9,328 research outputs found

    Three photon absorption in ZnO and ZnS crystals

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    We report a systematic investigation of both three-photon absorption (3PA)spectra and wavelength dispersions of Kerr-type nonlinear refraction in wide-gap semiconductors. The Z-scan measurements are recorded for both ZnO and ZnS with femtosecond laser pulses. While the wavelength dispersions of the Kerr nonlinearity are in agreement with a two-band model, the wavelength dependences of the 3PA are found to be given by (3Ephoton/Eg-1)5/2(3Ephoton/Eg)-9. We also evaluate higher-order nonlinear optical effects including the fifth-order instantaneous nonlinear refraction associated with virtual three-photon transitions, and effectively seventh-order nonlinear processes induced by three-photon-excited free charge carriers. These higher-order nonlinear effects are insignificant with laser excitation irradiances up to 40 GW/cm2. Both pump-probe measurements and three-photon figures of merits demonstrate that ZnO and ZnS should be a promising candidate for optical switching applications at telecommunication wavelengths.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Noise-Induced Linearisation and Delinearisation

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    It is demonstrated, by means of analogue electronic simulation and theoretically, that external noise can markedly change the character of the response of a nonlinear system to a low-frequency periodic field. In general, noise of sufficient intensity {\it linearises} the response. For certain parameter ranges in particular cases, however, an increase in the noise intensity can sometime have the opposite effect and is shown to {\it delinearise} the response. The physical origins of these contrary behaviours are discussed.Comment: 17 pages. No special macros. Figures on reques

    Induced Ferromagnetism at BiFeO3/YBa2Cu3O7 Interfaces

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    Transition metal oxides (TMOs) exhibit many emergent phenomena ranging from high-temperature superconductivity and giant magnetoresistance to magnetism and ferroelectricity. In addition, when TMOs are interfaced with each other, new functionalities can arise, which are absent in individual components. Here, we report results from first-principles calculations on the magnetism at the BiFeO3/YBa2Cu3O7 interfaces. By comparing the total energy for various magnetic spin configurations inside BiFeO3, we are able to show that a metallic ferromagnetism is induced near the interface. We further develop an interface exchange-coupling model and place the extracted exchange coupling interaction strengths, from the first-principles calculations, into a resultant generic phase diagram. Our conclusion of interfacial ferromagnetism is confirmed by the presence of a hysteresis loop in field-dependent magnetization data. The emergence of interfacial ferromagnetism should have implications to electronic and transport properties.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Inhibition of HIV derived lentiviral production by TAR RNA binding domain of TAT protein

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    BACKGROUND: A critical step in the production of new HIV virions involves the TAT protein binding to the TAR element. The TAT protein contains in close proximity its TAR RNA binding domain and protein transduction domain (PTD). The PTD domain of TAT has been identified as being instrumental in the protein's ability to cross mammalian cell and nuclear membranes. All together, this information led us to form the hypothesis that a protein containing the TAR RNA binding domain could compete with the native full length TAT protein and effectively block the TAR RNA binding site in transduced HIV infected cells. RESULTS: We synthesized a short peptide named Tat-P, which contained the TAR RNA binding and PTD domains to examine whether the peptide has the potential of inhibiting TAT dependent HIV replication. We investigated the inhibiting effects of Tat-P in vitro using a HIV derived lentiviral vector model. We found that the TAT PTD domain not only efficiently transduced test cells, but also effectively inhibited the production of lentiviral particles in a TAT dependent manner. These results were also supported by data derived from the TAT activated LTR-luciferase expression model and RNA binding assays. CONCLUSION: Tat-P may become part of a category of anti-HIV drugs that competes with full length TAT proteins to inhibit HIV replication. In addition, this study indicates that the HIV derived lentiviral vector system is a safe and reliable screening method for anti-HIV drugs, especially for those targeting the interaction of TAT and TAR RNAs

    Caractérisation du comportement à rupture de tubes de gaines des crayons combustibles après un Accident de Perte de Réfrigérant Primaire

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    National audienceDans le cadre des études visant à garantir l'intégrité de la gaine des crayons combustibles, EDF est amené à caractériser la ductilité de la gaine après Accident de Perte de Réfrigérant Primaire (APRP). L'étude porte sur la caractérisation du comportement à rupture de tubes en Zircaloy-4 détendu pour lesquels les conditions d'APRP ont été simulées en laboratoire par une oxydation en vapeur à haute température suivie d'un refroidissement. L'oxydation est effectuée à 1100°C et à 1200°C pour différentes durées ce qui conduit à des niveaux d'oxydation de 3% à 25% d'ECR (Equivalent Cladding Reacted). Deux types de refroidissement sont par ailleurs effectués : trempe à l'eau et refroidissement à l'air. Les essais Expansion due à la Compression (EDC) sont effectués sur les tubes ayant subi l'oxydation et le refroidissement. Le comportement à rupture des tubes est caractérisé à partir de l'analyse des courbes macroscopiques force/déplacement de l'essai, du champ de déformations des tubes mesuré par stéréo-corrélation d'images et grâce à l'observation des échantillons rompus ou pré-déformés. L'interprétation des essais EDC est complétée par la modélisation de cet essai par la méthode des éléments finis