25 research outputs found

    Characterization of anti-drug antibody responses to the T-cell engaging bispecific antibody cibisatamab to understand the impact on exposure

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    An appropriately designed pharmacokinetic (PK) assay that is sensitive for anti-drug antibody (ADA) impact on relevant exposure is an alternative strategy to understand the neutralizing potential of ADAs. However, guidance on how to develop such PK assays and how to confirm the functional ADA impact on exposure is missing. Here, the PK assay of a T-cell-engaging bispecific antibody, cibisatamab, was developed based on its mechanism of action (MoA). Using critical monoclonal anti-idiotypic (anti-ID) antibody positive controls as ADA surrogates, the impact on exposure was evaluated pre-clinically. In a phase I clinical trial (NCT02324257), initial data suggest that the combination of ADA and PK assays for correlation of the ADA response with cibisatamab exposure. To understand the neutralizing potential of patient-derived ADAs on drug activity, advanced ADA characterization has been performed. Structural binding analysis of ADAs to antibody domains of the drug and its impact on targeting were assessed. For this purpose, relevant patient ADA binding features were identified and compared with the specific monoclonal anti-ID antibody-positive controls. Comparable results of target binding inhibition and similar impacts on exposure suggest that the observed reduction of Cmax and Ctrough levels in patients is caused by the neutralizing potential of ADAs and allows a correlation between ADA response and loss of exposure. Therefore, the described study provides important functional aspects for the development of an appropriately designed PK assay for bispecific antibodies as an alternative option towards understanding the neutralizing ADA impact on exposure

    Antibodies against a Surface Protein of Streptococcus pyogenes Promote a Pathological Inflammatory Response

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    Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) caused by Streptococcus pyogenes is a clinical condition with a high mortality rate despite modern intensive care. A key feature of STSS is excessive plasma leakage leading to hypovolemic hypotension, disturbed microcirculation and multiorgan failure. Previous work has identified a virulence mechanism in STSS where M1 protein of S. pyogenes forms complexes with fibrinogen that activate neutrophils to release heparin-binding protein (HBP), an inducer of vascular leakage. Here, we report a marked inter-individual difference in the response to M1 protein–induced HBP release, a difference found to be related to IgG antibodies directed against the central region of the M1 protein. To elicit massive HBP release, such antibodies need to be part of the M1 protein–fibrinogen complexes. The data add a novel aspect to bacterial pathogenesis where antibodies contribute to the severity of disease by promoting a pathologic inflammatory response

    Culture Enriched Molecular Profiling of the Cystic Fibrosis Airway Microbiome

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    The microbiome of the respiratory tract, including the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal microbiota, is a dynamic community of microorganisms that is highly diverse. The cystic fibrosis (CF) airway microbiome refers to the polymicrobial communities present in the lower airways of CF patients. It is comprised of chronic opportunistic pathogens (such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and a variety of organisms derived mostly from the normal microbiota of the upper respiratory tract. The complexity of these communities has been inferred primarily from culture independent molecular profiling. As with most microbial communities it is generally assumed that most of the organisms present are not readily cultured. Our culture collection generated using more extensive cultivation approaches, reveals a more complex microbial community than that obtained by conventional CF culture methods. To directly evaluate the cultivability of the airway microbiome, we examined six samples in depth using culture-enriched molecular profiling which combines culture-based methods with the molecular profiling methods of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We demonstrate that combining culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches enhances the sensitivity of either approach alone. Our techniques were able to cultivate 43 of the 48 families detected by deep sequencing; the five families recovered solely by culture-independent approaches were all present at very low abundance (<0.002% total reads). 46% of the molecular signatures detected by culture from the six patients were only identified in an anaerobic environment, suggesting that a large proportion of the cultured airway community is composed of obligate anaerobes. Most significantly, using 20 growth conditions per specimen, half of which included anaerobic cultivation and extended incubation times we demonstrate that the majority of bacteria present can be cultured

    Genetic Diversity among Enterococcus faecalis

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    Enterococcus faecalis, a ubiquitous member of mammalian gastrointestinal flora, is a leading cause of nosocomial infections and a growing public health concern. The enterococci responsible for these infections are often resistant to multiple antibiotics and have become notorious for their ability to acquire and disseminate antibiotic resistances. In the current study, we examined genetic relationships among 106 strains of E. faecalis isolated over the past 100 years, including strains identified for their diversity and used historically for serotyping, strains that have been adapted for laboratory use, and isolates from previously described E. faecalis infection outbreaks. This collection also includes isolates first characterized as having novel plasmids, virulence traits, antibiotic resistances, and pathogenicity island (PAI) components. We evaluated variation in factors contributing to pathogenicity, including toxin production, antibiotic resistance, polymorphism in the capsule (cps) operon, pathogenicity island (PAI) gene content, and other accessory factors. This information was correlated with multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) data, which was used to define genetic lineages. Our findings show that virulence and antibiotic resistance traits can be found within many diverse lineages of E. faecalis. However, lineages have emerged that have caused infection outbreaks globally, in which several new antibiotic resistances have entered the species, and in which virulence traits have converged. Comparing genomic hybridization profiles, using a microarray, of strains identified by MLST as spanning the diversity of the species, allowed us to identify the core E. faecalis genome as consisting of an estimated 2057 unique genes

    Microgel encapsulated nanoparticles for glucose-responsive insulin delivery

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    An insulin delivery system that self-regulates blood glucose levels has the potential to limit hypoglycemic events and improve glycemic control. Glucose-responsive insulin delivery systems have been developed by coupling glucose oxidase with a stimuli-responsive biomaterial. However, the challenge of achieving desirable release kinetics (i.e., insulin release within minutes after glucose elevation and duration of release on the order of weeks) still remains. Here, we develop a glucose-responsive delivery system using encapsulated glucose-responsive, acetalated-dextran nanoparticles in porous alginate microgels. The nanoparticles respond rapidly to changes in glucose concentrations while the microgels provide them with protection and stability, allowing for extended glucose-responsive insulin release. This system reduces blood sugar in a diabetic mouse model at a rate similar to naked insulin and responds to a glucose challenge 3 days after administration similarly to a healthy animal. With 2 doses of microgels containing 60 IU/kg insulin each, we are able to achieve extended glycemic control in diabetic mice for 22 days.National Cancer Institute (Grant P30-CA14051