73 research outputs found
Department of Psychiatry,
Narcology and Medical Psychology Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period are some of the most important
periods in a woman's life, in which physical and mental health changes take place. Systems and
organs changes occur (uterus involution, wound healing, changes in the cardiovascular,
urinary, respiratory, and muscular systems). Risk factors that predispose to postnatal
depression include: previous depressive episodes, feeling of despair, anxiety in pregnancy, low
self-esteem, poor relationships with the partner, low socio-cultural status and loneliness. Also,
women at risk of perinatal complications, hospitalization during pregnancy or termination of
pregnancy by cesarean section, premature birth are more at risk. Stress associated with caring
for a child and not accepting their own body after birth can also cause depression in women.
First month from the postnatal period is very important because of the possibility of depressive
disorders. In the post-partum period three depressive disorders may occur (baby blues,
postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis). Baby blues, so-called post-partum sadness
can develop four days after the baby's birth and can last up to 12 days. Anxiety, feelings of
hopelessness, sleep disorders, attention and appetite disorders, lack of interest in the child and
the environment are the main symptoms of post-partum depression. Postpartum depression
lasts from 3 to 9 months, sometimes up to 1 year after the birth of the child. Depressive
disorders in the postnatal period can have a negative impact on the development of the motherchild
relationship, with long-term social, emotional consequences. and cognitive effects on
mother and child.
Aim of the study. Evaluation of the psychological particularities of the post-partum period and
the possibility of the appearance of the emotional disorders and post-partum depression.
Materials and methods. All relevant information was obtained from literature review.
Results. The term postpartum depression is used to define depressive symptomatology that
begins in the postnatal period and represents a complex of physical, emotional and behavioral
changes. Depression, historically referred to as melancholia, was classified as a mental disorder
in the 1800s, when the first efforts were made to collect statistical data on the incidence of
mental illness. Since then, major depression has been included in the Statistical and Diagnostic
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), since its inception in 1952. Thus, it has been proposed
that the estimated incidence of 10-20% of postpartum depression was initially classified as a
major depression subtype, referred to as “major depressive disorder, with postpartum outset”
in DSM-4, and is currently classified as “major depressive disorder with outset in the
peripartum period” in DSM-5, because the manifestation of symptoms begins during
pregnancy in about 1/3 patients with post-partum depression. According to DSM-5 postpartum
depression is a major form of depression that starts in the first 4 weeks postpartum. The
diagnosis of postpartum depression is based not only on the notion of time since the outset of
depression, but also on its severity. An extensive study that attempted to estimate the incidence
of psychiatric disorders in pregnant and postpartum women has shown an increased risk of
depression in the postpartum period compared to non-pregnant women. In general, existing
data in the literature suggest that the peripartum period is a vulnerable time for depression. The
prevalence of postpartum depression is considered to be about 10-20%, however the prevalence
varies greatly, depending on culture and depending on the income level of the countries where
the studies are conducted. Thus, it has been proposed that the estimated incidence of 10-20%
of the postpartum depression may be an underestimated global problem, and how the
postpartum depression is often undiagnosed / underdiagnosed, with some estimates that over
50% of women with post-partum depression remain undiagnosed.
Conclusions. Women with pre-existing psychiatric disorders have an increased risk of
recurrence or exacerbation during pregnancy and should be carefully monitored. Developing a
screening program and extending the intervention program to subclinical and non-clinical symptoms would help mothers cope better with maternity challenges and the emotional
problems they encounter during this period of their life
Development of the On-board Aircraft Network
Phase II will focus on the development of the on-board aircraft networking portion of the testbed which includes the subnet and router configuration and investigation of QoS issues. This implementation of the testbed will consist of a workstation, which functions as the end system, connected to a router. The router will service two subnets that provide data to the cockpit and the passenger cabin. During the testing, data will be transferred between the end systems and those on both subnets. QoS issues will be identified and a preliminary scheme will be developed. The router will be configured for the testbed network and initial security studies will be initiated. In addition, architecture studies of both the SITA and Immarsat networks will be conducted
Membaca permulaan adalah suatu kesatuan kegiatan terpadu mencakup
beberapa kegiatan seperti mengenali huruf-huruf dari kata-kata, dalam membaca
permulaan, anak di kenalkan dengan bentuk huruf abjad dari A sampai dengan Z
huruf-huruf tersebut perlu di hapalkan dan dilafalkan sesuai dengan bunyinya.
Permainan kartu huruf merupakan pembelajaran yang menggunakkan kartu
huruf untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam mengenal huruf.
Melalui permainan kartu huruf, anak-anak distimulasi untuk belajar secara aktif
dalam mengenal huruf dengan cara yang menyenangkan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya guru
dalam mengembangkan kemampuan membaca permulaan melalui permainan
kartu huruf di PAUD Perintis desa karang rejo jati agung lampung selatan.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif melibatkan 1 orang guru
di kelas B, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan kemampuan membaca
permulaan melalui permainan kartu huruf pada anak di sebagai berikut: a)
Mempersiapkan kegiatan membaca permulaan sesuai dengan tema dan tujuan, b)
Mempersiapkan permainan kartu huruf dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah
melakukan kegiatan dari awal hingga akhir, c) Memberikan kesempatan pada
anak untuk menyebutkan macam-macam pekerjaan, d) Menjelaskan dan
memberikan contoh pelaksanaan membaca permulaan, e) Melaksanakan evaluasi
terhadap kegiatan membaca.
Kata Kunci: Membaca Pemulaan, Anak Usia Dini , Permainan Kartu Huru
Peraturan daerah sangat penting untuk merealisasikan kebijakan yang diadopsi oleh pemerintah dalam menjalankan kegiatan pemerintahan.Sebagai aturan hukum, administrasi pemerintahan oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia harus didasarkan pada hukum dalam aspek kehidupan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara .
Salah satu implementasi pemerintah daerah saat ini diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, relatif terhadap Prinsip pemerintah daerah, disempurnakan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004, yang menyatakan bahwa pemerintah adalah pemerintah daerah ditambah DPRD, oleh karena itu, DPRD. bukan hanya badan legislatif, tetapi bagian dari pemerintah.
Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004, merujuk kepada Pemerintah Daerah, makna desentralisasi adalah memberikan peluang dan fleksibilitas kepada daerah untuk memenuhi Otonomi Daerah yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah, dan juga disebutkan bahwa badan legislatif daerah (DPRD) memiliki salah satu fungsi, undang-undang. Legislasi adalah pemberian tugas dan wewenang untuk membentuk Peraturan Daerah yang dibahas dengan Kepala Daerah untuk disetujui ketika menetapkan Peraturan Daerah. Undang-undang ini juga memiliki fungsi mengakomodasi kepentingan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan untuk menentukan bagaimana pembangunan di daerah akan dilakukan..
Rumuskan dan uraikan peraturan daerah sebagai implementasi dari kerja legislasi. DPRD bekerja erat dengan Pemerintah Daerah dalam merumuskan dan menyusun peraturan daerah. Hal ini juga ditemukan dalam pasal 140, paragraf 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004, merujuk kepada Pemerintah Daerah, yang menyatakan bahwa Rancangan Peraturan Daerah (RANPERDA) dapat berasal dari DPRD, Gubernur atau Bupati / Walikota. Selain itu, rancangan peraturan harus mencapai kesepakatan bersama antara DPRD dan Pemerintah untuk diskusi lebih lanjut. Tanpa kesepakatan bersama, rancangan peraturan tidak akan lagi dibahas.
Tujuan utama dari peraturan daerah adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dan mencapai kemerdekaan daerah. Penjabaran peraturan daerah harus didasarkan pada prinsip pembentukan undang-undang, antara lain; mendukung kepentingan rakyat, membela hak asasi manusia, berorientasi lingkungan dan budaya. Dengan demikian, peraturan daerah memberikan kewenangan kepada pemerintah untuk mengatur kegiatan pemerintah di daerah tersebut
Community Preventive Health Education Intervention for Pediatric Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Rural Southeast Nigeria
Objectives: Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is a global cause of morbidity in children under five, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. In southeast Nigeria, poor dietary intake and caregiver knowledge about childhood anemia are observed; however, there is no consensus on how to best prevent it. This study seeks to test the effectiveness of caregiver education on improving anemia knowledge and dietary prevention strategies and promoting sustainable lifestyle changes to reduce the prevalence of childhood IDA. Study Design: A questionnaire was administered to the primary caregivers of 41 patients under age five with anemia in southeast Nigeria regarding socioeconomic status (SES), diet diversity, and risk factors for anemia. Caregivers were administered a preeducation questionnaire, poster education on anemia and iron-rich foods, and a posteducation questionnaire. All patients underwent a medical exam to confirm a diagnosis of anemia or anemia-related conditions. Results: Ninety-five percent of patients had moderate diet diversity, but there was no correlation between diet diversity and SES. Barriers to healthier diets were associated with SES. Preeducation scores were not associated with caregivers’ education levels; however, posteducation scores were significantly higher in university-educated than technical-trained caregivers. Caregiver-reported self-efficacy increased after the education program. Conclusion: Caregivers’ SES was associated with financial and knowledge barriers to a healthier diet but not diet diversity, suggesting that nutritional education could benefit all SES groups. Overall, the education program increased caregivers’ anemia knowledge across educational levels. A community-based health education program could improve caregivers’ anemia knowledge and self-efficacy in applying this information and potentially reduce this area’s pediatric IDA
A comparative study of two endoscopic surgical techniques in pieloureteral junction stricture
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Strictura joncțiunii pieloureterale (SJPU) reprezintă o afecțiune comună caracterizată prin îngustarea sau blocarea pasajului urinar la nivelul 1/3 superioare ureterale și a pelvisului renal. Tehnicile chirurgicale, cum ar fi endopielotomia ureteroscopică retrogradă cu LASER (EUR) și dilatarea endoscopica cu balon (DEB), au fost dezvoltate ca abordări minim invazive pentru gestionarea SJPU. Scopul lucrării. Studiul comparativ și analiza retrospectivă a eficacității acestor două tehnici chirurgicale în tratarea stricturii joncțiunii pieloureterale. Materiale și Metode. Studiul a inclus 12 de pacienți cu SJPU, dintre care 5 au fost tratați prin EUR și 7 prin DEB. Evaluările clinice și paraclinice, inclusiv imagistică urologică și evaluare funcțională renală, au fost realizate. În studiu au fost incluși pacienți cu defect mai mic de 2 cm și lipsa vaselor aberante. Rezultate. Rata de succes a fost mai mare în EUR (99%) la o monitorizare de 3 luni a pacienților comparativ cu DEB (87%), cu risc de recidivă la o monitorizare mai îndelungată. Ambele tehnici au ameliorat semnificativ simptomele și restabilit fluxul urinar normal. EUR a prezentat, timp operatoriu semnificativ mai scurt (p < 0,05), o rată mai mică de complicații postoperatorii, în special stenoza ureterală postoperatorie, datorită abordării precise și minim invazive. Concluzie. Studiul a demonstrat eficacitatea și beneficiile EUR și DEB în tratamentul SJPU. EUR oferă o abordare precisă și minim invazivă, cu o rată de succes satisfăcătoare, în timp ce DEB rămâne valoroasă pentru cazurile complexe. Alegerea între aceste tehnici trebuie să țină cont de particularitățile fiecărui pacient și experiența chirurgului.Introduction. Pieloureteral junction stricture (PUJS) is a common condition characterized by narrowing or obstruction of the urinary passage at the upper 1/3 of the ureter and renal pelvis. Surgical techniques such as retrograde ureteroscopic endopyelotomy with laser (EUR) and endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) have been developed as minimally invasive approaches for managing PUJS. Objective of the study. Is to compare and retrospectively analyze the effectiveness of these two surgical techniques in the treatment of PUJS. Materials and Methods. The study included 12 patients with PUJS, of which 5 were treated with EUR and 7 with EBD. Clinical and paraclinical evaluations, including urological imaging and renal functional assessment, were performed. Patients with a defect size smaller than 2 cm and absence of aberrant vessels were included in the study. Results. The success rate was higher in EUR (99%) at a 3-month follow-up compared to EBD (87%), with a higher risk of recurrence observed in longer-term follow-ups. Both techniques significantly improved symptoms and restored normal urinary flow. EUR had a significantly shorter operative time (p < 0.05) and a lower rate of postoperative complications, particularly postoperative ureteral stenosis, due to its precise and minimally invasive approach. Conclusion. The study demonstrated the effectiveness and benefits of EUR and EBD in the treatment of PUJS. EUR offers a precise and minimally invasive approach with a satisfactory success rate, while EBD remains valuable for complex cases. The choice between these techniques should consider the individual characteristics of each patient and the surgeon’s experience
Laser ureteroscopic endopyelotomy efficacy in pyeloureteral junction stenosis
Abstract. Introduction. Pyeloureteral junction stenosis (PUJS) is a condition that affects urinary drainage at level of the renal pelvis
and upper ureter. It is found in approximately 1 in 500 newborns, with a higher prevalence in males (2:1 ratio). PUJS is the
main cause of congenital hydronephrosis and can also be caused by other specific pathologies. Endoscopic management is the
primary treatment for PUJS, particularly in cases of aperistaltic and <2cm intrinsic ureteral stenosis without aberrant vessels.
Aim of the study. Efficacy assessment of endoscopic retrograde incision of PUJS for urinary drainage recovery and duration of postoperatory effect.
Material and methods. 5 patients were operated, from November 2022 to February 2023. Each patient has been operated by using retrograde LASER endopyelotomy method. There were excluded patients with extrinsic ureteral obstruction,
defected segment more than 2 cm, massive hydronephrosis, split renal function <20%, tumor in the obstruction area, high
ureteral insertion, patients <18 years of age. Mean follow-up time of patients is 8 weeks.
Results. One month after intervention patients were recalled for investigations. There were observed way more better
results in the patients with grade 1 hydronephrosis than those with grade 2 (p = 0.002). All patients at 3-month postoperative follow-up reported resolution of symptoms.
Conclusions. Efficacy of LASER endopyelotomy is 99.9% in first months of the follow-up, after double J stent extraction.
More follow-up time and patients are required to present more statistically significant results
La Interculturalidad como proceso para fortalecer la autoestima y la construcción de identidad cultural en los alumnos del grado noveno de la Institución Educativa Técnica Ciudadela Desepaz.
El trabajo de investigación titulado “La interculturalidad como proceso para fortalecer la autoestima y la construcción de identidad cultural en los alumnos del grado noveno de la Institución Educativa Técnica Ciudadela Desepaz”, plantea en su objetivo central: identificar la manera en que la interculturalidad puede fortalecer la autoestima y la construcción de identidad cultural; para ello se aborda una metodología de tipo descriptivo con enfoque mixto, y se toma como población muestra del estudio a 34 alumnos del grado noveno de la Institución y a 9 docentes, provenientes de familias conformadas por personas de origen étnico mestizos, afro descendientes e indígenas en menor proporción. De esta manera, se establece la relevancia para un contexto social y educativo, y se analiza su resultado orientado al mejoramiento de ambientes de enseñanza a través de interacciones culturales con el propósito de favorecer a toda la comunidad.The research work entitled "Interculturality as a process to strengthen self-esteem and the construction of cultural identity in the students of the ninth grade of the Technical Educational Institution Ciudadela Desepaz", raises in its central objective: to identify the way in which interculturality can strengthen self-esteem and the construction of cultural identity; For this, a descriptive methodology with a mixed approach is approached, and the study sample population is 34 students of the ninth grade of the Institution and 9 teachers, from families made up of people of mixed ethnic origin, Afro-descendants and indigenous people in minor proportion. In this way, the relevance for a social and educational context is established, and its result oriented to the improvement of teaching environments through cultural interactions with the purpose of favoring the entire community is analyzed
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