20 research outputs found

    Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures

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    Optimized Invariant Representation of Network Traffic for Detecting Unseen Malware Variants Optimized Invariant Representation of Network Traffic for Detecting Unseen Malware Variants

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    Abstract New and unseen polymorphic malware, zero-day attacks, or other types of advanced persistent threats are usually not detected by signature-based security devices, firewalls, or anti-viruses. This represents a challenge to the network security industry as the amount and variability of incidents has been increasing. Consequently, this complicates the design of learning-based detection systems relying on features extracted from network data. The problem is caused by different joint distribution of observation (features) and labels in the training and testing data sets. This paper proposes a classification system designed to detect both known as well as previouslyunseen security threats. The classifiers use statistical feature representation computed from the network traffic and learn to recognize malicious behavior. The representation is designed and optimized to be invariant to the most common changes of malware behaviors. This is achieved in part by a feature histogram constructed for each group of HTTP flows (proxy log records) of a user visiting a particular hostname and in part by a feature self-similarity matrix computed for each group. The parameters of the representation (histogram bins) are optimized and learned based on the training samples along with the classifiers. The proposed classification system was deployed on large corporate networks, where it detected 2,090 new and unseen variants of malware samples with 90% precision (9 of 10 alerts were malicious), which is a considerable improvement when compared to the current flow-based approaches or existing signaturebased web security devices

    Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures

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    Motivated by the goals of improving detection of low-contrast and narrow vessels and eliminating false detections at non-vascular structures, a new technique is presented for extracting vessels in retinal images. The core of the technique is a new likelihood ratio test that combines matchedfilter responses, confidence measures and vessel boundary measures. Matched filter responses are derived in scale-space to extract vessels of widely varying widths. A vessel confidence measure is defined as a projection of a vector formed from a normalized pixel neighborhood onto a normalized ideal vessel profile. Vessel boundary measures and associated confidences are computed at potential vessel boundaries. Combined, these responses form a 6-dimensional measurement vector at each pixel. A training technique is used to develop a mapping of this vector to a likelihood ratio that measures the "vesselness" at each pixel. Results comparing this vesselness measure to matched filters alone and to measures based on the Hessian of intensities show substantial improvements both qualitatively and quantitatively. The Hessian can be used in place of the matched filter to obtain similar but less-substantial improvements or to steer the matched filter by preselecting kernel orientations. Finally, the new vesselness likelihood ratio is embedded into a vessel tracing framework, resulting in an e#cient and e#ective vessel centerline extraction algorithm

    Retinal Vessel Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures

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    Motivated by the goals of improving detection of low-contrast and narrow vessels and eliminating false detections at non-vascular structures, a new technique is presented for extracting vessels in retinal images. The core of the technique is a new likelihood ratio test that combines matched filter responses, confidence measures and vessel boundary measures. Matched filter responses are derived in scale-space to extract vessels of widely varying widths. A vessel confidence measure is defined as a projection of a vector formed from a normalized pixel neighborhood onto a normalized ideal vessel profile. Vessel boundary measures and associated confidences are computed at potential vessel boundaries. Combined, these responses form a 6-dimensional measurement vector at each pixel. A learning technique is applied to map this vector to a likelihood ratio that measures the "vesselness" at each pixel. Results comparing this vesselness measure to matched filters alone and to measures based on the intensity Hessian show substantial improvements both qualitatively and quantitatively. When the Hessian is used in place of the matched filter, similar but less-substantial improvements are obtained. Finally, the new vesselness likelihood ratio is embedded into a vessel tracing framework, resulting in an e#cient and e#ective vessel extraction algorithm


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    Image segmentation is one of the most challenging tasks in the field of image processing. Even the best automatic segmentation approaches cannot yet provide accurate segmentation in all situations. Hence, there is a persistent need for interactive editing tools to correct the automatic segmentation results such that they match what would be clinically accepted by an expert. We present an editing approach that uses a user-drawn splice (contour) in 2D to correct any 2D or 3D segmentation that may have been obtained automatically or manually. The algorithm integrates the image data, the existing segmentation (presegmentation), and the user’s input into an energy minimization framework. We will show that the proposed segmentation editing approach is general and can be used in multiple applications and for multiple imaging modalities. 1

    C.: Retinal vessel centerline extraction using multiscale matched filters, confidence and edge measures

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    Abstract — Motivated by the goals of improving detection of lowcontrast and narrow vessels and eliminating false detections at nonvascular structures, a new technique is presented for extracting vessels in retinal images. The core of the technique is a new likelihood ratio test that combines matched-filter responses, confidence measures and vessel boundary measures. Matched filter responses are derived in scale-space to extract vessels of widely varying widths. A vessel confidence measure is defined as a projection of a vector formed from a normalized pixel neighborhood onto a normalized ideal vessel profile. Vessel boundary measures and associated confidences are computed at potential vessel boundaries. Combined, these responses form a 6-dimensional measurement vector at each pixel. A training technique is used to develop a mapping of this vector to a likelihood ratio that measures the “vesselness ” at each pixel. Results comparing this vesselness measure to matched filters alone and to measures based on the Hessian of intensities show substantial improvements both qualitatively and quantitatively. The Hessian can be used in place of the matched filter to obtain similar but less-substantial improvements or to steer the matched filter by preselecting kernel orientations. Finally, the new vesselness likelihood ratio is embedded into a vessel tracing framework, resulting in an efficient and effective vessel centerline extraction algorithm. Index Terms — vessel extraction, vessel tracing, matched filters, likelihood ratio, retina images I

    Keypoint Descriptors for Matching Across Multiple Image Modalities and Non-linear Intensity Variations

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    In this paper, we investigate the effect of substantial inter-image intensity changes and changes in modality on the performance of keypoint detection, description, and matching algorithms in the context of image registration. In doing so, we modify widely-used keypoint descriptors such as SIFT and shape contexts, attempting to capture the insight that some structural information is indeed preserved between images despite dramatic appearance changes. These extensions include (a) pairing opposite-direction gradients in the formation of orientation histograms and (b) focusing on edge structures only. We also compare the stability of MSER, Laplacian-of-Gaussian, and Harris corner keypoint location detection and the impact of detection errors on matching results. Our experiments on multimodal image pairs and on image pairs with significant intensity differences show that indexing based on our modified descriptors produces more correct matches on difficult pairs than current techniques at the cost of a small decrease in performance on easier pairs. This extends the applicability of image registration algorithms such as the Dual-Bootstrap which rely on correctly matching only a small number of keypoints. 1

    Multiple Object Detection by Sequential Monte Carlo and Hierarchical Detection Network

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    In this paper, we propose a novel framework for detecting multiple objects in 2D and 3D images. Since a joint multi-object model is difficult to obtain in most practical situations, we focus here on detecting the objects sequentially, one-by-one. The interdependence of object poses and strong prior information embedded in our domain of medical images results in better performance than detecting the objects individually. Our approach is based on Sequential Estimation techniques, frequently applied to visual tracking. Unlike in tracking, where the sequential order is naturally determined by the time sequence, the order of detection of multiple objects must be selected, leading to a Hierarchical Detection Network (HDN). We present an algorithm that optimally selects the order based on probability of states (object poses) within the ground truth region. The posterior distribution of the object pose is approximated at each step by sequential Monte Carlo. The samples are propagated within the sequence across multiple objects and hierarchical levels. We show on 2D ultrasound images of left atrium, that the automatically selected sequential order yields low mean detection error. We also quantitatively evaluate the hierarchical detection of fetal faces and three fetal brain structures in 3D ultrasound images