5,194 research outputs found

    A note on the use of FTAâ„¢ technology for storage of blood samples for DNA analysis and removal of PCR inhibitors

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    peer-reviewedFTAâ„¢ technology is widely used across many molecular disciplines for sample capture, storage and analysis. The use of this technology for the long-term storage of blood samples for DNA analysis was examined as well as its potential to remove inhibitors from DNA samples previously extracted from blood with PCR inhibitors remaining. It was found that blood spots stored on FTAâ„¢ cards for 8 years at room temperature gave successful PCR products and that FTAâ„¢ cards are a useful tool for removing substances in samples which interfere with or inhibit, the PCR reaction

    Why High and Low Performers Leave and What They Find Elsewhere: Job Performance Effects on Employment Transitions

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    Little is known about how high and low performers differ in terms of why they leave their jobs, and no work examines whether pre-quit job performance matters for post-quit new-job outcomes. Working with a sample of approximately 2,500 former employees of an organization in the leisure and hospitality industry, we find that the reported importance of a variety of quit reasons differs both across and within performance levels. Additionally, we use an ease-of-movement perspective to predict how pre-quit performance relates to post-quit employment, new-job pay, and new-job advancement opportunity. Job type, tenure, and race interacted with performance in predicting new-job outcomes, suggesting explanations grounded in motivation, signaling, and discrimination in the external job market

    Unit-Level Voluntary Turnover Rates and Customer Service Quality: Implications of Group Cohesiveness, Newcomer Concentration, and Size

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    Despite substantial growth in the service industry and emerging work on turnover consequences, little research examines how unit-level turnover rates affect essential customer-related outcomes. The authors propose an operational disruption framework to explain why voluntary turnover impairs customers’ service quality perceptions. Based on a sample of 75 work units and data from 5,631 employee surveys, 59,602 customer surveys, and organizational records, results indicate that unit-level voluntary turnover rates are negatively related to service quality perceptions. The authors also examine potential boundary conditions related to the disruption framework. Of three moderators studied (group cohesiveness, group size, and newcomer concentration), results show that turnover’s negative effects on service quality are more pronounced in larger units and in those with a greater concentration of newcomers

    Investigation of Prolific Sheep from UK and Ireland for Evidence on Origin of the Mutations in BMP15 (FecXG, FecXB) and GDF9 (FecGH) in Belclare and Cambridge Sheep

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    peer-reviewedThis paper concerns the likely origin of three mutations with large effects on ovulation rate identified in the Belclare and Cambridge sheep breeds; two in the BMP15 gene (FecXG and FecXB) and the third (FecGH) in GDF9. All three mutations segregate in Belclare sheep while one, FecXB, has not been found in the Cambridge. Both Belclare and Cambridge breeds are relatively recently developed composites that have common ancestry through the use of genetic material from the Finnish Landrace and Lleyn breeds. The development of both composites also involved major contributions from exceptionally prolific ewes screened from flocks in Ireland (Belclare) and Britain (Cambridge) during the 1960s. The objective of the current study was to establish the likely origin of the mutations (FecXG, FecXB and FecGH) through analysis of DNA from Finnish Landrace and Lleyn sheep, and Galway and Texel breeds which contributed to the development of the Belclare breed. Ewes with exceptionally high prolificacy (hyper-prolific ewes) in current flocks on Irish farms were identified to simulate the screening of ewes from Irish flocks in the 1960s. DNA was obtained from: prolific ewes in extant flocks of Lleyn sheep (n = 44) on the Lleyn peninsula in Wales; hyper-prolific ewes (n = 41); prolific Galway (n = 41) ewes; Finnish Landrace (n = 124) and Texel (n = 19) ewes. The FecXG mutation was identified in Lleyn but not in Finnish Landrace, Galway or Texel sheep; FecXB was only found among the hyper-prolific ewes. The FecGH mutation was identified in the sample of Lleyn sheep. It was concluded from these findings that the Lleyn breed was the most likely source of the FecXG and FecGH mutations in Belclare and Cambridge sheep and that the FecXB mutation came from the High Fertility line that was developed using prolific ewes selected from commercial flocks in Ireland in the 1960′s and subsequently used in the genesis of the Belclare.Financial support through the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Scheme, Genesis Faraday SPARK award (Lleyn survey) and Science Foundation Ireland (07/SRC/B1156) is gratefully acknowledged

    Dynamic density functional theory for drying colloidal suspensions: Comparison of hard-sphere free-energy functionals

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    Dynamic density functional theory (DDFT) is a promising approach for predicting the structural evolution of a drying suspension containing one or more types of colloidal particles. The assumed free-energy functional is a key component of DDFT that dictates the thermodynamics of the model and, in turn, the density flux due to a concentration gradient. In this work, we compare several commonly used free-energy functionals for drying hard-sphere suspensions including local-density approximations based on the ideal-gas, virial, and Boubl\'{i}k-Mansoori-Carnahan-Starling-Leland (BMCSL) equations of state as well as a weighted-density approximation based on fundamental measure theory (FMT). To determine the accuracy of each functional, we model one- and two-component hard-sphere suspensions in a drying film with varied initial heights and compositions, and we compare the DDFT-predicted volume-fraction profiles to particle-based Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations. FMT accurately predicts the structure of the one-component suspensions even at high concentrations and when significant density gradients develop, but the virial and BMCSL equations of state provide reasonable approximations for smaller concentrations at a reduced computational cost. In the two-component suspensions, FMT and BMCSL are similar to each other but modestly overpredict the extent of stratification by size compared to BD simulations. This work provides helpful guidance for selecting thermodynamic models for soft materials in nonequilibrium processes such as solvent drying, solvent freezing, and sedimentation
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