246 research outputs found

    Educational expansion and its heterogeneous returns for wage workers

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    The paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion in the sixties and seventies entered the labour market and an upgrading of the skill structure took place. In order to tackle the issues of endogeneity of schooling and its heterogeneous returns we apply two estimation methods: Wooldridge?s (2004) approach that relies on conditional mean independence and Garen?s (1984) control function approach that requires an exclusion restriction. For the population of workers from the GSOEP, we find that both approaches produce estimates of average returns to education that decrease until the late 1990s and increase significantly afterwards. In the observation period, the gender gap in returns to education seems to vanish. Furthermore, we find that the so called ?baby boomer? cohort has the lowest average return to education in young ages. However, this effect disappears when they become older. --Educational expansion,correlated random coefficient model,heterogeneous returns to education,conditional mean independence

    Educational Expansion and Its Heterogeneous Returns for Wage Workers

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    This paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion entered the labour market and an upgrading of the skill structure took place. In order to tackle the issues of endogeneity of schooling and its heterogeneous returns we apply two estimation methods: Wooldridge's (2004) approach that relies on conditional mean independence and Garen's (1984) control function approach that requires an exclusion restriction. For the population of workers from the SOEP, we find that both approaches produce estimates of average returns to education that decrease until the late 1990s and increase afterwards. The gender gap in returns to education seems to vanish. Furthermore, we find that the so-called "baby boomer" cohort has the lowest average return to education in young ages. However, this effect disappears over time.Returns to Education, Human Capital, Skill Upgrading, Wage Work

    Educational Expansion and its Heterogeneous Returns for Wage Workers

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    The paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion in the sixties and seventies entered the labour market and an upgrading of the skill structure took place. In order to tackle the issues of endogeneity of schooling and its heterogeneous returns we apply two estimation methods: Wooldridge’s (2004) approach that relies on conditional mean independence and Garen’s (1984) control function approach that requires an exclusion restriction. For the population of workers from the GSOEP, we find that both approaches produce estimates of average returns to education that decrease until the late 1990s and increase significantly afterwards. In the observation period, the gender gap in returns to education seems to vanish. Furthermore, we find that the so called “baby boomer” cohort has the lowest average return to education in young ages. However, this effect disappears when they become older

    Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing risk patterns of temporary employment in Germany

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    "While previous research on temporary employment has shown that certain labour market groups are more likely than others to enter this kind of inferior employment, there has been only little research on the question to what extent these allocation patterns have changed over time. Against the background of pervasive structural and institutional changes that affected the German labour market since the beginning of the 1990s there are reasons to believe that allocation patterns have changed as well. However, on a theoretical level there are different views regarding the quality of these changes. Whereas some scholars argue that social inequality is enhanced along the existing lines of social division, others maintain that risks are less and less socially structured. To evaluate this question empirically we use data from the German Mikrozensus for the period from 1989 to 2005. The analysis reveals that, first, on the aggregate level the overall share of temporary employment has only slightly increased during that time period. Second, as indicated by the results, particularly those individuals belonging to groups that already have had a weak labour market position were increasingly allocated to temporary jobs. Third, contrary to the thesis of a de-structuration of social inequality, the findings reveal no decline in the overall importance of 'classical' determinants of temporary employment relationships." (author's abstract

    Temporary employment in Central- and Eastern Europe: individual risk patterns and institutional context

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    'This article uses data from the European Union Labour Force Survey (EULFS) 2004 for a comparative analysis of individual and contextual determinants of temporary employment contracts in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Descriptive analyses reveal that temporary contracts are more often involuntary by nature and associated with relatively lower occupational status than permanent contracts in CEE countries compared to Western European average. Individual-level logistic regressions show that the general determinants of temporary employment are rather similar in both parts of Europe, but vary in their strength between countries. To evaluate the impact of macro-level influences on these cross-country differences in temporary employment risks, we focus on the risk of young people as one group of potential labour market outsiders. In general, young persons have a higher temporary employment risk, but their relative risk varies between countries. We use multi-level models implemented in a two-step estimation procedure and try to explain this cross-country variation with the intervening role of institutional influences under control of macro-structural conditions. Comparing CEE countries and Western European countries shows that neither employment protection of regular contracts nor its interaction with the level of employment protection of temporary contracts affects the young people's risk. Instead, we find a positive association between collective bargaining coverage as a measure of insider-outsider cleavages and the relative temporary employment risk of young persons.' (author's abstract

    Soziale Ungleichheit von Geisteswissenschaftlern im Beruf

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    Die Expertise befasst sich mit der Situation für Geisteswissenschaftler auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt im Vergleich zu anderen Akademikern und zum Arbeitsmarkt in Großbritannien. Datengrundlage sind der Mikrozensus und der British Labour Force Survey. Geisteswissenschaftler erzielen in Deutschland, auch wenn man auf individuelle Eigenschaften und institutionelle Gegebenheiten kontrolliert, niedrigere Nettoarbeitseinkommen als andere Akademiker. Darüber hinaus sind sie überproportional von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen, sind zu einem hohen Anteil befristet beschäftigt und haben den zweithöchsten Teilzeitanteil aller Akademikergruppen. Das Risiko bildungsinadäquater Beschäftigung ist vergleichbar mit anderen Akademikergruppen. Bezüglich der relativen Einkommensposition und der relativen Betroffenheit von Arbeitslosigkeit sind Geisteswissenschaftler in Deutschland und Großbritannien vergleichbar.

    Monitoring und Benchmarking bei arbeitsmarktpolitischen MaĂźnahmen

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    Ziel dieser Dokumentation ist es, einen Überblick über den Forschungsstand zum Monitoring und Benchmarking im Bereich der Arbeitsmarktpolitik zu geben. Der Fokus richtet sich dabei auf allgemeine Definitionen, generelle Vorgehensweisen, ausgewählte Fallbeispiele, sowie bestehende Probleme und die Kritik an den Konzepten

    Monitoring und Benchmarking bei arbeitsmarktpolitischen MaĂźnahmen

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    Ziel dieser Dokumentation ist es, einen Überblick über den Forschungsstand zum Monitoring und Benchmarking im Bereich der Arbeitsmarktpolitik zu geben. Der Fokus richtet sich dabei auf allgemeine Definitionen, generelle Vorgehensweisen, ausgewählte Fallbeispiele, sowie bestehende Probleme und die Kritik an den Konzepten. --

    Familienverständnis in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten. Analysen zu familiären Rollen und zur Abgrenzung vom Staat

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    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Erkenntnisse über die Rolle von Staat und Familie sowie geschlechtsspezifischen und familiären Rollenvorstellungen in den Ländern des Nahen Ostens und Nordafrikas zu erlangen. Speziell soll thematisiert werden, welches Verständnis von Staat und Familie vorherrscht und wie das Verhältnis zwischen Staat und Familie gesehen wird. Des Weiteren sollen Erkenntnisse über die geschlechtsspezifischen Rollenvorstellungen, die Ansichten über die Aufgabenteilung in der Familie sowie die Vorstellungen zur Familie und zu Familienstrukturen gewonnen werden
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