7 research outputs found

    Ontwerpen voor de stad: Een publieke zaak

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    The changing state of the Dutch delta

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    The spatial structure of the Randstad Holland is strongly related to the policy concerning hydraulic engineering in the Netherlands. Both, Randstad Holland and the large hydraulic works, can be considered as part of the ‘modern project’ of the Netherlands, undertaken in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This modern project aimed to up- grade the Netherlands as a modern welfare state, based upon an industrial economy and agricultural autonomy, and fitting in a coherent policy of the nation-state. These days, the societal as well as the economic and the climate context of the Netherlands are changing. The new Delta-program, started in 2008, should be considered in this changing context. The potential meaning of this program is that it should not only be regarded as a provision of a new, proper flood defence infrastructure. It can play a substantial role in the transition to a new spatial, economic and political structure of the Netherlands.Architecture and The Built Environmen

    Delta Interventions: Design and Engineering in Urban Water Landscapes

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    This book presents a selection of research-by-design projects developed in the Delta Interventions Studio at the Delft University of Technology, including a short overview of all graduation projects from 2009-2015, and reflections by senior scholars. We hope this book will inspire others working on delta issues and designing interventions. The Dutch Delta is known for its extensive flood protection system, which permits residents to live in a safe and attractive environment. The Dutch expertise in ‘designing with water’ has become an important field of study as well as an export product. Due to climate change, the Netherlands will face new water management challenges, requiring additional measures to reduce flood risk. In this light, the 2005 International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and the 2007 Dutch Delta program both focused on addressing long-term water-related issues; this put ‘designing with water’ high on the agenda for spatial planners and architects. At the time, in design projects water was often used as a generic term, and (although there were exceptions) many designs were made without a basic knowledge of how water behaves, or the conditions created by the water. As an example, designers would propose and visualize a spatially attractive bypass for a river; however, when civil engineers investigated the proposal, they would inform the designers that water would not naturally flow there, and that the project would not reduce flood risk. The process would leave designers frustrated because engineers had ‘killed their baby’, and leave engineers irritated that designers did not take the basic laws of physics into consideration. It was in this context that the multi-disciplinary Delta Interventions Studio was founded. The studio projects vary in scale from buildings and multifunctional flood defenses, to neighborhoods and urban areas, to complete regions. A number of international cases are also included. The projects vary from detailed designs, to strategic plans and policy proposals. The studio emphasizes the link to practice, and results have often been shared with practitioners and policy makers. This way the research-by-design performed by the students contributes to the debate on flood risk management, as well as proposing concrete solutions.Delft University of Technolog

    Rhythms of the delta

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    UrbanismArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Nieuwe Perspectieven voor verstedelijkte delta's

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    UrbanismArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Nieuwe perspectieven voor een verstedelijkte delta: Naar een methode van planvorming en ontwerp

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    In dit cahier wordt in beknopte vorm verslag gedaan van het onderzoeksproject Integrated Planning and Design in the Delta (IPDD), dat in de periode 2011-2013 is uitgevoerd als onderdeel van het NWO programma Urban Regions in the Delta (URD). Zoals alle URD projecten, is het doel van het IPDD project om kennis te ontwikkelen voor een duurzaam ruimtelijk beleid en voor integrale gebiedsontwikkeling in stedelijke netwerken. De aanleiding hiervan is de transitie waarin ruimtelijk beleid en gebiedsontwikkeling zich bevinden. De sterke cultuur en het institutionele raamwerk van het naoorlogse ruimtelijk beleid, door Faludi en van der Valk als de ‘Dutch planning doctine’ beschreven, en waarmee Nederland internationaal een status als gidsland verwierf, is uitgewerkt. Vooralsnog is niet een vanzelfsprekend alternatief ontstaan.UrbanismArchitecture and The Built Environmen