4 research outputs found

    Advancement in E Recruitment Towards Expert Recruitment System (ERS)

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    The inspiration drawn from e-recruitment is in making the process to become more creative, formidable and as well to be cost effective. We are desirous of achieving a lot more attraction than it is currently in order to sustain the process. Before now, we have some existing systems which were traditional methods like employment agencies, doing adverts through the print media. This process was relatively very slow and stressful. In this work, we have developed a remolded ERS based on our former work to hire applicants by accepting applications online and conduction Test and interview through the expert systems knowledge base until the candidate is eventually hired. The expert system is of a recruitment process model where applicants don’t actually have direct interaction with the employers but with the expert system that makes decision. The system provides response to applicant request and also provides procedure for recruitment from start to finishing stage, when the job seeker is now called successful employee. We implored Water fall model in our design. In this model, each stage essentially completes before the next phase can activate so that there will be no overlapping in the phases

    Development of a Color Tutoring System on Smart Phone for Children Enhanced Learning

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    In the meantime, smart phones are the most popular device in the globe, as it is still in evolvement and advancement. Almost everybody has a personal smart phone device in the recent. One of the potentials of these smart phones is to run a diversity of applications, making handlers to use it most of the time as well as for discharging their daily tasks. The aim of this study is to develop an expert system running on android smart phones. This paper is an expert system for color tutoring in nursery and primary schools. An application which emphasizes the use of color in teaching nursery grade to primary pupils developed in Java on Android using a service-oriented architecture. The system runs on mobile devices and offers smart features that evaluates and uses color and picture to select and describe different types of entities and real world vegetation and surroundings. Equations of life can be easily seen in pictures since colors are very noticeable and the eyes tend to float back and forth on paintings. The system will use a rule-based engine and scripting environment implemented in Java which reasons with the use of knowledge databases implemented as declarative rules

    An Academic Live Streaming Multimedia for Video and Audio Workshop

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    This work creates unlimited privileges for academic users to access videos and audio contents for educational, entertainment, advertisement and other purposes. It allows users to become fully absorbed in its multimedia content by utilizing a variety of multimedia elements such as audio and video elements and its technologies. It creates a support for user reaction, it also provides statistical support to track the period when users listened to an audio or video content. It also provides a functionality for representing speech from audio or video content in text

    Exploring a Secured Socket Python Flask Framework in Real Time Communication System

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    Communication networks makes it easier to connect internationally in today's world. Chat systems, such as WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and others, enable people to connect and chat over the internet. This chat system has evolved into one of the most important intermediate tools for people to exchange information and materials over the internet, thereby requiring secured socket system. In a social cultural environment, communication with a given network goal system necessitates a stress-free method of knowledge delivery. Surfing websites like "My Room" and "Facebook" has become a common occurrence among the younger generation. Nowadays, social networking websites are an important part of people's social, educational, and professional lives. The aim of this study is to create a group communication framework that uses a protected socket browser interface. This architecture was created with a server scripting language, a SQLite database model, and Python web application frameworks in mind