7 research outputs found

    Preliminary Field Tests and Long-Term Monitoring as a Method of Design Risk Mitigation: A Case Study of Gdańsk Deepwater Container Terminal

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    Appropriate risk assessment plays a fundamental role in the design. . The authors propose a possible method of design risk mitigation, which follows recommendations included in Eurocode 7. The so-called “Observational Method” (OM) can produce savings in costs and programmes on engineering projects without compromising safety. The case study presented is a complex design solution that deals with the heavy foundations of a gantry crane beam as one of the elements of a Deepwater Container Terminal extension. The paper presents a detailed process of the design of the rear crane beam being a part of the brand new berth, together with its static analysis, as well as the long-term results of observations, which have revealed the real performance of the marine structure. The case presented is based on excessive preliminary field tests and technical monitoring of the structure, and is an example of a successful OM implementation and design risk mitigation

    Preliminary Field Tests and Long-Term Monitoring as a Method of Design Risk Mitigation: A Case Study of Gdańsk Deepwater Container Terminal

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    Appropriate risk assessment plays a fundamental role in the design. . The authors propose a possible method of design risk mitigation, which follows recommendations included in Eurocode 7. The so-called “Observational Method” (OM) can produce savings in costs and programmes on engineering projects without compromising safety. The case study presented is a complex design solution that deals with the heavy foundations of a gantry crane beam as one of the elements of a Deepwater Container Terminal extension. The paper presents a detailed process of the design of the rear crane beam being a part of the brand new berth, together with its static analysis, as well as the long-term results of observations, which have revealed the real performance of the marine structure. The case presented is based on excessive preliminary field tests and technical monitoring of the structure, and is an example of a successful OM implementation and design risk mitigation

    Monitoring System of the Road Embankment

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    The paper presents the analysis of the monitoring system of the embankment supported on concrete columns and overlaid by a load transfer platform with the embedded steel grid. This field investigation was to study the complex interaction between the columns, the load transfer platform layer, and steel grid via in situ measurements during erection and live loading of the embankment. The study was focused on the behaviour of steel grid and the behaviour of the outer rows of columns since there are limited reference data available for this problem. The system was designed to inform the engineers about the condition of the embankment at every stage of construction and during standard operation of the road. The measurements brought the information on strain variations of steel grid, concrete columns, and structural settlement and provided necessary evidence for the embankment numerical model validation

    Efficiency of aerobic biodegradation of beet molasses vinasse under non-controlled pH: conditions for betaine removal / Efektywność tlenowej biodegradacji buraczanego wywaru melasowego przy nieregulowanym pH podłoża: określenie warunków usunięcia betainy

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    Celem pracy było określenie warunków zapewniających wysoką efektywność tlenowej biodegradacji buraczanego wywaru melasowego za pomocą mieszanej kultury termo- i mezofilnych bakterii z rodzaju Bacillus w procesach okresowych prowadzonych bez regulacji pH podłoża. Główną uwagę poświęcono usunięciu betainy (głównego zanieczyszczenia buraczanego wywaru melasowego). Stanowiła ona aż 37,6% zawartości ogólnego węgla organicznego w biodegradowanym wywarze. Procesy biodegra dacji prowadzono w 5-litrowym bioreaktorze z układem mieszania w temperaturze 27-63°C, co 9°C, dla pH początkowego (pH0) równego 6,5 i 8,0. Wysoką efektywność biodegradacji wyrażoną poprzez redukcję SChZTcałk (suma SChZT (ChZT oznaczane po oddzieleniu części stałych) i teoretycznego ChZT betainy) uzyskano w procesach prowadzonych w temperaturze 27 i 36°C dla pH0 = 8,0 (redukcja ponad 77,7%) oraz 36 i 45°C dla pH0 = 6,5 (redukcja ponad 83,6%). Przyczyną wysokiej efektywności biodegradacji w wymienionych czterech procesach było usunięcie przez bakterie betainy. Maksymalny stopień redukcji SChZTcałk (85,41%), BZT5 (97,91%) i OWO (86,32%), jak również największą szybkość biodegradacji (1,17 g O2/l∙h) uzyskano w eksperymencie prowadzonym w temperaturze 36°C dla pH0 = 8,0