4 research outputs found

    Detection Papers with Chromogenic Chemosensors for Direct Visual Detection and Distinction of Liquid Chemical Warfare Agents

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    This work provides a summary of our results in the area of the experimental development of detection paper for the detection of liquid phase chemical warfare agents (drops, aerosol), the presence of which is demonstrated by the development of characteristic coloring visible to the naked eye. The basis of the detection paper is a cellulose carrier saturated with the dithienobenzotropone monomer (RM1a)–chromogenic chemosensor sensitive to nerve agents of the G type, blister agent lewisite, or choking agent diphosgene. We achieve a higher coloring brilliance and the limit certain interferences by using this chemosensor in the mix of the o-phenylendiamine-pyronine (PY-OPD). We prove that the addition of the Bromocresol Green pH indicator even enables detection of nerve agents of the V type, or, nitrogen mustards, while keeping a high stability of the detection paper and its functions for other chemical warfare agents. We resolve the resistance against the undesirable influence of water by providing a hydrophobic treatment of the carrier surface

    Modified Biosensor for Cholinesterase Inhibitors with Guinea Green B as the Color Indicator

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    Colorimetric biosensors of cholinesterase inhibitors are ideal for fast, reliable, and very simple detection of agents in air, in water, and on surfaces. This paper describes an innovation of the Czech Detehit biosensor, which is based on a biochemical enzymatic reaction visualized by using Ellman’s reagent as a chromogenic indicator. The modification basically consists of a much more distinct color response of the biosensor, attained through optimization of the reaction system by using Guinea Green B as the indicator. The performance of the modified biosensor was verified on the chemical warfare agents (sarin, soman, cyclosarin, and VX) in water. The detection limits ascertained visually (with the naked eye) were about 0.001 µg/mL in water (exposure time 60 s, inhibition efficiency 25%)

    Second-Generation Phosgene and Diphosgene Detection Tube

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    We have developed a second-generation detection tube for colorimetric and fluorescence detection of phosgene and diphosgene in air. The tube is packed with pellets made of a mixture of microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium aluminum metasilicate treated with a suitable monoterpene (camphor, menthol) to increase porosity and specific surface area. We impregnated the pellets with a specific o-phenylenediamine-pyronin (PY-OPD) based reagent. The detector with this novel indication charge enables phosgene or diphosgene to be selectively and sensitively detected at concentrations lower than as would those posing acute health risk. Owing to the analytical colorimetric and, at the same time, fluorescence signal, the detector is very robust while featuring good sensitivity and variability. The colorimetric limits of detection were 0.3 mg/m3 (tristimulus colorimeter), resp. 5 mg/m3 (with the naked eye), fluorescence detection limits of 0.3 mg/m3 (with the naked eye), all at an air sample volume of 1 dm3. The response was practically immediate, acid vapors and gases, or diethyl chlorophosphate as a simulant of nerve warfare chemical agents, were disruptive