466 research outputs found

    Pulsed Quantum Frequency Combs from an Actively Mode-locked Intra-cavity Generation Scheme

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    We introduce an intra-cavity actively mode-locked excitation scheme for nonlinear microring resonators that removes the need for external laser excitation in the generation of pulsed two-photon frequency combs. We found a heralded anti-bunching dip of 0.245 and maximum coincidence-to-accidental ratio of 110 for the generated photon pairs

    Observation of strongly entangled photon pairs from a nanowire quantum dot

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    A bright photon source that combines high-fidelity entanglement, on-demand generation, high extraction efficiency, directional and coherent emission, as well as position control at the nanoscale is required for implementing ambitious schemes in quantum information processing, such as that of a quantum repeater. Still, all of these properties have not yet been achieved in a single device. Semiconductor quantum dots embedded in nanowire waveguides potentially satisfy all of these requirements; however, although theoretically predicted, entanglement has not yet been demonstrated for a nanowire quantum dot. Here, we demonstrate a bright and coherent source of strongly entangled photon pairs from a position controlled nanowire quantum dot with a fidelity as high as 0.859 +/- 0.006 and concurrence of 0.80 +/- 0.02. The two-photon quantum state is modified via the nanowire shape. Our new nanoscale entangled photon source can be integrated at desired positions in a quantum photonic circuit, single electron devices and light emitting diodes.Comment: Article and Supplementary Information with open access published at: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/141031/ncomms6298/full/ncomms6298.htm

    A Passively Mode-locked Nanosecond Laser with an Ultra-narrow Spectral Width

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    Many different mode-locking techniques have been realized in the past [1, 2], but mainly focused on increasing the spectral bandwidth to achieve ultra-short coherent light pulses with well below picosecond duration. In contrast, no mode-locked laser scheme has managed to generate Fourier-limited nanosecond long pulses, which feature narrow spectral bandwidths (~MHz regime) instrumental to applications in spectroscopy, efficient excitation of molecules, sensing, and quantum optics. The related limitations are mainly caused by the adverse operation timescales of saturable absorbers, as well as by the low strength of the nonlinear effects typically reachable through nanosecond pulses with manageable energies

    On-chip Quantum State Generation by Means of Integrated Frequency Combs

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    Summary form only given. This paper investigates different approaches to generate optical quantum states by means of integrated optical frequency combs. These include the generation of multiplexed heralded single-photons, the first realization of cross-polarized photon-pairs on a photonic chip, the first generation of multiple two-photon entangled states, and the first realizations of multi-photon entangled quantum states on a photonic chip

    Generation of Complex Quantum States Via Integrated Frequency Combs

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    The generation of optical quantum states on an integrated platform will enable low cost and accessible advances for quantum technologies such as secure communications and quantum computation. We demonstrate that integrated quantum frequency combs (based on high-Q microring resonators made from a CMOS-compatible, high refractive-index glass platform) can enable, among others, the generation of heralded single photons, cross-polarized photon pairs, as well as bi- and multi-photon entangled qubit states over a broad frequency comb covering the S, C, L telecommunications band, constituting an important cornerstone for future practical implementations of photonic quantum information processing

    Toward On-Demand Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs with a Quantum Dot

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    The generation of on-demand, optimally entangled photon pairs remains one of the most formidable challenges in the quantum optics and quantum information community. Despite the fact that recent developments in this area have opened new doors leading toward the realization of sources exhibiting either high brightness or near-unity entanglement fidelity, the challenges to achieve both together persist. Here, we will provide a historical review on the development of quantum dots (QDs) for entangled photon generation, with a focus on nanowire QDs, and address the latest research performed on nanowire QDs, including measuring entanglement fidelity, light-extraction efficiency, dephasing mechanisms, and the detrimental effects of detection systems on the measured values of entanglement fidelity. Additionally, we will discuss results recently observed pertaining to resonant excitation of a nanowire QD, revealing the potential of such sources to outperform spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) sources, providing a viable solution to the current challenges in quantum optics and quantum information
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