743 research outputs found

    Fifty years ago, at Lake Mungo, the true scale of Aboriginal Australians\u27 epic story was revealed

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    This month marks the golden jubilee of a watershed event in the history of this nation that should cause all Australians to pause and reflect. On July 15, 1968, while searching for clues to past climates and ancient landscapes on land under the joint care of Paakantyi/Barkindji, Ngiyampaa and Mutthi Mutthi people, Earth scientist Jim Bowler ambled across the cremated remains of an Aboriginal woman eroding from a crescent-shaped dune flanking the shoreline of now-dry Lake Mungo in western New South Wales. The 40,000-year-old Mungo Lady and the equally ancient remains of Mungo Man, found nearby in 1974, doubled scientific estimates of how long Aboriginal people had called Australia home. The discovery taught us Aboriginal history stretched back to a time when the only humans in Europe were Neanderthals, and people had not yet reached America. The scientific, cultural and political reverberations still resonate today

    Revisiting Michael Bonell's work on humid tropical rainforest catchments: Isotope tracers reveal seasonal shifts in catchment hydrology

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    It has been almost 50 years since the foundational work at the Babinda catchments in North Queensland kickstarted the field of tropical hydrology globally. To expand upon this work and build a more generalized hydrological understanding of steep rainforest catchments, we studied the seasonal evolution of hydrological response from two catchments with broadly similar characteristics to the Babinda catchments. Both hydrometric and water stable isotope data were collected at relatively high frequencies during one wet season (Thompson Creek) and a 3-year period (Atika Creek). The longer dataset spans a wide range of environmental conditions experienced in the humid tropics, including events that cover the wetting-up transitional period of the wet season and tropical cyclones (TC). Both catchments displayed a fast streamflow response to rainfall with the shallow upper soil profile responding quickly to rainfall at Atika Creek. New findings from this study include the importance of pre-event water (>50% using the two component hydrograph separation technique) for overall event flows, especially when the catchment was wet. Rainfall, surface runoff and groundwater isotope and specific electrical conductivity (SEC) compositions varied between rainfall events with the most complex bivariate mixing plots observed for multi-peak events that occurred at the start of the wet season and after a dry period within the wet season. Two-tracer, 3 component hydrograph separations did not provide satisfactory results in identifying source water contributions to streamflow. These results highlighted the time-variant and non-conservative behaviour of the rainfall, surface runoff and shallow groundwater source waters over the seasonal timescale, with soil water being an important unidentified source contributor. Our findings highlight the need for high frequency multi-source sampling to accurately interpret catchment behaviour and the importance of soil water contributions to streamflow. We propose a framework to describe the seasonal evolution of streamflow response in steep tropical rainforest catchments experiencing seasonal rainfall activity

    A 33,000-year paleohydrological record from Sanamere Lagoon, north-eastern tropical savannas of Australia

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    There are very few records of past terrestrial environmental change of any time period for the Australian tropical savannas. Here we document the hydrological development of Sanamere Lagoon, north Queensland, from a 1.72 m sediment sequence with a basal age of ca. 33 ka. We measure a variety of proxies reflecting environmental change within and around the lagoon, including grain size, elemental and diatom abundance, and carbon and nitrogen isotope composition. By integrating the interpretation of multiple proxies, we show that regional climatic events, such as the reactivation of the monsoon at 15 ka and sea-level rise ending at 7 ka, are reflected in local ecosystem change and a diversity of biogeochemical responses in Sanamere Lagoon. This record makes a significant contribution to the development of records of environmental change from an under-studied region in tropical Australia through the Holocene to the LGM and beyond-a step towards enabling a more detailed understanding of regional monsoon (paleo)dynamics. In particular, this study highlights nuances in the effect of Indonesian-Australian Summer monsoon dynamics in a region less affected by sea level and continental shelf drowning complexities

    Complexities in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological interpretation of isotopic analyses of the Mud Shell Geloina erosa (Lightfoot, 1786)

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    Isotope signals derived from molluscan shell carbonates allow researchers to investigate palaeoenvironments and the timing and periodicity of depositional events. However, it cannot be assumed that all molluscan taxa provide equally useful data owing to species-specific biological and ecological traits. The Mud Shell, Geloina erosa (Lightfoot, 1786) (syn. Polymesoda coaxans, syn. Polymesoda erosa), an infaunal mangrove bivalve, is a common component of archaeological deposits along Australia's tropical north coast and throughout the Indo-West Pacific. The ubiquity of G. erosa has led to numerous researchers incorporating this taxon into interpretations of associated deposits, particularly in the generation of radiocarbon chronologies and as a palaeoenvironmental proxy. Despite this, concerns have been expressed regarding the impact of G. erosa physiology and ecology on associated geochemical signals. Adaptations allowing the survival of this species within its highly changeable mangrove environment may introduce complexities into radiocarbon and environmental data archived within its shell. This study combines local environmental and hydrological data with isotopic analysis (δ18O, δ13C, and 14C) of live-collected specimens to explore the interpretability of geochemical proxies derived from G. erosa. Results suggest a number of factors may impact geochemical markers in unpredictable ways, eroding the usefulness of associated interpretations

    Savanna in equatorial Borneo during the late Pleistocene

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    Equatorial Southeast Asia is a key region for global climate change. Here, the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) is a critical driver of atmospheric convection that plays a dominant role in global atmospheric circulation. However, fluctuating sea-levels during the Pleistocene produced the most drastic land-sea area changes on Earth, with the now-drowned continent of Sundaland being exposed as a contiguous landmass for most of the past 2 million years. How vegetation responded to changes in rainfall that resulted from changing shelf exposure and glacial boundary conditions in Sundaland remains poorly understood. Here we use the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of bat guano and High Molecular Weight n-alkanes, from Saleh Cave in southern Borneo to demonstrate that open vegetation existed during much the past 40,000 yrs BP. This location is at the southern equatorial end of a hypothesized ‘savanna corridor’ and the results provide the strongest evidence yet for its existence. The corridor would have operated as a barrier to east-west dispersal of rainforest species, and a conduit for north-south dispersal of savanna species at times of lowered sea level, explaining many modern biogeographic patterns. The Saleh Cave record also exhibits a strong correspondence with insolation and sea surface temperatures of the IPWP, suggesting a strong sensitivity of vegetation to tropical climate change on glacial/interglacial timeframes

    A global carbon and nitrogen isotope perspective on modern and ancient human diet

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    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses are widely used to infer diet and mobility in ancient and modern human populations, potentially providing a means to situate humans in global food webs. We collated 13,666 globally distributed analyses of ancient and modern human collagen and keratin samples. We converted all data to a common “Modern Diet Equivalent” reference frame to enable direct comparison among modern human diets, human diets prior to the advent of industrial agriculture, and the natural environment. This approach reveals a broad diet prior to industrialized agriculture and continued in modern subsistence populations, consistent with the human ability to consume opportunistically as extreme omnivores within complex natural food webs and across multiple trophic levels in every terrestrial and many marine ecosystems on the planet. In stark contrast, isotope dietary breadth across modern nonsubsistence populations has compressed by two-thirds as a result of the rise of industrialized agriculture and animal husbandry practices and the globalization of food distribution networks

    Indigenous impacts on north Australian savanna fire regimes over the Holocene

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    Fire is an essential component of tropical savannas, driving key ecological feedbacks and functions. Indigenous manipulation of fire has been practiced for tens of millennia in Australian savannas, and there is a renewed interest in understanding the effects of anthropogenic burning on savanna systems. However, separating the impacts of natural and human fire regimes on millennial timescales remains difficult. Here we show using palynological and isotope geochemical proxy records from a rare permanent water body in Northern Australia that vegetation, climate, and fire dynamics were intimately linked over the early to mid-Holocene. As the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) intensified during the late Holocene, a decoupling occurred between fire intensity and frequency, landscape vegetation, and the source of vegetation burnt. We infer from this decoupling, that indigenous fire management began or intensified at around 3 cal kyr BP, possibly as a response to ENSO related climate variability. Indigenous fire management reduced fire intensity and targeted understory tropical grasses, enabling woody thickening to continue in a drying climate

    One year of spectroscopic high-frequency measurements of atmospheric CO2, CH4, H2O and δ13C-CO2 at an Australian Savanna site

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    We provide a 1-year dataset of atmospheric surface CO2, CH4 and H2O concentrations and δ13C-CO2 values from an Australian savanna site. These semi-arid ecosystems act as carbon sinks in wet years but the persistence of the sink in dry years is uncertain. The dataset can be used to constrain uncertainties in modelling of greenhouse gas budgets, improve algorithms for satellite measurements and characterize the role of vegetation and soil in modulating atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We found pronounced seasonal variations in daily mean CO2 concentrations with an increase (by 5–7 ppmv) after the first rainfall of the wet season in early December with peak concentrations maintained until late January. The CO2 increase reflected the initiation of rapid microbial respiration from soil and vegetation sources upon initial wetting. As the wet season progressed, daily CO2 concentrations were variable, but generally decreased back to dry season levels as CO2 assimilation by photosynthesis increased. Mean daily concentrations of CH4 increased in the wet season by up to 0.2 ppmv relative to dry season levels as the soil profile became waterlogged after heavy rainfall events. During the dry season there was regular cycling between maximum CO2/minimum δ13C-CO2 at night and minimum CO2/maximum δ13C-CO2 during the day. In the wet season diel patterns were less regular in response to variable cloud cover and rainfall. CO2 isotope data showed that in the wet season, surface CO2 was predominantly a two-component mixture influenced by C3 plant assimilation (day) and soil/plant respiration (night), while regional background air from higher altitudes represented an additional CO2 source in the dry season. Higher wind speeds during the dry season increased vertical mixing compared to the wet season. In addition, night-time advection of high-altitude air during low temperature conditions also promoted mixing in the dry season

    Palaeogeography and voyage modeling indicates early human colonization of Australia was likely from Timor-Roti

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    Anatomically Modern Humans (AMHs) dispersed rapidly through island southeast Asia (Sunda and Wallacea) and into Sahul (Australia, New Guinea and the Aru Islands), before 50,000 years ago. Multiple routes have been proposed for this dispersal and all involve at least one multi-day maritime voyage approaching 100 km. Here we use new regional-scale bathymetry data, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, an assessment of vertical land movements and drift modeling to assess the potential for an initial entry into northwest Australia from southern Wallacea (Timor-Roti). From ∼70,000 until ∼10,000 years ago, a chain of habitable, resource-rich islands were emergent off the coast of northwest Australia (now mostly submerged). These were visible from high points close to the coast on Timor-Roti and as close as 87 km. Drift models suggest the probability of accidental arrival on these islands from Timor-Roti was low at any time. However, purposeful voyages in the summer monsoon season were very likely to be successful over 4–7 days. Genomic data suggests the colonizing population size was >72–100 individuals, thereby indicating deliberate colonization. This is arguably the most dramatic early demonstration of the advanced cognitive abilities and technological capabilities of AMHs, but one that could leave little material imprint in the archaeological record beyond the evidence that colonization occurred

    Holocene climate-fire-vegetation feedbacks in tropical savannas: Insights from the Marura sinkhole, East Arnhem Land, northern Australia

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    Aims: Informed management of savanna systems depends on understanding determinates of composition, structure and function, particularly in relation to woody-plant components. This understanding needs to be regionally based, both past and present. In this study, Holocene plant patterns are explored at a site within the eucalypt savannas of northern Australia. Australian savannas are the least developed globally and uniquely placed to track ecological change. LocationNorthern Territory, Australia. Methods: Palynological analyses were undertaken on a 5-m sediment core, spanning the last 10,700 calendar years. Pollen was categorised to capture vegetation type, classified further according to plant function and/or environmental response. Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to quantify ecological dissimilarities through time. Results: At the Pleistocene transition, grasses were abundant then declined and remained low relative to increased woody cover from the mid-late Holocene. Savanna composition gradually transitioned from Corymbia to Eucalyptus dominance until significantly disturbed by a phase of repeated, extreme climate events. Highest non-savanna variability in terrestrial and wetland plant types formed mixed vegetation communities through the mid-Holocene. Conclusions: Savannas are not homogeneous but the product of plant changes in multiple dimensions. In the Northern Territory, dynamic though restricted non-eucalypt shifts are embedded within larger, slower eucalypt change processes. Primary climate-vegetation relationships determine the long-term fire regime. The role of large but infrequent disturbance events in maintaining savanna diversity are significant, in degrees of impact on tree-grass turnover, its form and the extent of vegetation recovery. People's landscape interactions were found to be interwoven within this feedback hierarchy