4,757 research outputs found

    Das Eem-Interglazial von Buer bei Melle/OsnabrĂŒck : mit 1 Tabelle ; Dr. Horst Klassen zum 60. Geburtstag

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    In einer Sandgrube östlich des Ortes Buer fand sich eine knapp 2 m mĂ€chtige Schichtfolge aus Torf, Mudde und humosem Schluff, unterlagert von Beckenschluff, Geschiebelehm und kieshaitigen Schmelzwassersanden aus dem Orenthe-Stadium der Saale-Kaltzeit. Überlagert werden die organischen Schichten von Beckenschluff und LĂ¶ĂŸlehm der Weichsel- Kaltzeit. Die pollenanalytischen Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die 30 cm mĂ€chtige Torfschicht im Hangenden des Beckenschluffs mit Sicherheit in das frĂŒhe Eem-Interglazial zu stellen ist. Die typischen Pollenabschnitte liegen in sehr komprimierter Form vor, lassen aber gleichwohl die kontinuierliche Abfolge der charakteristischen Waldzeiten erkennen. Besonders bemerkenswert sind die im Vergleich zu anderen Eem-Vorkommen des norddeutschen Flachlandes hohen Ulmen-Werte. Wegen seiner vegetationsgeschichtlichen Besonderheiten und da das Profil das einzige in einem Tagesaufschluß zugĂ€ngliche Eem-Interglazial-Vorkommen Niedersachsens ist, wurde beantragt, es als geologisches Naturdenkmal unter Naturschutz zu stellen

    Determinants of Employment Growth at MNEs: Evidence from Egypt, India, South Africa and Vietnam

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    Foreign investors are expected to contribute to economic development through a variety of channels. However, many foreign investment operations are small, and almost insignificant in their impact on the local environment. An important indication of the potential contribution of foreign investors is thus their employment growth. Employees working for, and trained by, a multinational enterprise may become carriers of new technology and business practices. The more employees receive access to new knowledge, the more they in turn may spread the knowledge across the economy, for instance by setting up their own businesses. In this paper, we make a first step in investigating the determinants of this important mediating variable, employment growth. For a dataset covering four diverse emerging economies, we find that wholly-owned FDI operations have higher employment growth, while local industry characteristics moderate the growth effect.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40093/3/wp707.pd

    Determinants of Employment Growth at MNEs: Evidence from Egypt, India, South Africa and Vietnam

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    Foreign investors are expected to contribute to economic development through a variety of channels. However, many foreign investment operations are small, and almost insignificant in their impact on the local environment. An important indication of the potential contribution of foreign investors is thus their employment growth. Employees working for, and trained by, a multinational enterprise may become carriers of new technology and business practices. The more employees receive access to new knowledge, the more they in turn may spread the knowledge across the economy, for instance by setting up their own businesses. In this paper, we make a first step in investigating the determinants of this important mediating variable, employment growth. For a dataset covering four diverse emerging economies, we find that wholly-owned FDI operations have higher employment growth, while local industry characteristics moderate the growth effect.MNE, employment growth, control, institutions, FDI policy

    The Development of Social Simulation as Reflected in the First Ten Years of JASSS: a Citation and Co-Citation Analysis

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    Social simulation is often described as a multidisciplinary and fast-moving field. This can make it difficult to obtain an overview of the field both for contributing researchers and for outsiders who are interested in social simulation. The Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) completing its tenth year provides a good opportunity to take stock of what happened over this time period. First, we use citation analysis to identify the most influential publications and to verify characteristics of social simulation such as its multidisciplinary nature. Then, we perform a co-citation analysis to visualize the intellectual structure of social simulation and its development. Overall, the analysis shows social simulation both in its early stage and during its first steps towards becoming a more differentiated discipline.Citation Analysis, Co-Citation Analysis, Lines of Research, Multidisciplinary, Science Studies, Social Simulation

    Geschiebekundlich-stratigraphische Untersuchungen in der sĂŒdlichen LĂŒneburger Heide

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    An outline of the Pleistocene history of the southern LĂŒneburg Heide is given based on the interpretation of exposed sections and indicator-stone analysis. Locally, Elsterian sediments crop out at the surface, mainly near the Holsteinian kieselgur (diatomite), thus indicating the existence of a pre-Saalian relief. Most of the Pleistocene deposits were formed during the three Saali- an ice advances. The ground moraine (basal till) of the first advance (the main Drenthe moraine) and its outwash sands are only locally exposed and only at the margin of the Aller valley do they form a relatively extensive plain. To the north, they are overlain by outwash sands of the late Drenthe advance. Also the Uelzen end moraine consists mainly of these outwash sands. The Uelzen moraine was overridden by the same ice advance. The Warthe ice sheet left only minor traces ridge; its advance came to a final stop at the already dumped morainic material.Mittels Aufschlußinterpretationen und Leitgeschiebeanalysen wird ein Abriß der pleistozĂ€nen Geschichte der sĂŒdlichen LĂŒneburger Heide gegeben. Elsterzeitliche Sedimente kommen lokal an die OberflĂ€che, hauptsĂ€chlich in der NĂ€he der holsteinzeitlichen Kieselgur, damit ein prĂ€-saalezeitliches Relief andeutend. Die Hauptmenge der pleistozĂ€nen Sedimente ist wĂ€hrend der drei saalezeitlichen EisvorstĂ¶ĂŸe gebildet worden. Die GrundmorĂ€ne des ersten Vorstoßes (Dren- the-HauptmorĂ€ne) und deren VorschĂŒttsande waren nur lokal aufgeschlossen und treten erst am Allertalrand flĂ€chenhaft zutage. Sie werden nach Norden zu von Schmelzwassersanden des JĂŒngeren Drenthe-Vorstoßes ĂŒberlagert, die auch hauptsĂ€chlich die Uelzener EndmorĂ€ne aufbauen, welche vom gleichen Vorstoß ĂŒberfahren wurde. Das Warthe-Eis hat an diesem HöhenrĂŒcken nur geringe Spuren hinterlassen, es fand an dem bereits bestehenden Wall sein Ende

    pypet: A Python Toolkit for Data Management of Parameter Explorations

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    pypet (Python parameter exploration toolkit) is a new multi-platform Python toolkit for managing numerical simulations. Sampling the space of model parameters is a key aspect of simulations and numerical experiments. pypet is designed to allow easy and arbitrary sampling of trajectories through a parameter space beyond simple grid searches. pypet collects and stores both simulation parameters and results in a single HDF5 file. This collective storage allows fast and convenient loading of data for further analyses. pypet provides various additional features such as multiprocessing and parallelization of simulations, dynamic loading of data, integration of git version control, and supervision of experiments via the electronic lab notebook Sumatra. pypet supports a rich set of data formats, including native Python types, Numpy and Scipy data, Pandas DataFrames, and BRIAN(2) quantities. Besides these formats, users can easily extend the toolkit to allow customized data types. pypet is a flexible tool suited for both short Python scripts and large scale projects. pypet's various features, especially the tight link between parameters and results, promote reproducible research in computational neuroscience and simulation-based disciplines.DFG, 103586207, GRK 1589: Verarbeitung sensorischer Informationen in neuronalen Systeme

    Why it's so difficult for companies to leave Russia

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    After the start of Russia’s war on Ukraine, many multinational companies announced their intention to leave Russia. But despite the pressure from numerous stakeholders, including Western governments, few companies have managed to get out of the country. Saul Estrin and Klaus E Meyer have studied multinationals’ exit strategies and write that four sets of challenges may explain their sluggishness in leaving Russia
