9,024 research outputs found

    The 3-local tmf homology of BSigma_3

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    In this paper, we introduce a Hopf algebra, developed by the author and Andre Henriques, which is usable in the computation of the tmf homology of a space. As an application, we compute the tmf homology of BSigma_3 in a manner analogous to Mahowald's computation of the ko homology RP^infty.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Ext and the Motivic Steenrod Algebra over R\R

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    We present a descent style, Bockstein spectral sequence computing Ext over the motivic Steenrod algebra over R\R and related sub-Hopf algebras. We demonstrate the workings of this spectral sequence in several examples, providing motivic analogues to the classical computations related to BP and ko.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    On the algebras over equivariant little disks

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    We describe the structure present in algebras over the little disks operads for various representations of a finite group GG, including those that are not necessarily universe or that do not contain trivial summands. We then spell out in more detail what happens for G=C2G=C_{2}, describing the structure on algebras over the little disks operad for the sign representation. Here we can also describe the resulting structure in Bredon homology. Finally, we produce a stable splitting of coinduced spaces analogous to the stable splitting of the product, and we use this to determine the homology of the signed James construction

    Equivariant chromatic localizations and commutativity

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    In this paper, we study the extent to which Bousfield and finite localizations relative to a thick subcategory of equivariant finite spectra preserve various kinds of highly structured multiplications. Along the way, we describe some basic, useful results for analyzing categories of acyclics in equivariant spectra, and we show that Bousfield localization with respect to an ordinary spectrum (viewed as an equivariant spectrum with trivial action) always preserves equivariant commutative ring spectra

    The Equivariant Slice Filtration: a Primer

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    We present an introduction to the equivariant slice filtration. After reviewing the definitions and basic properties, we determine the slice dimension of various families of naturally arising spectra. This leads to an analysis of pullbacks of slices defined on quotient groups, producing new collections of slices. Building on this, we determine the slice tower for the Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum associated to a Mackey functor for a cyclic pp-group. We then relate the Postnikov tower to the slice tower for various spectra. Finally, we pose a few conjectures about the nature of slices and pullbacks.Comment: 21 pages; strengthened the main theorems in the paper and updated reference

    On the fate of Ξ·3\eta^3 in higher analogues of Real bordism

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    We show that the cube of the Hopf map Ξ·\eta maps to zero under the Hurewicz map for all fixed points of all norms to cyclic 22-groups of the Landweber-Araki Real bordism spectrum. Using that the slice spectral sequence is a spectral sequence of Mackey functors, we compute the relevant portion of the homotopy groups of these fixed points, showing that multiplication by 44 annihilates Ο€3\pi_{3}

    Equivariant Multiplicative Closure

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    This paper describes an issue that arises when inverting elements of the homotopy groups of an equivariant commutative ring. Equivariant commutative rings possess an enhanced multiplicative structure arising from the presence of "indexed products" (products indexed by a set with a non-trivial action of the group). The formation of the "multiplicative closure" of a set must be altered in order to accomodate this structure, and the result of localizing an equivariant commutative ring can have an unexpected homotopy type.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    The C2C_2-spectrum Tmf1(3)Tmf_1(3) and its invertible modules

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    We explore the C2C_2-equivariant spectra Tmf1(3)Tmf_1(3) and TMF1(3)TMF_1(3). In particular, we compute their C2C_2-equivariant Picard groups and the C2C_2-equivariant Anderson dual of Tmf1(3)Tmf_1(3). This implies corresponding results for the fixed point spectra TMF0(3)TMF_0(3) and Tmf0(3)Tmf_0(3). Furthermore, we prove a Real Landweber exact functor theorem.Comment: Final version to appear in AGT. 51 page

    A new formulation of the equivariant slice filtration with applications to CpC_p-slices

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    This paper provides a new way to understand the equivariant slice filtration. We give a new, readily checked condition for determining when a GG-spectrum is slice nn-connective. In particular, we show that a GG-spectrum is slice greater than or equal to nn if and only if for all subgroups HH, the HH-geometric fixed points are (n/∣Hβˆ£βˆ’1)(n/|H|-1)-connected. We use this to determine when smashing with a virtual representation sphere SVS^V induces an equivalence between various slice categories. Using this, we give an explicit formula for the slices for an arbitrary CpC_p-spectrum and show how a very small number of functors determine all of the slices for CpnC_{p^n}-spectra.Comment: Final version, to appear in Proceedings of the AM

    An Equivariant Tensor Product on Mackey Functors

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    For all subgroups HH of a cyclic pp-group GG we define norm functors that build a GG-Mackey functor from an HH-Mackey functor. We give an explicit construction of these functors in terms of generators and relations based solely on the intrinsic, algebraic properties of Mackey functors and Tambara functors. We use these norm functors to define a monoidal structure on the category of Mackey functors where Tambara functors are the commutative ring objects
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