11 research outputs found

    Współczesna rola echokardiografii w monitorowaniu kardiotoksyczności leków przeciwnowotworowych. Stanowisko grupy ekspertów polskiego Klinicznego Forum Obrazowania Serca i Naczyń

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    Recent oncology development results in significant reduction of morbidity and mortality of several kinds of cancer. Such great achievements are at the cost of frequent cardiotoxicity, which predominantly is manifested as cardiomyopathy, cardiac dysfunction and heart failure (HF). Cardiotoxicity may manifest early — during treatment or late — after treatment completion. There are type 1 — anthracycline-related and type 2 — trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity. Early detection of cardiotoxicity is crucial for preventing late heart dysfunction and HF. Baseline echocardiographic assessment should be performed in every patient before initiation of cancer treatment and serial monitoring of cardiac safety by means of echocardiography is recommended. The most widely used for this purpose is left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) calculated by Simpson’s method with 2 dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. LVEF has numerous limitations, among which significant inter- and intraobserver variability, late decrease of LVEF with its often irreversibility are the most important. Noncontrast 3 dimesional echocardiography is the most reproducible technique for LVEF measurement. Newer echocardiographic technique — myocardial strain imaging has the potential to detect early subclinical cardiac dysfunction due to cardiotoxicity and may be used for the prediction of LV dysfunction. The role of other echocardiographic parameters, particularly of LV diastolic function has not been exactly defined in literature. The decision on discontinuation or modification of cancer therapy should be based on 2 improper, separate measurements of particular echocardiographic parameter or better more than 1 improper parameter should be taken into account. After completion of cancer treatment, echocardiography follow-up is recommended to detect late cardiotoxicity

    Role of echocardiography in monitoring of cardiac toxicity of cancer pharmacotherapy. Expert consensus statement of the Polish Clinical Forum for Cardiovascular Imaging

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    Recent oncology development results in significant reduction of morbidity and mortality of several kinds of cancer. Such great achievements are at the cost of frequent cardiotoxicity, which predominantly is manifested as cardiomyopathy, cardiac dysfunction and heart failure (HF). Cardiotoxicity may manifest early — during treatment or late — after treatment completion. There are type 1 — anthracycline-related and type 2 — trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity. Early detection of cardiotoxicity is crucial for preventing late heart dysfunction and HF. Baseline echocardiographic assessment should be performed in every patient before initiation of cancer treatment and serial monitoring of cardiac safety by means of echocardiography is recommended. The most widely used for this purpose is left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) calculated by Simpson’s method with 2 dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. LVEF has numerous limitations, among which significant inter- and intraobserver variability, late decrease of LVEF with its often irreversibility are the most important. Noncontrast 3 dimesional echocardiography is the most reproducible technique for LVEF measurement. Newer echocardiographic technique — myocardial strain imaging has the potential to detect early subclinical cardiac dysfunction due to cardiotoxicity and may be used for the prediction of LV dysfunction. The role of other echocardiographic parameters, particularly of LV diastolic function has not been exactly defined in literature. The decision on discontinuation or modification of cancer therapy should be based on 2 improper, separate measurements of particular echocardiographic parameter or better more than 1 improper parameter should be taken into account. After completion of cancer treatment, echocardiography follow-up is recommended to detect late cardiotoxicity

    Role of echocardiography in monitoring of cardiac toxicity of cancer pharmacotherapy. Expert consensus statement of the Polish Clinical Forum for Cardiovascular Imaging

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    Recent oncology development results in significant reduction of morbidity and mortality of several kinds of cancer. Such great achievements are at the cost of frequent cardiotoxicity, which predominantly is manifested as cardiomyopathy, cardiac dysfunction and heart failure (HF). Cardiotoxicity may manifest early — during treatment or late — after treatment completion. There are type 1 — anthracycline-related and type 2 — trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity. Early detection of cardiotoxicity is crucial for preventing late heart dysfunction and HF. Baseline echocardiographic assessment should be performed in every patient before initiation of cancer treatment and serial monitoring of cardiac safety by means of echocardiography is recommended. The most widely used for this purpose is left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) calculated by Simpson’s method with 2 dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. LVEF has numerous limitations, among which significant inter- and intraobserver variability, late decrease of LVEF with its often irreversibility are the most important. Noncontrast 3 dimesional echocardiography is the most reproducible technique for LVEF measurement. Newer echocardiographic technique — myocardial strain imaging has the potential to detect early subclinical cardiac dysfunction due to cardiotoxicity and may be used for the prediction of LV dysfunction. The role of other echocardiographic parameters, particularly of LV diastolic function has not been exactly defined in literature. The decision on discontinuation or modification of cancer therapy should be based on 2 improper, separate measurements of particular echocardiographic parameter or better more than 1 improper parameter should be taken into account. After completion of cancer treatment, echocardiography follow-up is recommended to detect late cardiotoxicity

    Can the level of expression of COX be a prognostic factor in the diagnosis uterine leiomymatosis?

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    INTRODUCTION Fibroids are the most common tumors of benign nature of the female reproductive organ. Before the age of 40 this problem aff ects nearly 30% of female Caucasian population. Diagnosis of fi broids is based on a gynecological examination and ultrasound. Additionally the diagnosis also applies histerosonography, CT scan and MRI scan. COX-2 is induced isoform synthesized in response to the physical, chemical or biological stimulation. Is expressed, inter alia, in tumor tissues. Stimulation of iNOS and NO separation occurring in the pathological changes play an important role in the development of cancer. AIM OF STUDY Therefore it seems to be justifi ed to determine the expression of COX-2 and iNOS in the benign tumor cells of uterine fi broids. For exact analysis of the expression of these factors also decided to get outskirts fragments of fi broids and shows a comparison of observed expressions with the results obtained with fi broids. MATERIAL AND METHODS Pure control comprised 20 patients in whom there were no fi broidal changes, both in the reproductive age and perimenopausal (10 patients each). To the research qualifi ed 20 women in childbearing age and 20 women in perimenopausal age all with fi broidal changes in uterus. In the studied biopsied tissue evaluated the optical density of cells with the expression of selected proteins like cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Expression of COX-2 and iNOS was higher in the myoma and in the surrounding myometrium fi broids compared with the expression of these proteins in healthy women uterus myometrium. Increased expression of COX-2 and iNOS at the periphery of uterine fi broids can decide the appearance of new tumors. Therefore, you should consider the use of the expression levels of COX-2 and iNOS as a prognostic factor.WSTĘP Mięśniaki macicy są najczęstszymi łagodnymi nowotworami żeńskiego narządu rodnego. Przed 40 rokiem życia problem ten dotyczy blisko 30% kobiet populacji kaukaskiej. Diagnostyka mięśniaków opiera się na badaniach ginekologicznym oraz ultrasonograficznym. Pomocniczo stosuje się również histerosonografi ę, tomografi ę komputerową oraz rezonans magnetyczny. Cyklooksygenaza 2 (COX-2) jest izoformą indukowalną, syntetyzowaną w odpowiedzi na stymulację fizyczną, chemiczną lub biologiczną. Ulega ekspresji m.in. w tkankach nowotworowych. Stymulacja indukowalnej syntazy tlenku azotu (iNOS) oraz wydzielanie NO zachodzące w zmianach patologicznych, odgrywają istotną rolę w rozwoju nowotworu. CEL PRACY Uzasadnione zatem wydaje się określenie ekspresji COX-2 i iNOS w niezłośliwych komórkach nowotworowych mięśniaków macicy. W celu dokładnej analizy ekspresji tych czynników zdecydowano się także na pobranie fragmentów obrzeża mięśniaków i porównanie zaobserwowanej ekspresji z wynikami otrzymanymi z mięśniaków. MATERIAŁ I METODY Kontrolę czystą stanowiło 20 pacjentek, u których nie stwierdzono zmian mięśniakowatych, zarówno w wieku reprodukcyjnym, jak i okołomenopauzalnym (po 10 pacjentek). Do badań zakwalifikowano po 20 kobiet w wieku rozrodczym ze zmianami mięśniakowymi w macicy oraz z mięśniakami w wieku okołomenopauzalnym. W badanych wycinkach tkankowych dokonano oceny gęstości optycznej komórek z ekspresją wybranych enzymów, tj. COX-2 oraz iNOS. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI Ekspresja COX-2 oraz iNOS była wyższa zarówno w mięśniaku, jak i w myometrium otaczającym mięśniak w porównaniu z ekspresją tych białek w myometrium macicy kobiet zdrowych. Zwiększona ekspresja COX-2 i iNOS na obrzeżu mięśniaków macicy może decydować o pojawieniu się nowych guzów. Dlatego też należy rozważyć wykorzystanie poziomu ekspresji COX-2 i iNOS jako czynników prognostycznych

    Unlocking the potential of DNA-based tagging: current market solutions and expanding horizons

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    The commercialization of DNA tagging is a growing trend that demonstrates the increasing practicality of this novel approach. This interdisciplinary technology is based on the distinctive characteristics of DNA as a molecule that can remain stable in varying environmental conditions and store data following appropriate preparation. Moreover, newly developed technologies could simplify DNA synthesis and the encoding of data within DNA. The implementation of DNA tagging presents distinctive benefits in comparison to conventional labelling techniques, including universal product code (UPC) barcoding, radio-frequency identification (RFID), quick response (QR) codes, and Bluetooth technologies, by surmounting the limitations encountered by these systems. The discourse pertains to extant DNA-tagging mechanisms along with prospective implementations in a wide range of domains, including but not limited to art, the metaverse, forensics, wildlife monitoring, and the military. The potential of DNA labelling in various contexts underscores the importance of continued research and development in this rapidly evolving field

    Analiza objawów ogólnoustrojowych w przebiegu COVID-19

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    INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) infection, may have a more or less severe course. The aim of this study was to analyse the symptoms which occurred in a group of people who tested positively for the presence of the genetic material of the virus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The analysis was based on the results of 337 questionnaires collected from Polish patients – 185 (55%) females and 152 (45%) males aged 18–86. The questionnaire included 26 questions, of which 11 were related to systemic symptoms. The frequency of their occurrence and their severity were determined according to Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). RESULTS: The most common symptoms that occurred in over 50% of the respondents included: general weakness (91% of the respondents, severity of 6.25 on VAS), musculoskeletal pain (77%, VAS 5.67), headache (65%, VAS 5.37) and cough (56%, VAS 4.76). Runny nose, fever above 38℃ and sore throat were less common and occurred in 39% of the subjects. The least frequent symptoms were diarrhoea (23%), skin lesions (7%) and vomiting (3%). When determining the correlation coefficient, it was also found that dyspnoea occurred most often with general weakness (r = 1), whereas general weakness was less frequently associated with musculoskeletal pain (r = 0.8). No statistically significant relationships were found between the frequency of the symptoms and age, gender or the presence of comorbidities in the respondents. CONCLUSIONS: The observations showed that in the analysed group of people with SARS-CoV-2 infection, the disease had a mild-to-moderate course. General weakness, musculoskeletal pain, cough, and upper respiratory tract infection symptoms were the most common.WSTĘP: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), choroba wywołana infekcją SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), może charakteryzować się mniej lub bardziej nasilonym przebiegiem. Celem niniejszego opracowania była analiza objawów, jakie wystąpiły w grupie osób z dodatnim wynikiem testu na obecność materiału genetycznego wirusa. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie wyników ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród 337 polskich pacjentów – 185 (55%) kobiet oraz 152 (45%) mężczyzn w wieku 18–86 lat. Kwestionariusz zawierał 26 pytań, z czego 11 dotyczyło objawów ogólnoustrojowych. Określono częstość ich występowania oraz nasilenie w skali VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). WYNIKI: Do najczęstszych objawów, występujących u ponad 50% ankietowanych, należą: ogólne osłabienie (91% ankietowanych, nasilenie 6,25 w skali VAS), bóle układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego (77%, VAS 5,67), bóle głowy (65%, VAS 5,37) oraz kaszel (56%, VAS 4,76). Chorobie rzadziej towarzyszyły katar, gorączka powyżej 38°C oraz bóle gardła, które wystąpiły u 39% pacjentów. Najrzadziej występowały biegunka (23%), zmiany skórne (7%) oraz wymioty (3%). Określając współczynnik korelacji, stwierdzono również, iż duszności występowały najczęściej z ogólnym osła-bieniem (r = 1), natomiast rzadziej ogólnemu osłabieniu towarzyszyły bóle mięśniowo-szkieletowe (r = 0,8). Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych zależności między częstością występowania danych objawów a wiekiem, płcią czy chorobami współistniejącymi u ankietowanych. WNIOSKI: Obserwacje wykazały, iż w analizowanej grupie zakażonych SARS-CoV-2 choroba miała przebieg łagodny lub umiarkowany. Najczęstszymi objawami były: ogólne zmęczenie, bóle mięśniowo-szkieletowe, kaszel oraz objawy nieżytu górnych dróg oddechowych

    Expression of VEGF factor and R1 receptor in uterine myomas in women of different age

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    Uterine myomas are the most common benign neoplasms of female reproductive organs. These neoplasms depend upon the impact of steroidal sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone. In uterine myoma cells a disturbed expression of some cytokines and factors is found, including angiogenic factors. The aim of the study was to evaluate the VEGF factor and VEGF-R1 receptor expression in uterine myomas. In the study there were 20 women with myomatous alterations in the uterus, including 10 women in reproductive age and 10 women in perimenopausal age. The study material consisted of tissue specimens taken from the myoma and specimens taken from normal myometrium. Evaluation of the VEGF factor and R1 receptor expression was conducted by means of immunohistochemical staining, using the ABC technique. In the evaluated cells with uterine myoma, both in young women and those in perimenopausal age, a significant increase in VEGF expression was found. This expression was independent of the myoma size. Moreover, a significantly higher VEGF-R1 expression was found in large myomas compared to small ones. The high VEGF factor expression level in women in perimenopausal age may indicate an additional local process of estrogen synthesis. The high VEGF-R1 expression in large myomas may suggest a direct stimulation of myoma growth affected by VEGF.Mięśniaki macicy należą do najczęstszych łagodnych nowotworów żeńskich narządów płciowych. Są to nowotwory zależne od wpływu steroidowych hormonów płciowych – estrogenów i progesteronu. W komórkach mięśniaków macicy stwierdza się zaburzoną ekspresję niektórych cytokin i czynników, w tym czynników angiogennych. Celem badań była ocena ekspresji naczyniowo-śródbłonkowego czynnika wzrostu VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) i receptora VEGF-R1 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1) w mięśniakach macicy. Badaniem objęto 20 kobiet ze zmianami mięśniakowatymi w macicy, w tym 10 w wieku rozrodczym i 10 w wieku okołomenopauzalnym. Materiał do badań stanowiły wycinki tkankowe pobrane z mięśniaka oraz próbki pobrane z prawidłowego miometrium. Ekspresję czynnika VEGF i receptora R1 oceniano na podstawie barwienia immunohistochemicznego, wykorzystując technikę ABC. W ocenianych typach komórek macicy z mięśniakami, zarówno u kobiet młodych, jak i w wieku okołomenopauzalnym stwierdzono wyraźny wzrost ekspresji VEGF. Ekspresja ta była niezależna od wielkości mięśniaka. Stwierdzono także wyraźnie wyższą ekspresję VEGF-R1 w mięśniakach dużych niż w małych. Wysoki poziom ekspresji czynnika VEGF u kobiet w wieku okołomenopauzalnym może wskazywać na dodatkowy lokalny proces syntezy estrogenów. Wysoka ekspresja VEGF-R1 w mięśniakach dużych może świadczy

    Assessment of life quality and health perception among recovered COVID-19 patients: multivariate analysis – own material and a review of previous reports on life quality assessment among convalescents

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    Background The SARS-CoV-2 virus, causing acute respiratory disease, is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in early 2020. In addition to symptoms typical of respiratory tract infections, the virus causes a number of non-specific, often long-lasting effects that hinder the daily functioning of individuals. The aim of the study was a subjective assessment of life quality and health perception among recovered COVID-19 patients. Material and Methods The study included 337 subjects who had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 confirmed by a positive RT-PCR test. The study participants were of legal age. The convalescents completed a questionnaire that contained 26 questions about gender, height, body weight, blood type, general and specific symptoms, comorbidities, hospital stay and duration of specific symptoms, the severity of which was assessed on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The subjects determined whether the COVID-19 infection influenced their health perception and life quality. Results According to 46% of the respondents, COVID-19 had an impact on their quality of life and health. The chance for patients to notice the negative effects of COVID-19 on their current health status and life quality increased with each subsequent symptom of the disease by 49%, with each day of its occurrence by 3%, and with each VAS point of the severity of all infection symptoms by 30%. Conclusions The study shows that COVID-19 disease affects life quality and overall health perception after recovery. Significant impact of COVID-19 on the quality of life should be a signal to create mental support and rehabilitation programs for convalescents to minimize discomfort and shorten the duration of absenteeism from work. Med Pr. 2022;73(6):449–5