81,297 research outputs found

    Lattice theory for nonrelativistic fermions in one spatial dimension

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    I derive a loop representation for the canonical and grand-canonical partition functions for an interacting four-component Fermi gas in one spatial dimension and an arbitrary external potential. The representation is free of the "sign problem" irrespective of population imbalance, mass imbalance, and to a degree, sign of the interaction strength. This property is in sharp contrast with the analogous three-dimensional two-component interacting Fermi gas, which exhibits a sign problem in the case of unequal masses, chemical potentials, and repulsive interactions. The one-dimensional system is believed to exhibit many phenomena in common with its three-dimensional counterpart, including an analog of the BCS-BEC crossover, and nonperturbative universal few- and many-body physics at scattering lengths much larger than the range of interaction, making the theory an interesting candidate for numerical study. Positivity of the probability measure for the partition function allows for a mean-field treatment of the model; here, I present such an analysis for the interacting Fermi gas in the SU(4) (unpolarized, mass-symmetric) limit, and demonstrate that there exists a phase in which a continuum limit may be defined.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Lattice sum rules for the colour fields

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    We analyse the sum rules describing the action and energy in the colour fields around glueballs, torelons and static potentials.Comment: 9 pages LATEX, (typos corrected, to appear in Phys Rev D

    The Calculus of M-estimation in R with geex

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    M-estimation, or estimating equation, methods are widely applicable for point estimation and asymptotic inference. In this paper, we present an R package that can find roots and compute the empirical sandwich variance estimator for any set of user-specified, unbiased estimating equations. Examples from the M-estimation primer by Stefanski and Boos (2002) demonstrate use of the software. The package also includes a framework for finite sample variance corrections and a website with an extensive collection of tutorials

    PNJL model for adjoint fermions

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    Recent work on QCD-like theories has shown that the addition of adjoint fermions obeying periodic boundary conditions to gauge theories on R^3 X S^1 can lead to a restoration of center symmetry and confinement for sufficiently small circumference L of S^1. At small L, perturbation theory may be used reliably to compute the effective potential for the Polyakov loop P in the compact direction. Periodic adjoint fermions act in opposition to the gauge fields, which by themselves would lead to a deconfined phase at small L. In order for the fermionic effects to dominate gauge field effects in the effective potential, the fermion mass must be sufficiently small. This indicates that chiral symmetry breaking effects are potentially important. We develop a Polyakov-Nambu-Jona Lasinio (PNJL) model which combines the known perturbative behavior of adjoint QCD models at small L with chiral symmetry breaking effects to produce an effective potential for the Polyakov loop P and the chiral order parameter psi-bar psi. A rich phase structure emerges from the effective potential. Our results are consistent with the recent lattice simulations of Cossu and D'Elia, which found no evidence for a direct connection between the small-L and large-L confining regions. Nevertheless, the two confined regions are connected indirectly if an extended field theory model with an irrelevant four-fermion interaction is considered. Thus the small-L and large-L regions are part of a single confined phase.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; presented at INPC 201