21 research outputs found

    Optimal two-copy discrimination of quantum measurements

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    We investigate optimal discrimination between two projective quantum measurements on a single qubit. We consider scenario where the measurement that should be identified can be performed twice and we show that adaptive discrimination strategy, entangled probe states, and feed-forward all help to increase the probability of correct identification of the measurement. We also experimentally demonstrate the studied discrimination strategies and test their performance. The employed experimental setup involves projective measurements on polarization states of single photons and preparation of required probe two-photon polarization states by the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion and passive linear optics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Increasing efficiency of a linear-optical quantum gate using an electronic feed forward

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    We have successfully used a fast electronic feed forward to increase the success probability of a linear optical implementation of a programmable phase gate from 25% to its theoretical limit of 50%. The feed forward applies a conditional unitary operation which changes the incorrect output states of the data qubit to the correct ones. The gate itself rotates an arbitrary quantum state of the data qubit around the z-axis of the Bloch sphere with the angle of rotation being fully determined by the state of the program qubit. The gate implementation is based on fiber optics components. Qubits are encoded into spatial modes of single photons. The signal from the feed-forward detector is led directly to a phase modulator using only a passive voltage divider. We have verified the increase of the success probability and characterized the gate operation by means of quantum process tomography. We have demonstrated that the use of the feed forward does not affect either the process fidelity or the output-state fidelities

    Non-interactive XOR quantum oblivious transfer: optimal protocols and their experimental implementations

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    Oblivious transfer (OT) is an important cryptographic primitive. Any multi-party computation can be realised with OT as building block. XOR oblivious transfer (XOT) is a variant where the sender Alice has two bits, and a receiver Bob obtains either the first bit, the second bit, or their XOR. Bob should not learn anything more than this, and Alice should not learn what Bob has learnt. Perfect quantum OT with information-theoretic security is known to be impossible. We determine the smallest possible cheating probabilities for unrestricted dishonest parties in non-interactive quantum XOT protocols using symmetric pure states, and present an optimal protocol, which outperforms classical protocols. We also "reverse" this protocol, so that Bob becomes sender of a quantum state and Alice the receiver who measures it, while still implementing oblivious transfer from Alice to Bob. Cheating probabilities for both parties stay the same as for the unreversed protocol. We optically implemented both the unreversed and the reversed protocols, and cheating strategies, noting that the reversed protocol is easier to implement.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure