858 research outputs found

    Comments on The Findings and Policy Implications of the GAO Report and the Urban Institute Hiring Audit by Michael Fix

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    This article is a collection of commentary on an article written by Michael Fix

    A Profile of Immigrants in Arkansas

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    Discusses key demographic trends, economic factors, and public policy issues associated with immigrants in Arkansas, which has the fourth-fastest-growing immigrant population in the nation

    Undocumented Immigrants: Myths and Reality

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    In this article, six common myths about immigrants are debunked

    The Health and Well-Being of Young Children of Immigrants

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    Provides an overview of immigration trends and their effects on the composition of the young child population. Looks at poverty, family structure, parental work patterns, immigrant parents' education, health status, and health insurance coverage

    Children of Immigrants: Facts and Figures

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    Congress is debating whether or not to legalize more than 11 million unauthorized immigrants, as well as stricter border and workplace enforcement. Mostly left out of this debate are the more than 5 million children living in unauthorized families, who, like their parents, would be greatly affected by the outcome of this debate. This fact sheet describes the population of U.S. children of immigrants -- especially those with unauthorized parents

    Independent Task Force on Immigration and America's Future: The Roadmap

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    Backgrounder No. 4. This MPI Backgrounder provides data on the foreign born in the United States related to the immigrant selection criteria expected to be part of the points-system proposal. These include age, educational attainment, occupation, English proficiency, and labor force participation -- factors that may be given more emphasis than extended family relationships

    Unauthorized Immigrants and Their U.S.-Born Children

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    Analyzes data on the number, age distribution, fertility, and family structure of legal and unauthorized immigrants and the percentage of their children among all U.S. children and of the U.S.-born and foreign-born among their children

    Immigrant Integration in Los Angeles: Strategic Directions for Funders

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    Provides an overview of the immigrant population; their contributions and challenges; the need for leadership development and other efforts to support their economic mobility, civic participation, and integration; and strategies for funding such efforts

    Immigration and Economic Mobility

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    Reviews current research on the effects of immigration on overall economic mobility within a generation, on mobility from one generation to the next among immigrant families, and on factors that drive economic growth and lead to long-term upward mobility

    Towards Incremental Progress: Key Facts About Groups of Uninsured

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    Provides key statistics and identifies crucial policy design questions for eight distinct groups of uninsured who could potentially become the subject of incremental health reform
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