18 research outputs found

    Continuum elastic theory for dynamics of surfaces and interfaces

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    This thesis is divided into three parts, different by problems they deal with, but similar by underlying assumptions (crystals are treated as classical elastic anisotropic media) and methods of solving (vibrational Green\u27s functions). (i) In the first part we compute the density of vibrational modes for a vicinal Ni(977) surface. In the spectrum we find new step induced modes which are compared with recently reported experimental data for Ni(977) surface obtained by inelastic atom scattering. (ii) In the second part we study damping of low-frequency adsorbate vibrations via resonant coupling to the substrate phonons. Our theory provides a general expression for the vibrational damping rate which can be applied to widely varying coverages and arbitrary overlayer structures. The damping rates predicted by our theory for CO on Cu(100) are in excellent quantitative agreement with available experimental data. (iii) In the third part we develop a theory for the density of vibrational modes at the surface of a thin film of one anisotropic solid an on top of the other. We compute the density of modes for a GaN film on a sapphire substrate for a wide range of wavevector and frequency, and obtain dispersion maps which contain waves trapped between the surface of the film and the interface. Two families of the trapped modes were observed: Love waves and generalized Lamb waves. We also study the effect of threading edge dislocations (majority of defects in the GaN film) on the trapped modes. At the experimental dislocation density the effect is negligible

    Continuum elastic theory for dynamics of surfaces and interfaces

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    This thesis is divided into three parts, different by problems they deal with, but similar by underlying assumptions (crystals are treated as classical elastic anisotropic media) and methods of solving (vibrational Green\u27s functions). (i) In the first part we compute the density of vibrational modes for a vicinal Ni(977) surface. In the spectrum we find new step induced modes which are compared with recently reported experimental data for Ni(977) surface obtained by inelastic atom scattering. (ii) In the second part we study damping of low-frequency adsorbate vibrations via resonant coupling to the substrate phonons. Our theory provides a general expression for the vibrational damping rate which can be applied to widely varying coverages and arbitrary overlayer structures. The damping rates predicted by our theory for CO on Cu(100) are in excellent quantitative agreement with available experimental data. (iii) In the third part we develop a theory for the density of vibrational modes at the surface of a thin film of one anisotropic solid an on top of the other. We compute the density of modes for a GaN film on a sapphire substrate for a wide range of wavevector and frequency, and obtain dispersion maps which contain waves trapped between the surface of the film and the interface. Two families of the trapped modes were observed: Love waves and generalized Lamb waves. We also study the effect of threading edge dislocations (majority of defects in the GaN film) on the trapped modes. At the experimental dislocation density the effect is negligible

    Pricing counterparty risk at the trade level and CVA allocations

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    We address the problem of allocating the counterparty-level credit valuation adjustment (CVA) to the individual trades composing the portfolio. We show that this problem can be reduced to calculating contributions of the trades to the counterparty-level expected exposure (EE) conditional on the counterparty's default. We propose a methodology for calculating conditional EE contributions for both collateralized and non-collateralized counterparties. Calculation of EE contributions can be easily incorporated into exposure simulation processes that already exist in a financial institution. We also derive closed-form expressions for EE contributions under the assumption that trade values are normally distributed. Analytical results are obtained for the case when the trade values and the counterparty's credit quality are independent as well as when there is a dependence between them (wrong-way risk).Financial risk management ; Derivative securities

    Problems of regional management of innovative food industry development

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    The article describes the need to consider management of innovative food industry development at all levels of national economy. Management of innovative potential of regional economic entities is considered as a set of processes and activities of management cycle, forms, and methods of its organization, aimed at ensuring innovative development of economic entities, achieving formulated mission and innovative goals using a focused impact on innovative potential components. Organizational structure of state management of innovative potential is also described. Horizontalvertical structure of innovative potential management of regional economic entities of Russian food industry is based on this structure. It is described in the context of all levels of national economy. Innovative potential of regional economic entities is managed according to the principle of complexity, systemicity, goal commitment and continuality. A resource-based approach has been identified for innovation capacity management process

    Managing the innovative development of the food industry

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    The present paper concerns the theoretical and methodological foundations and development of recommended practices for managing the innovative development of food industry business entities. The analysis of scientific and methodological approaches to the management of innovation activities and their possible application to the management of innovative development of food industry enterprises has been carried out. Management of business entities innovative development has been considered as a set of processes and activities of the management cycle, forms and methods of its organization, aimed at ensuring the innovative development of business entities, achieving the stated mission and innovative goals using a targeted impact on the components of the innovation potential. The key problems of innovative development of food industry enterprises have been identified. The article summarizes the dayto-day realities and defines the prospects for innovative development of food industry enterprises amid the pandemic