17 research outputs found

    The Public Institution for Integrated Maritime Domain Management in Croatia ā€“ role and functions

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    The aim of this article is the analysis of the existing maritime domain management system in Croatia, with a special attention to the port system management compared to maritime domain and port management systems in Italy, Spain and France. The research shows that Croatia does not have the strategy for integrated management of maritime domain. In respect of the size of national territory covered by maritime domain and its importance for the general Croatian economy, especially for tourism, we believe that is undeniable that this issue should be regulated as follows: the newly established Public Institution for Integrated Maritime Domain Management should manage the maritime domain and it should have branches on regional level. Thereby the management system of maritime domain would finally be consistent, managed from one place and under management of experts. At the same time, the strategy would be the base for the reform of the existing MDSA or for the completely new law on maritime domain and seaports

    Primena metode informacionih spektara u ispitivanju enzimatskih različitih alfa amilaza

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    A series of eight alpha amylases (EC of known primary structure were investigated using the Informational Spectrum Method (ISM) for the purpose of predicting new enzymes with increased efficiency.Niz od 8 Ī±-amilaza (1,4-Ī±-D-glukan-glukano -hidrolaze, EC poznate primarne strukture ispitivano je metodom informacionih spektara (ISM) , s ciljem da se predlože novi enzimi veće efikasnosti. Pomoću ISM-a transformisana je primarna struktura enzima u niz brojeva, a zatim je bilo moguće dobiti i uporediti originalne spektre. KoriŔćenjem multi-spektralne funkcije utvrđen je samo jedan zajednički, dobro definisan pik. Frekvenca ovog pika predstavlja karakterističnu frekvencu svih ispitivanih amilaza. Postoji zavisnost između vrednosti amplitude na karakterističnoj frekvenciji i aktivnosti biomolekula. Daljom matematičkom obradom, metoda je dala predlog za minimalne promene u strukturi prirodnog proizvoda kojima se omogućava povećana efikasnost enzima. Ove minimalne promene moguće je izvesti najjednostavnijom metodom genetskog inženjerstva - metodom tačkaste mutacije. Mutacije su predložene za Ī±-amilaze iz sledećih izvora: Aspergillus oryzae, Bacillus arnyloliquefaciens i ječam

    Reliability of CKD-EPI predictive equation in estimating chronic kidney disease prevalence in the Croatian endemic nephropathy area

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    Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant public health problem and it is not possible to precisely predict its progression to terminal renal failure. According to current guidelines, CKD stages are classified based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albuminuria. Aims of this study were to determine the reliability of predictive equation in estimation of CKD prevalence in Croatian areas with endemic nephropathy (EN), compare the results with non-endemic areas, and to determine if the prevalence of CKD stages 3-5 was increased in subjects with EN. Materials and methods: A total of 1573 inhabitants of the Croatian Posavina rural area from 6 endemic and 3 non-endemic villages were enrolled. Participants were classified according to the modified criteria of the World Health Organization for EN. Estimated GFR was calculated using Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation (CKD-EPI). Results: The results showed a very high CKD prevalence in the Croatian rural area (19%). CKD prevalence was significantly higher in EN then in non EN villages with the lowest eGFR value in diseased subgroup. Conclusions: eGFR correlated significantly with the diagnosis of EN. Kidney function assessment using CKD-EPI predictive equation proved to be a good marker in differentiating the study subgroups, remained as one of the diagnostic criteria for EN

    Why it is necessary to change the Rulebook on sorting and categorising ports in nautical tourism

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    Nautički turizam gospodarska je djelatnost u stalnom razvoju, a njegova je osnovna funkcija plovidba morem i razonoda. Pritom razonoda uključuje odmor, rekeaciju i krstarenja. Turističke usluge u nautičkom turizmu pružaju se također i u lukama nautičkog turizma. Luka nautičkog turizma jest poslovno funkcionalna cjelina u kojoj pravna ili fizička osoba posluje i pruža usluge u nautičkom turizmu te druge usluge u funkciji turističke potroÅ”nje. Prema važećem Pravilniku o razvrstavanju i kategorizaciji luka nautičkog turizma iz 2008., luke nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj jesu: 1) sidriÅ”te, 2) odlagaliÅ”te plovnih objekata, 3) suha marina i 4) marina. Na ovaj Pravilnik nastavlja se Zakon o pružanju usluga u turizmu u dijelu koji se odnosi na turističke usluge u nautičkom turizmu, a na snazi je od 1. siječnja 2018. Klasifikacija i kategorizacija luka nautičkog turizma vrlo je važna. Ona predstavlja nužan uvjet za razvoj ovih luka jer se s njom određuje, prvo, djelatnost ili djelatnosti u pojedinim lukama, drugo, način upravljanja tim lukama, te treće, odgovornost luka za Å”tete korisnicima i drugim osobama koje mogu nastupiti iz djelatnosti i načina upravljanja lukom. U ovom radu autori analiziraju klasifikaciju i kategorizaciju luka nautičkog turizma. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo Hrvatsku te vodeće države Mediterana u nautičkoj industriji, a to su Italija, Å panjolska i Francuska. U komparativnim pravima postoje razlike u odnosu na hrvatsku pravnu regulativu. Na temelju takvnih spoznaja, autori predlažu de lege ferenda rjeÅ”enja za novu klasifikaciju i kategorizaciju luka nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj.In this paper, the authors analyzes the classification and categorization of nautical ports. The research covered Croatia and the leading Mediterranean countries in the nautical industry, namely Italy, Spain and France. When compared to the Croatian legal framework there are differences in the comparative laws. Based on such findings, the authors proposes de lege ferenda solutions for the new classification and categorization of nautical ports in Croatia

    The kinetic behavior of catalase immobilized on Amberlite IRA-410

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    Beef liver catalase was immobilized on the strongly basic ion-exange resin Amberlite IRA-410, and used to study the kinetics of the reaction of hydrogen peroxide decomposition. The process of the immobilization was also followed. Rate constants for the enzymatic reaction were determined for the initial period and for the reaction as a whole. Reuse of the immobilized enzyme was also examined. Rate constants at four temperatures in the range 20ā€”40 Ā°C were determined and the energy and entropy of activation were calculated from rate data

    PonaŔanje lipaze imobilisane na Amberlitu IRA-410

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    Two different lipases were immobilized on the strongly basic ion-exchange resin Amberlite IRA-410 in its Cl form and used to hydrolyse n-butylacetate. OperaĀ¬tional stability and dependence of the rate on substrate concentration were examined at room temperature in order to establish the behaviour of the immobilized lipase.Dve različite lipaze (jedna iz pankreasa, a druga iz Candida cylindracea) imobilisane su na jako baznoj jonoizmenjivačkoj smoli Amberlite IRA-410 bez prethodnog prevođenja smole u OH oblik i koriÅ”tene za hidrolizu n-butilacetata na sobnoj temperaturi. Ispitivana je operaciona stabilnost tako imobilisanih lipaza, a za lipazu iz Candida cylindracea ispitan je i uticaj polazne koncentracije supstrata na konverziju. Takođe je izvrÅ”eno poređenje sa slobodnim lipazama

    Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of substituted 4-pyrimidine carboxylic acids with diazodiphenylmethane in dimethylformamide

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    Correlation of the data for the reaction of 11 substituted 4-pyrimidine carboxylic acids with diazodiphenylmethane (DDM) in dimethylformamide (DMF) with calculated atomic charges on the carboxylic group showed that the reaction in this solvent may proceed via a concerted transition state

    Substituent efects on the carbon-13 chemical shifts in Ī±-phenylpyridylacrylic acids

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    The 13C N.M.R. spectra of some substituted Ī±-phenylpyridylacrylic acids, Ī±-phenyl, Ī±-(3-pyrydyl) and Ī±-(3-pyrydyl-N-oxide) cinnamic acids were determined in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide (d6-DMSO). It has been shown that the subsitutent chemical shifts (SCS) for CĪ²atom ethylenic bond of the examined compounds correlated linearely with the summ of the corresponding substituent constants in the both rings (Ļƒx + ĻƒY). This correlation was interpreted as evidence that the electronic effects of both substituents are involved in conjugated aromatic system. Ā© 1992