27 research outputs found
Comparison of employment policy in Denmark and Norway
My bachelor's thesis deals with the issue "Comparison of employment policy in Denmark and Norway". Firstly, I will talk about history of the welfare state, typologies and theories of its origin. Secondly, I will make an analysis of the employment situation in the case of youthful, persons close to retirement age and women in each of the both countries. Furthermore, I will make the comparison of the situation in both countries. Finally, I will talk about the politics of employment and access public organizations for unemployed persons and trying to help them in the job search. The main goal of my thesis is to answer the question, what is the approach of Denmark and Norway to employment policy and to explore if approach of these countries is different or identical. The additional objective of this thesis was a comparison of unemployment rate in three selected population and determine the differences between these two countries. In my work I mainly talk about progression during the last years. I use official employment and unemployment statistics, specialized publications and articles about theory of the welfare state.Moje bakalářská práce pojednává o tématu "Srovnání politiky zaměstnanosti Dánska a Norska". V úvodu své práce budu hovořit o historii welfare state, typologiích a teoriích jeho vzniku. Zároveň se také zmíním o charakteristice severského modelu státu blahobytu a kritice současného welfare state. Ve své práci se dále zaměřím na analyzování stavu zaměstnanosti v případě mladistvých (zejména absolventů škol), starších osob v předdůchodovém věku a žen v každé z obou zemí. Dále se budu věnovat vzájemné komparaci situace v obou zemích. Závěrem budu hovořit o politice zaměstnanosti a přístupu státních organizací k nezaměstnaným osobám a snaze jim pomoci v hledání práce. Zároveň se budu snažit najít odlišnosti v případě míry nezaměstnanosti u těchto zvolených skupin obyvatelstva. Hlavním cílem mé práce je zodpovězení otázky, jaký je přístup Dánska a Norska k politice zaměstnanosti a jestli se míra zaměstnanosti v jednotlivých skupinách populace výrazně liší. Ve své práci se zaměřuji zejména na aktuální situaci a vývoj během posledních let, budu proto využívat zejména oficiální statistiky, dále pak také odborné publikace a články, věnující se zejména teorii státu blahobytu.Department of Russian and East European StudiesKatedra ruských a východoevropských studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě
Change in retirement policy within the Nordic welfare state
My thesis deals with the change of retirement policy in the Nordic welfare state. It focus on the period between years 1990 - 2014, during which the Nordic countries Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark were forced to respond to demographic challenges, such as population aging, decrease of economically active population, the increase of old - age dependency ratio and other problems. The main aim of my thesis is to find out if it is possible to observe a markedly different response and acceptance of different changes in the period 1990 - 2014 in the context of pension policy in these countries, or whether the countries responded similarly. The second objective of my work is to undertake a comparison of pension policy within the Nordic countries. As an aspect of comparison, I chose the financial sustainability of pension systems (expected future pension expenditure as % of GDP), the adequacy of pensions (according to the replacement ratio) and the possibility of drawing pensions (ordinary, early) and delay drawing pensions. In my work, I use the method of secondary analysis (especially statistics issued by the OECD and the Eurostat, legal documents and publications). Furthermore, I use comparative method for comparing the situation in different countries according to selected criteria and method of..
Use of mediation in settlement of labor-law disputes
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku využití mediace při řešení pracovněprávních sporů. V úvodu představuje vhled do problematiky historicky užívaných způsobů řešení pracovněprávních sporů na území dnešní České republiky. Pozornost je věnována charakteristice mediace jako alternativního způsobu řešení sporů. Vymezeny jsou pracovněprávní spory individuální i kolektivní, přičemž diplomová práce popisuje způsoby uplatnění mediace v rámci jejich řešení. Prostřednictvím empirických analýz jsou zkoumány limity využití mediace v pracovněprávních věcech z pohledu současné soudní aplikační praxe s vymezením výsledků. Vyvozeny jsou výhody využití mediace v pracovněprávní oblasti a jako výsledek provedeného rozboru představeny návrhy pro budoucí právní úpravu.ObhájenoThe diploma thesis is focused on the issue of using mediation in resolving labour disputes. In the introduction, in the thesis the historical context of resolving labour disputes in the territory of today's Czech Republic from the second half of the 19th century to the present is explained. The description of the characteristics of mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution is laid out. Furthermore, the thesis defines labour disputes according to their division into individual and collective. The limits of the issue of using mediation by courts in labour law are described through the empirical analysis. Finally, the benefits of using mediation in labour law are evaluated and the proposals for future legislation are presented
Common European Immigration Policy Versus National Interests: Case Study of Italy and Poland
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the development of common immigration policy in the EU in relation to the member states, who are often blamed for the slow progress in the realization of common policy aims. Two member states, Italy and Poland, are analysed in their approaches towards the common immigration policy. Focus is put on the examination of their national influence in the field of migration and its compatibility with the EU approach. The conclusion states a significant influence which the member states have on the development of the common immigration policy, especially in their accentuation of the restrictive character of migration policies. This has been typical of Italian approach until recently. Polish situation is different because of its only recent accession to the EU before which it had to harmonize its migration legislation with acquis communitaire. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org
Use of mediation in settlement of labor-law disputes
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku využití mediace při řešení pracovněprávních sporů. V úvodu představuje vhled do problematiky historicky užívaných způsobů řešení pracovněprávních sporů na území dnešní České republiky. Pozornost je věnována charakteristice mediace jako alternativního způsobu řešení sporů. Vymezeny jsou pracovněprávní spory individuální i kolektivní, přičemž diplomová práce popisuje způsoby uplatnění mediace v rámci jejich řešení. Prostřednictvím empirických analýz jsou zkoumány limity využití mediace v pracovněprávních věcech z pohledu současné soudní aplikační praxe s vymezením výsledků. Vyvozeny jsou výhody využití mediace v pracovněprávní oblasti a jako výsledek provedeného rozboru představeny návrhy pro budoucí právní úpravu.ObhájenoThe diploma thesis is focused on the issue of using mediation in resolving labour disputes. In the introduction, in the thesis the historical context of resolving labour disputes in the territory of today's Czech Republic from the second half of the 19th century to the present is explained. The description of the characteristics of mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution is laid out. Furthermore, the thesis defines labour disputes according to their division into individual and collective. The limits of the issue of using mediation by courts in labour law are described through the empirical analysis. Finally, the benefits of using mediation in labour law are evaluated and the proposals for future legislation are presented
Consumer Behaviour Analysis in the Field of the fair trade products
Bachelor's thesis is titled "Consumer behaviour in the area of fair trade products". The aim of the thesis is to assess how informed the consumers are about the fair trade products and their respective consumer behaviour. The first part of the thesis is focused on market research in general. The second part makes use of the data. The third part processes the results and tests the formed hy-potheses. The conclusion of the thesis suggests action which can improve the current state of awareness about fair trade
Belarusian asylum seekers and chosen questions of the sociocultural adaptation
Základním cílem předkládané práce je nahlédnout do složitého procesu sociokulturní adaptace, kterým postupně prochází vybraná skupina migrantů. Práce se nezabývá procesem adaptace jako celkem, ale spíše reflexí některých částí tohoto procesu, tedy tak, jak ho vnímají samotní aktéři-migranti.This doctoral thesis aims to examine the complex process of social and cultural adaptation as experienced by a chosen migrant group. It is concerned with the asylum seekers reflection of the particular parts of this process rather than with the adaptation process as a whole.PhD. - AnthropologyDoktorský program AntropologieFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi
Comparison of employment policy in Denmark and Norway
My bachelor's thesis deals with the issue "Comparison of employment policy in Denmark and Norway". Firstly, I will talk about history of the welfare state, typologies and theories of its origin. Secondly, I will make an analysis of the employment situation in the case of youthful, persons close to retirement age and women in each of the both countries. Furthermore, I will make the comparison of the situation in both countries. Finally, I will talk about the politics of employment and access public organizations for unemployed persons and trying to help them in the job search. The main goal of my thesis is to answer the question, what is the approach of Denmark and Norway to employment policy and to explore if approach of these countries is different or identical. The additional objective of this thesis was a comparison of unemployment rate in three selected population and determine the differences between these two countries. In my work I mainly talk about progression during the last years. I use official employment and unemployment statistics, specialized publications and articles about theory of the welfare state
Wetland ecosystem as a teaching model to the knowledge of the carbon cycle
This bachelor thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part explores a definition of wetlands system, its functions and its place in carbon circulation. Additionally, I describe a didactic game, which can be used as a method for teaching biology and ecology at high school level. The practical part includes specific didactic games, which can be employed in teaching. The games are framed according to the rules of research-oriented teaching