18 research outputs found

    Prisutnost brezovog potkornjaka bjelikara (Scolytus ratzeburgi) u Hrvatskoj

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    Bark beetles are one of the most important groups of forest pests and in recent years several bark beetle species have significantly impacted two biogeographic regions in Croatia. The Birch bark beetle (Scolytus ratzeburgi) is the only Scolytus species known to infest birch (Betula spp.) and is a potential threat to birch trees in Croatia but its presence has not been recorded for over 100 years. Here we review historical records of this species and examine several forest stands of Silver birch (B. pendula). The last published record of Birch bark beetle was from 1913 and entomological collections from Croatia only have specimens from neighboring countries. Examination of Silver birch forest stands discovered five new locations of Birch bark beetle with signs of its attack. This species in Croatia has a low population density in forests and urban areas. Impacts of this species may be minimal, but research on this bark beetle should not be neglected since it represents valuable part of entomofauna in Croatia. Further research in Croatia should target fungal relationships with this species in order to determine whether the bark beetle spreads tree pathogenic fungi. Assessment of possible long-term mortality trends across the southern range edge of Silver birch and the presence of the Birch bark beetle merits further attention.Potkornjaci su jedna od najvažnijih skupina Å”umskih Å”tetnika, a u posljednjih nekoliko godina zabilježene su Å”tete od istih u dvije biogeografske regije Hrvatske. Smrekov pisar (Ips typographus) na području alpinske i mediteranski potkornjak (Orthotomicus erosus) na području mediteranske regije ukazali su na njihovu važnost. Brezov potkornjak bjelikar (Scolytus ratzeburgi) je jedina vrsta iz roda Scolytus kojoj su domaćini vrste iz roda Betula spp. te kao takva može predstavljati potencijalnu opasnost u Hrvatskoj. Prisutnost ove vrste je vidljiva po rupicama na kori, ispod kojih se nalazi materinski hodnik (Slika 2), a mužjak i ženka se razlikuju po količini dlaka na prednjem dijelu glave te po izbočini na zadku (Slika 1). Kako bi utvrdili prisutnost brezovog potkornjaka bjelikara na području Hrvatske, u ovom radu je napravljen pregled povijesnih zapisa (entomoloÅ”ke zbirke i literatura) i sastojina obične breze (B. pendula). Na terenu su sakupljeni uzorci (trupčići) na kojima je uočena prisutnost brezovog potkornjaka bjelikara te je napravljena laboratorijska analiza. Pregledom literature utvrđen je posljednji zabilježeni pronalazak brezovog potkornjaka bjelikara od prije viÅ”e od 100 godina (1913. godina), a primjerci u entomoloÅ”kim zbirkama potječu iz susjednih zemalja. Terenski pregled sastojina obične breze utvrdio je pet novih lokacija na kojima je vidljiva prisutnost brezovog potkornjaka bjelikara (Slika 3; Tablica 1). Gustoća populacije ove vrste u Å”umskim i urbanim područjima Hrvatske je niska, ali bez obzira na tu činjenicu brezov potkornjak bjelikar predstavlja važan dio entomofaune Hrvatske. Nastavak istraživanja trebao bi razjasniti povezanost brezovog potkornjaka bjelikara s patogenim gljivičnim bolestima i foretičkim grinjama s obzirom na moguće promjene na južnom rubu područja rasprostranjenja obične breze

    The Harlequin ladybird continues to invade southeastern Europe

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    Abstract The ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) is considered one of the most serious invasive species around the globe. It has spread all over Nort

    Popis slapoljuba (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) Hrvatske s napomenama

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    In this paper an annotated checklist of Croatian riffle beetles is presented. It is a result of a literature review, revision of museum collections, implementation of results from various environmental impact and baseline studies, as well as field investigations throughout Croatia from 2002ā€“2013. Altogether 23 species in eight genera of Elmidae were identified. Five species are new for the Croatian fauna: Elmis rioloides (Kuwert 1890), Esolus angustatus (MĆ¼ller 1821), E. pygmaeus (MĆ¼ller 1806), Oulimnius tuberculatus (MĆ¼ller 1806) and Stenelmis consobrina Dufour 1835. Furthermore, the occurrence of Elmis aenea (MĆ¼ller 1806) in Croatia is confirmed.U ovom je radu dat popis slapoljuba Hrvatske s napomenama o njihovoj biologiji i staniÅ”tima u Hrvatskoj. Rezultat je pregleda literature, uvida u muzejske zbirke, implementacije rezultata stručnih studija i elaborata, kao i prikupljanja vodenih kornjaÅ”a tijekom raznih terenskih istraživanja duž Hrvatske u razdoblju od 2002. do 2013. godine. Ukupno su utvrđene 23 vrste slapoljuba s pet novih vrsta za faunu Hrvatske: Elmis rioloides (Kuwert 1890), Esolus angustatus (MĆ¼ller 1821), E. pygmaeus (MĆ¼ller 1806), Oulimnius tuberculatus (MĆ¼ller 1806) i Stenelmis consobrina Dufour 1835. Potvrđena je i prisutnost vrste Elmis aenea (MĆ¼ller 1806) u Hrvatskoj

    Ubiquitous but Ignored? A Case of Water Beetle in Southeastern Europe

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    Although freshwater habitats, especially springs, are widely recognized as top-priority habitats for monitoring and conservation procedures, their fauna, especially water beetles, are still poorly studied in the southeastern part of Europe. Thus, the dominant water beetle in these habitats, E. bosnica (Zaitzev, 1908) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae), has been completely ignored and misidentified. This study represents the first review of its taxonomy and its population and ecological traits. Both published and unpublished data are presented and discussed, as well as the results of field sampling in 46 springs and other waterbodies conducted in this region from 2004 to 2019. The identification characters of the male genitalia and the first DNA barcode of the species are presented. The results confirm the close phylogenetic relationship of E. bosnica with E. aenea (MĆ¼ller, 1806) and E. rioloides (Kuwert, 1890). The species proved to be a useful environmental descriptor and can easily be used as a biological indicator due to its easy identification. The species shows remarkable sensitivity to environmental conditions and inhabits sites that are potentially under increased anthropogenic pressure and could disappear at an alarming rate. Thus, karstic habitats should be included in future conservation and monitoring procedures in this part of Europe

    Elmis rietscheli Steffan, 1958 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) u Hrvatskoj: prvi nalaz i DNA barkodiranje

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    Elmis rietscheli Steffan, 1958 (Coleoptera: Elmidae) is a typical inhabitant of cold springs and small streams in the mountainous areas of Central Europe. Recently, three specimens of E. rietscheli were collected in the source area of the Šumi, a stream flowing from Mt IvanŔčica, northern Croatia. The morphological identification of the specimens was confirmed by DNA barcoding. This is the first record of E. rietscheli from Croatia, and it represents the southernmost record for this species known to date.Tipična srednjoeuropska vrsta vodenog kornjaŔa iz porodice slapoljuba, Rietschelijev slapoljub, Elmis rietscheli Steffan, 1958 (Coleoptera: Elmidae), naseljava hladne izvore i malene vodotoke u srediŔnjoj Europi. Tri primjerka ove vrste prikupljena su na području planine IvanŔčice na izvoru potoka Šumi. DNA barkodiranje potvrdilo je morfoloŔku identifikaciju jedinki. To je prvi nalaz vrste E. rietscheli za faunu Hrvatske te predstavlja do sada najjužniju zabilježenu točku rasprostranjenja te vrste

    Nove vrste za Hrvatsku iz porodice Hydroptilidae, prikupljene u NP Krka, s posebnim osvrtom na bioraznolikost i DNA barkodiranje

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    In this study we present: two species of caddisflies new for Croatian fauna from the family Hydroptilidae (Hydroptila simulans Mosley, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis), first DNA barcoding of caddisfly species in the Krka National Park and a discussion about recorded caddisfly fauna in the Krka NP from this study. From a faunistic point of view several species are interesting: Hydropsysche mostarensis KlapĆ”lek, Hydroptila simulans Mosely, Hydroptila forfcipata Eaton, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis and Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan. For the species Oecetis notata Rambur we have recorded interesting taxonomical remarks. Furthermore, within this study we used DNA barcoding which showed to be a very good and useful method for identification of very small and morphologically similar species from the family Hydroptilidae, or females from the family Psychomyiidae.U ovome radu prikazujemo: dvije nove vrste zabilježene u fauni Hrvatske iz porodice Hydroptilidae (Hydroptila simulans Mosley, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis), prikaz DNA barkodiranja tulara u Nacionalnom parka Krka te osvrt na faunistički najzanimljivije vrste utvrđene tijekom ovih istraživanja. Faunistički najzanimljiviji su nalazi sljedećih vrsta: Hydropsysche mostarensis KlapĆ”lek, Hydroptila simulans Mosely, Hdroptila forfcipata Eaton, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis i Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan. Vrsta Oecetis notata Rambur nazanimljivija je s taksonomskog aspekta. U ovim istraživanjima metoda DNA barkodiranja pokazala se kao vrlo korisna u determinaciji vrlo malih i morfoloÅ”ki sličnih vrsta iz porodice Hydroptilidae te ženki iz porodice Psychomyiidae

    Fauna vodencvjetova (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera

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    The mayfly fauna of Plitvice Lakes NP was investigated at 14 sampling sites representing different types of karstic freshwater habitat (springs, streams, tufa barriers and lakes). Specimens were sampled from February 2007 to February 2009 using different methods and 19 taxa were identified. Lotic habitats supported more mayfly species than lentic habitat types. The recorded species, four of which are new for the Croatian fauna, encompass 27 % of the total number of Croatian mayfly fauna. This study represents an important contribution to the knowledge of mayfly fauna of karst habitats in Croatia.Fauna vodencvjetova istraživana je na 14 postaja različitih tipova krÅ”kih slatkovodnih staniÅ”ta (izvori, potoci, sedrene barijere i jezera) na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera. Jedinke su sakupljane različitom metodologijom od veljače 2007. do veljače 2009. Godine, prilikom čega je utvrđeno 19 svojti. Veći broj vrsta vodencvjetova zabilježen je na lotičkim staniÅ”tima nego Å”to je to bio slučaj za lentička. Zabilježene vrste, od kojih su četiri nove za faunu vodencvjetova Hrvatske, čine 27% do sada zabilježenih vrsta vodencvjetova na području Hrvatske. Ovo istraživanje predstavlja važan doprinos poznavanju faune vodencvjetova krÅ”kih područja Hrvatske