77 research outputs found

    Delayed information flow effect in economy systems. An ACP model study

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    Applying any strategy requires some knowledge about the past state of the system. Unfortunately in the case of economy collecting information is a difficult, expensive and time consuming process. Therefore the information about the system is known at the end of some well defined intervals, e. g. company reports, inflation data, GDP etc. They describe a (market) situation in the past. The time delay is specific to the market branch. It can be very short (e.g. stock market offer is updated every minute or so and this information is immediately available) or long, like months in the case of agricultural market, when the decisions are taken based on the results from the previous harvest. The analysis of the information flow delay can be based on the ACP model of spatial evolution of economic systems. The entities can move on a square lattice and when meeting take one of the two following decisions: merge or create a new entity. The decision is based on the system state, which is known with some time delay. The effect of system's feedback is investigated. We consider the case of company distribution evolution in a heterogenous field. The information flow time delay implies different final states, including cycles.Comment: Presented at APFA

    Random matrix approach in search for weak signals immersed in background noise

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    We present new, original and alternative method for searching signals coded in noisy data. The method is based on the properties of random matrix eigenvalue spectra. First, we describe general ideas and support them with results of numerical simulations for basic periodic signals immersed in artificial stochastic noise. Then, the main effort is put to examine the strength of a new method in investigation of data content taken from the real astrophysical NAUTILUS detector, searching for the presence of gravitational waves. Our method discovers some previously unknown problems with data aggregation in this experiment. We provide also the results of new method applied to the entire respond signal from ground based detectors in future experimental activities with reduced background noise level. We indicate good performance of our method what makes it a positive predictor for further applications in many areas.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Influence of information flow in the formation of economic cycles

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    A microscopic approach to macroeconomic features is intended. A model for macroeconomic behavior based on the Ausloos-Clippe-Pekalski model is built and investigated. The influence of a discrete time information transfer is investigated. The formation of economic cycles is observed as a function of the time of information delay. Three regions of delay time are recognized: short td(2IS,4IS)t_d \in (2 IS, 4 IS) (IS - iteration steps) - the system evolves toward a unique stable equilibrium state, medium td=5ISt_d =5 IS or td=6ISt_d =6 IS , the system undergoes oscillations: stable concentration cycles appear in the system. For long information flow delay times, td7t_d \geq 7, the systems may crash for most initial concentrations. However, even in the case of long delay time the crash time may be long enough to allow observation of the system evolution and to introduce an appropriate strategy in order to avoid the collapse of the e.g. company concentration. In the long time delay it is also possible to observe an "economy resonance" where despite a long delay time the system evolves for a long time or can even reach a stable state, which insures its existence.Comment: 18 pages,16 figures, to be published in Verhulst 200 Proceedings, M. Ausloos and M. Dirickx, Eds. (in press

    Entropy and equilibrium state of free market models

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    Many recent models of trade dynamics use the simple idea of wealth exchanges among economic agents in order to obtain a stable or equilibrium distribution of wealth among the agents. In particular, a plain analogy compares the wealth in a society with the energy in a physical system, and the trade between agents to the energy exchange between molecules during collisions. In physical systems, the energy exchange among molecules leads to a state of equipartition of the energy and to an equilibrium situation where the entropy is a maximum. On the other hand, in the majority of exchange models, the system converges to a very unequal condensed state, where one or a few agents concentrate all the wealth of the society while the wide majority of agents shares zero or almost zero fraction of the wealth. So, in those economic systems a minimum entropy state is attained. We propose here an analytical model where we investigate the effects of a particular class of economic exchanges that minimize the entropy. By solving the model we discuss the conditions that can drive the system to a state of minimum entropy, as well as the mechanisms to recover a kind of equipartition of wealth

    Geoturystyka i geoedukacja w rezerwacie przyrody nieożywionej „Prządki” im. prof. Henryka Świdzińskiego

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    Rezerwat przyrody nieożywionej „Prządki” to jeden z najlepiej rozpoznawalnych i udokumentowanych geostanowisk Karpat Zewnętrznych. Historia badań, ochrony i turystyki ma tutaj długą tradycję. Jest to także obiekt o dużym potencjale geoturystycznym ze względu na dobrze zachowane i wyeksponowane krajobrazowo piaskowcowe formy skalne, czytelnie wypreparowaną mikrorzeźbę, powiązania kulturowe i ekologiczne, a także łatwy dostęp i zwiedzanie geostanowiska. W pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania geoedukacyjnego rezerwatu na tle jego budowy geologicznej, geomorfologii, walorów biotycznych oraz wpływu na lokalną historię . Zaproponowano zakres tematów do prowadzenia dydaktyki, wskazano najbardziej czytelne cechy oraz dalsze możliwości zagospodarowania i udostępnienia obiektu.Rezerwat przyrody nieożywionej „Prządki” to jeden z najlepiej rozpoznawalnych i udokumentowanych geostanowisk Karpat Zewnętrznych. Historia badań, ochrony i turystyki ma tutaj długą tradycję. Jest to także obiekt o dużym potencjale geoturystycznym ze względu na dobrze zachowane i wyeksponowane krajobrazowo piaskowcowe formy skalne, czytelnie wypreparowaną mikrorzeźbę, powiązania kulturowe i ekologiczne, a także łatwy dostęp i zwiedzanie geostanowiska. W pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania geoedukacyjnego rezerwatu na tle jego budowy geologicznej, geomorfologii, walorów biotycznych oraz wpływu na lokalną historię . Zaproponowano zakres tematów do prowadzenia dydaktyki, wskazano najbardziej czytelne cechy oraz dalsze możliwości zagospodarowania i udostępnienia obiektu

    Nuclear Tetrahedral Symmetry: Possibly Present Throughout the Periodic Table

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    More than half a century after the fundamental, spherical shell structure in nuclei has been established, theoretical predictions indicate that the shell-gaps comparable or even stronger than those at spherical shapes may exist. Group-theoretical analysis supported by realistic mean-field calculations indicate that the corresponding nuclei are characterized by the TdDT_d^D ('double-tetrahedral') group of symmetry, exact or approximate. The corresponding strong shell-gap structure is markedly enhanced by the existence of the 4-dimensional irreducible representations of the group in question and consequently it can be seen as a geometrical effect that does not depend on a particular realization of the mean-field. Possibilities of discovering the corresponding symmetry in experiment are discussed.Comment: 4 pages in LaTeX and 4 figures in eps forma

    An attempt to observe economy globalization: the cross correlation distance evolution of the top 19 GDP's

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    Economy correlations between the 19 richest countries are investigated through their Gross Domestic Product increments. A distance is defined between increment correlation matrix elements and their evolution studied as a function of time and time window size. Unidirectional and Bidirectional Minimal Length Paths are generated and analyzed for different time windows. A sort of critical correlation time window is found indicating a transition for best observations. The mean length path decreases with time, indicating stronger correlations. A new method for estimating a realistic minimal time window to observe correlations and deduce macroeconomy conclusions from such features is thus suggested.Comment: to be published in the Dyses05 proceedings, in Int. J. Mod Phys C 15 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Criteria of geotourism valorization specified for various recipients // Kryteria waloryzacji geoturystycznej na potrzeby różnego rodzaju odbiorców

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    The following paper presents methodology of valorization of geotourism objects adapted to meet the expectations and needs of various groups of potential recipients: tourists (casual, witting, hobbyist), educators (school teachers, academic staff, guides, organizers) and investors (owners, managers). Any geotourism object can be valorized using four principal categories of criteria: visual, cognitive, functional and investing. Each category is evaluated separately and selection of particular criteria depends on the needs of given recipient. //W artykule zaproponowano sposób waloryzacji obiektów geoturystycznych uwzględniający potrzeby potencjalnych odbiorców: turystów (przypadkowy, świadomy, pasjonat), edukatorów (nauczyciel szkolny i akademicki, przewodnik, organizator turystyki specjalistycznej), inwestorów (właściciel, zarządca). Na ocenę obiektu składają się cztery główne kryteria: wartość wizualna, wartość poznawcza, wartość użytkowa oraz warunki i potrzeby inwestycyjne. Każde z kryteriów oceniane jest osobno, a o ważności i doborze kryterium decyduje samodzielnie odbiorca waloryzacji