125 research outputs found

    Managing positive and negative trends in sales call outcomes : the role of momentum

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    Existing research treats sales performance as a series of discrete, independent events rather than as a series of sales attempts with intertemporal spillover across these attempts. This research examines whether there are systematic short-term trends (“momentum”) in sales performance. To do so, the authors use the clumpiness approach to examine the existence of sales momentum in a high-frequency call-level data set obtained from two call centers of a large European firm. They further investigate the effect of positive (negative) momentum, or the positive (negative) deviation from the long-term expected performance on subsequent sales performance. Exploiting the differences in the social environment of the call centers, the authors find that the social working environment mitigates the harmful effect of negative momentum and sustains positive momentum. Further, they demonstrate that calls made midday, early-week and late-week boost performance by mitigating the adverse effects of negative momentum. The findings suggest that monitoring sales performance can help managers detect momentum and use timely interventions to enhance sales productivity. Managers can also leverage momentum by creating a more social working environment to optimize overall salesperson performance

    The East European Financial Crisis

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    This paper discusses the global financial crisis of 2008/9 in thirteen countries, the ten new EU members that previously were communist and the three countries of Western former Soviet Union. Their problems were excessive current account deficits and private foreign debt, currency mismatches, and high inflation, while public finances were in good shape. The dominant cause was fixed exchange rates. Many lessons can be drawn from this crisis. A dollar peg makes no sense in this part of the world. The five currency boards in the region have lacked credibility. By contrast, inflation targeting has worked eminently. The euro has proven credible both in the countries that officially adopted it and in the countries that adopted it unilaterally. With the exception of Hungary, all the countries in the region have displayed decent fiscal policies. No government should accept large domestic loans in foreign currency and they can be regulated away. The IMF has successfully returned to the original Washington consensus with relatively few conditions: a reasonable budget balance and a realistic exchange rate policy, while focusing more on bank restructuring. The most controversial issue is the role of the ECB. The ECB should facilitate the accession of willing EU members to the euro by relaxing the ERM II conditions

    What Drives Home Bias? Evidence from Fund Managers' Views

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    A survey of fund managers reveals home bias for these sophisticated investors in an unrestricted setting. Proximity, perceived informational advantage and higher expected returns are confirmed as accompanying factors. In addition, the home bias of equity managers is also related to institutional, informational and behavioral characteristics. The perceived informational advantage does not seem to be valid. Multivariate analyses indicate that home bias is mainly related to relative return optimism, non-fundamental information and peculiar behavior towards risk. We interpret these as characteristics of less than fully rational behavior. It is consistently found that this pattern does not apply to bond managers.Eine Befragung von Fondsmanagern offenbart die Heimatverzerrung (sog. Home Bias) dieser erfahrenen Investoren in unbegrenzten Rahmenbedingungen. Nähe, empfundene Informationsvorteile und höhere erwartete Renditen werden als Begleitumstände bestätigt. Zusätzlich ist der Home Bias von Aktienfondsmanagern mit institutionellen und informatorischen Gegebenheiten sowie mit bestimmten Verhaltensmustern verbunden. Der empfundene Informationsvorteil scheint sich jedoch nicht zu bewahrheiten. Multivariate Analysen zeigen, dass der Home Bias hauptsächlich mit relativem Renditeoptimismus, der Nutzung nicht-fundamentaler Informationen und besonderem Risikoverhalten verbunden ist. Wir interpretieren diese Eigenschaften als unvollkommen rationales Verhalten. Konsistent zeigt sich, dass dieses Muster nicht für Rentenfondsmanager gilt

    Financial Integration and the Wealth Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations

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    A growing body of research emphasizes the direct impact of exchange rate movements on the value of U.S. foreign assets. Because a substantial amount of U.S. assets are denominated in foreign currencies, a depreciation of the dollar leads to large capital gains. First, we present a detailed decomposition of the U.S. balance sheet, which exhibits substantial leverage in terms of currencies and across asset categories. The United States holds 50 percent of GDP in foreign-currency assets and is long in FDI (foreign direct investment) and equity positions and short in debt and banking positions. Then, we incorporate these features of international financial integration in a simple general equilibrium model and analyze how they affect the international transmission of monetary shocks. We find that financial integration is a central component of the model, with the valuation gains from an exchange rate depreciation leading to a welfare effect that is at least as large as that stemming from nominal rigidities alone but possibly much larger. We characterize how interdependence is affected by the composition of the portfolio across asset categories and how structural features of the model interact with financial integration