39 research outputs found

    Electrodynamics with a Future Conformal Horizon

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    We investigate the impact of singularities occurring at future times in solutions of the Friedmann equations expressed in conformal coordinates. We focus on the consequences of extending the time coordinate through the singularity for the physics of matter and radiation occupying just one side. Mostly this involves investigation of the relationship between the metric with line element ds^2 = a^2(t) * (dt^2 - dx^2) and time reversal symmetry within electrodynamics. It turns out compatibility between these two is possible only if there is a singular physical event at the time of the singularity or if the topology is not trivial. In both cases the singularity takes on the appearance of a time-like mirror. We are able to demonstrate a relationship between the broken time symmetry in electrodynamics characterized by retarded radiation and radiation reaction and the absolute conformal time relative to the time of the singularity, i.e. between the Electromagnetic and Cosmological arrows of time. It is determined that the Wheeler-Feynman reasoning but with the future absorber replaced by the Cosmological mirror leads to a conflict with observation unless matter is electromagnetically strongly bound to the environment.Comment: Article to be published in 7th International Vigier Symposium: The Search for Fundamental Theor

    Bezmasena klasična elektrodinamika

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    In the direct-action form of classical electromagnetism we give the equation of motion for a classical massless bare charge without self-interaction in the presence of an external field. That equation permits superluminal speeds and time-reversals, and so is a realization of the Stueckelberg-Feynman view of electrons and positrons as different segments of a single trajectory. We give a particular solution to a one body problem, and briefly discuss some aspects of the two-body problem. There is some discussion of the historical context of this effort, including the direct action and absorber theories, and some speculation on how the massless bare charge may acquire mass, and how these findings impact the problem of singular self-action.U okviru klasične elektrodinamike s izravnim djelovanjem izvodimo jednadžbu gibanja za klasičan bezmaseni naboj bez samodjelovanja u prisutnosti vanjskog polja. Ta jednadžba dopuŔta nadsvjetlosne brzine i obrat vremena te predstavlja ostvarenje Stueckelbergove i Feynmanove zamisli elektrona i pozitrona kao različitih odsječaka jedne putanje. Izvodi se rjeŔenje za poseban zadatak gibanja jedne čestice i kratko raspravljaju neka pitanja sustava dva tijela. Daje se povijesni osvrt na te pokuŔaje, uključivŔi teorije izravnog djelovanja i apsorpcije, kao i neka razmiŔljanja kako bi goli naboj mogao dobiti masu, te kako postignuti rezultati promiču zadatak samodjelovanja izdvojene čestice

    Bezmasena klasična elektrodinamika

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    In the direct-action form of classical electromagnetism we give the equation of motion for a classical massless bare charge without self-interaction in the presence of an external field. That equation permits superluminal speeds and time-reversals, and so is a realization of the Stueckelberg-Feynman view of electrons and positrons as different segments of a single trajectory. We give a particular solution to a one body problem, and briefly discuss some aspects of the two-body problem. There is some discussion of the historical context of this effort, including the direct action and absorber theories, and some speculation on how the massless bare charge may acquire mass, and how these findings impact the problem of singular self-action.U okviru klasične elektrodinamike s izravnim djelovanjem izvodimo jednadžbu gibanja za klasičan bezmaseni naboj bez samodjelovanja u prisutnosti vanjskog polja. Ta jednadžba dopuŔta nadsvjetlosne brzine i obrat vremena te predstavlja ostvarenje Stueckelbergove i Feynmanove zamisli elektrona i pozitrona kao različitih odsječaka jedne putanje. Izvodi se rjeŔenje za poseban zadatak gibanja jedne čestice i kratko raspravljaju neka pitanja sustava dva tijela. Daje se povijesni osvrt na te pokuŔaje, uključivŔi teorije izravnog djelovanja i apsorpcije, kao i neka razmiŔljanja kako bi goli naboj mogao dobiti masu, te kako postignuti rezultati promiču zadatak samodjelovanja izdvojene čestice

    The Dirac Field at the Future Conformal Singularity

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    We examine in detail the effect of the conformal factor associated with the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes on the discrete symmetries usually present in the Dirac theory and analyze the behavior of the Dirac wavefunction near the future conformal singularity. We find that only two of the 4 bi-spinor components survive to the boundary, one effect of which is to cause the geodesics to experience a drag towards the Hubble frame. We then present arguments for the existence of a genuine boundary condition on the wavefunction at the future conformal singularity based upon the assumption there is no redundant copy of the universe in the post-conformal singularity era. This future boundary condition affects the spectral decomposition of the wavefunction, and this maybe locally testable at the present time


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    In the direct action form of classical EM we give the equation of motion for a classical massless bare charge without self-interaction in the presence of an external field. That equation permits superluminal speeds and time-reversals, and so is a realization of the Stueckelberg-Feynman view of electrons and positrons as different segments of a single trajectory. We give a particular solution to a one body problem, and briefly discuss some aspects of the two-body problem. There is some discussion of the historical context of this effort, including the direct action and absorber theories, and some speculation on how the massless bare charge may acquire mass, and how these findings impact the problem of singular self-action. PACS numbers

    Un-renormalized Classical Electromagnetism

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    This paper follows in the tradition of direct-action versions of electromagnetism having the aim of avoiding a balance of infinities wherein a mechanical mass offsets an infinite electromagnetic mass so as to arrive at a finite observed value. Given that, in this respect the direct-action approached ultimately failed because its initial exclusion of self-action was found to be untenable in the relativistic domain, this paper continues the tradition considering instead a version of electromagnetism wherein mechanical action is excluded and self-action is retained. It is shown that the resulting theory is effectively interacting due to the presence of infinite forces. A vehicle for the investigation is a pair of classical point charges in a positronium-like arrangement for which the orbits are found to be self-sustaining and naturally quantized