnetization, approach to saturation magnetization, temperature evolution of magnetic properties, spin wave model of saturation magnetization, Singular Point Detection studies, lanthanide doping of Sr2CrReO6, in the search for high Curie temperature by electron doping, microstructure, chemical composition, sources of nonstoichiometry, modified double perovskite structure shown by neutron diffraction patterns analysis, models proposed, high temperature regime, crystallographic structure obtained, thermal evolution of crystallographic parameters and magnetic moments, electrical properties, magnetic studies of lanthanide doped family, low field, up to 5 T, consequences of doping on the magnetic properties, verification of the model
Problematyka g艂臋bokiego wiercenia na Orawie a popaleoge艅ska tektonika Karpat P贸艂nocnych
This paper presents an insight into the geology of the area surrounding the ODDP proposed drilling site, and the structural development of the Carpathians in post-Palaeogene times. Since the deep drilling is proposed to be located in the Orava region of the Northern Carpathians, on the Polish-Slovak border, the structure and origin of the Neogene Orava Basin is also addressed in the paper. The outline of geology of the Carpathian Mountains in Slovakia and Poland is presented. This outline includes the Inner Carpathian Tatra Mountains, the Inner Carpathian Palaeogene Basin, the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the Outer Carpathians, the deep structure below the Carpathian overthrust, the Orava Basin Neogene cover, the Neogene magmatism, faults and block rotations within the Inner and Outer Carpathians, and the Carpathian contemporary stress field. The outline of geology is accompanied by the results of the most recent magnetotelluric survey and the detailed description of the post-Palaeogene plate tectonics of the circum-Carpathian region. The oblique collision of the Alcapa terrane with the North European plate led to the development of the accretionary wedge of the Outer Carpathians and foreland basin. The northward movement of the Alpine segment of the Carpathian-Alpine orogen had been stopped due to its collision with the Bohemian Massif. At the same time, the extruded Carpatho/ Pannonian units were pushed to the open space, towards a bay of weak crust filled up by the Outer Carpathian flysch sediments. The separation of the Carpatho/Pannonian segment from the Alpine one and its propagation to the north was related to the development of the N-S dextral strike-slip faults. The formation of the West Carpathian thrusts was completed by the Miocene time. The thrust front was still progressing eastwards in the Eastern Carpathians. The Carpathian loop including the Pieniny Klippen Belt structure was formed. The Neogene evolution of the Carpathians resulted also in the formation of genetically different sedimentary basins. These basins were opened due to lithospheric extension, flexure, and strike-slip related processes. A possible asteno- sphere upwelling may have contributed to the origin of the Orava Basin, which represents a kind of a rift modified by strike-slip/pull-apart processes. In this way, a local extensional regime must have operated on a local scale in the Orava region, within the frame of an overall compressional stress field affecting the entire West Carpathians. Nevertheless, many questions remain open. Without additional direct geological data, which can be achieved only by deep drilling under the Orava Deep Drilling Project, these questions cannot be fully and properly answered.W grudniu 1999 Polska do艂膮czy艂a do programu wierce艅 kontynentalnych - International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP). W ramach tego programu jest przygotowywany projekt g艂臋bokiego wiercenia w strefie kontaktu teranu Karpat wewn臋trznych i p艂yty p贸艂nocnoeuropejskiej. Praca przedstawia zarys geologii Karpat na terenie Polski i S艂owacji, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem Tatr, paleogenu wewn膮trzkarpackiego, pieni艅skiego pasa ska艂kowego, zachodnich Karpat zewn臋trznych, pod艂o偶a nasuni臋cia karpackiego na po艂udnie od Krakowa, neoge艅skiego wulkanizmu i budowy geologicznej niecki orawskiej. Wiercenie "Orawa" by艂oby usytuowane w rejonie Jab艂onki-Chy偶nego na linii przekroju sejsmicznego CELEBRATION CEL01, jak r贸wnie偶 w niedalekim s膮siedztwie g艂臋bokiego przekroju geologicznego Krak贸w-Zakopane i na linii przekroju Andrych贸w-Chy偶ne. Przekroje Krak贸w--Zakopane i Andrych贸w-Chy偶ne wykorzystuj膮 szereg wierce艅 Pa艅stwowego Instytutu Geologicznego i PGNiG, a tak偶e badania sejsmiczne i magnetote-luryczne. Usytuowanie wiercenia w rejonie przygranicznym pozwoli na mi臋dzynarodow膮 wsp贸艂prac臋 z geologami i geofizykami s艂owackimi. Wiercenie to ma na celu wyja艣nienie szeregu problem贸w badawczych. Jednym z nich jest zagadnienie m艂odych i wsp贸艂czesnych ruch贸w tektonicznych w Karpatach. Przez obszar karpacki przebiega granica europejskiego pola plam gor膮ca, wyznaczona neoge艅skim wulkanizmem oraz rozk艂adem strumienia cieplnego. Na obszarze pomi臋dzy G贸rn膮 Oraw膮 a G贸rnym 艢l膮skiem, linia graniczna 艂膮cz膮ca neoge艅skie wulkanity Zakarpacia z andezytami rejonu przypieni艅skiego i bazaltami Dolnego 艢l膮ska przecina sko艣nie nasuni臋cia jednostek fliszowych Karpat Zewn臋trznych. R贸wnocze艣nie w rejonie Orawy do pieni艅skiego pasa ska艂kowego sko艣nie dochodzi o艣 karpackiej, ujemnej anomalii grawimetrycznej, a pod艂o偶e skonsolidowane wyst臋puje na g艂臋boko艣ci nie wi臋kszej ni偶 6-9 km, a wi臋c w zasi臋gu g艂臋bokiego wiercenia, co sugeruj膮 wyniki bada艅 megnetotellurycznych (呕ytko, 1999) i magnetycznych. Podniesienie to, przy generalnym zapadaniu pod艂o偶a platformy europejskiej pod Karpaty ku po艂udniowi, mo偶e bya spowodowane warunkami geotermicznymi, na skutek podnoszenia si臋 astenosfery i wyst臋powania pi贸ropuszy p艂aszcza. Pi贸ropusze te mog膮 bya niezale偶ne od karpackiej kompresji i subdukcji. Z pi贸rpuszami tymi 艂膮czy si臋 lokalna i regionalna ekstensja w warunkach megaregionalnej kompresji. Zjawiska tego rodzaju nie s膮 jeszcze dok艂adnie poznane, aczkolwiek wyst臋puj膮 w kilku miejscach na 艣wiecie (np. Panteleria na Morzu 艢r贸dziemnym). Opracowanie zagadnienia roli pi贸ropuszy p艂aszcza i okre艣lenie ich relacji do kolizji i subdukcji maj膮 zasi臋g globalny, a ich wyja艣nienie w rejonie karpackim pozwoli na stworzenie uniwersalnego modelu ewolucji orogen贸w. Nie jest wykluczone, 偶e mamy do czynienia z orogenez膮 "modyfikowan膮" przez pi贸ropusz p艂aszcza. Powstanie niecki Orawy i Podhala mog艂oby wi臋c mie膰 zwi膮zek z riftingiem spowodowanym wp艂ywem pi贸ropuszy p艂aszcza na pograniczu dw贸ch p艂yt. Ryft ten jest obrze偶ony mi臋dzy innymi wyniesieniami Babiej G贸ry i Orawskiej Magury. Z ryftem mo偶e by膰 zwi膮zany wulkanizm ukryty pod neoge艅skimi utworami niecki orawskiej, a widoczny jako wysokooporowe cia艂a na profilach megnetotellurycznych. Tektonik臋 tego obszaru komplikuje wyst臋powanie uskok贸w przesuwczych o r贸偶nym przebiegu i orientacji i zwi膮zane z nimi tworzenie si臋 basen贸w mi臋dzyprzesuwczych typu pull-apart. Proponowane wiercenie przyczyni艂oby si臋 do uzyskania odpowiedzi na postawione wy偶ej problemy. Dla okre艣lenia dok艂adnej lokalizacji wiercenia i jego w艂a艣ciwej interpretacji geologicznej konieczne b臋dzie wykonanie dodatkowych prac geofizycznych. P艂ytka sejsmika wyja艣ni艂aby zasi臋g utwor贸w neoge艅skich i pozycj臋 pieni艅skiego pasa ska艂kowego pod utworami neogenu, za艣 g艂臋boka sejsmika, a zw艂aszcza zdj臋cie 3-D, przyczyni 艂aby si臋 do lepszego rozpoznania tektoniki wg艂臋bnej