21 research outputs found

    History of Nebraska Club

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    This club is designed to educate young kids on the history of Nebraska. Topics cover a wide variety of ideas, including: the Oregon Trail, Native Americans, teepees, tribes, clothing, buffalo, Chimney Rock, Homestead National Monument, how Nebraska became a state, and general information about Nebraska

    History of Nebraska Club

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    This club is designed to educate young kids on the history of Nebraska. Topics cover a wide variety of ideas, including: the Oregon Trail, Native Americans, teepees, tribes, clothing, buffalo, Chimney Rock, Homestead National Monument, how Nebraska became a state, and general information about Nebraska

    Die Wertigkeit der statischen und dynamischen Kernspintomographie in der Beurteilung der Schulter vor und nach Rotatorenmanschetten-Rekonstruktion

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    Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen stellen ein häufig auftretendes Krankheitsbild in der Bevölkerungsgruppe der „Über-40-Jährigen“ dar. Die führenden Methoden in der Diagnostik der Rotatorenmanschette sind neben der klinischen Untersuchung die Kernspintomographie und die Sonographie. Die Aussagekraft beider Methoden wurde im Rahmen von Untersuchungen an präoperativen und postoperativen Patienten verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine ausgezeichnete Sensitivität (92,9%) und Spezifität (84,2%) der Sonographie in der Erkennung von Rupturen der Rotatorenmanschette, jedoch eine Abnahme der Sensitivität (71,4%) bei Differenzierung der Läsionen in partielle und komplette Rupturen. Bei der Beurteilung der postoperativen Rotatorenmanschette blieben kleine Läsionen aufgrund der Inhomogenität des Echomusters unerkannt, größere Rerupturen wurden in allen Fällen diagnostiziert. Die Treffsicherheit der Kernspintomographie ergab eine Sensitivität von 78.6% (64,3% bei Differenzierung, s.o.), eine Spezifität von 89,5%, wobei die Untersuchungen an einem Niederfeldgerät (0,2 Tesla) mit im Vergleich zu den in der Schulterdiagnostik standardmäßig eingesetzten Kernspintomographen geringerer Auflösung und verminderter Bildqualität durchgeführt wurden. Innerhalb des ersten postoperativen Jahres erschweren Artefakte die Diagnostik der rekonstruierten Rotatorenmanschette, danach erweist sich die Kernspintomographie als ein überaus spezifisches Verfahren, mit welchem auch kleine Läsionen dargestellt werden. Des Weiteren untersucht vorliegende Arbeit anhand von Patienten- und Probandenkollektiven mit rupturierten und intakten Rotatorenmanschetten, inwieweit sich bei unterschiedlichen Ausmaßen von Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen während einer passiven oder aktiven Abduktion des Armes eine Änderung der Biomechanik feststellen läßt. Bei Untersuchungen an einem offenen Kernspintomographen wurden erstmals Verhältnisse geschaffen, welche die aktive und passive Abduktion des Armes ohne und mit Belastung möglichst realitätsnah simulierten. Die Ergebnisse der dynamischen Untersuchung zeigen, daß Rupturen des M.supraspinatus alleine zu keiner signifikanten Veränderung des Bewegungsablaufs führen. Eine zusätzliche Beteiligung des M.infraspinatus dagegen verursachte sowohl im prä- als auch im postoperativen Kollektiv eine signifikante Verringerung des Subakromialraumes, bei zusätzlicher Belastung in den jeweiligen Abduktionsstellungen zeigte sich keine weitere signifikante Translation. Dies verdeutlicht die Rolle des M.infraspinatus, dessen Funktionsdefizit ein permanentes Höhertreten des Humeruskopfes zur Folge hat. Anhand vorliegender Ergebnisse besteht kein Hinweis auf die Bestätigung der These, biomechanische Veränderungen würden zeitlich vor morphologischen Sehnenläsionen auftreten. Sowohl in der präoperativen Diagnostik als auch in der Beurteilung postoperativer Rotatorenmanschetten besitzt die Kernspintomographie einen herausragenden Stellenwert. Durch die dynamische Untersuchung konnte die oft vernachlässigte Bedeutung des M.infraspinatus hervorgehoben werden, dessen Rekonstruktion bzw. Stärkung anzustreben ist, bevor es zu einer weiteren Störung der Biomechanik kommt. Die dynamische Kernspintomographie stellt somit eine wertvolle Methode zur Untersuchung physiologischer und pathologischer Bewegungsabläufe der Schulter dar

    Papillion Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility Secondary Expansion Proposal for an Aerobic Granular Sludge System

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    This report outlines a first attempt to design 30% of a wastewater treatment plant with a secondary expansion to include aerobic granular sludge. This project was completed through the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department as part of the Senior Design Capstone required by the college. The report was completed by a team of four, including Allison Metschke (myself), Brodie Crotts- Hannibal, Matthew Grosey, and Yefry Pasapera. The team members’ contributions to the project include process design for water treatment, structural design, and geotechnical design, respectively. My contributions to the project include the role as project manager, cost analysis, construction and design scheduling, permitting, project impacts, and overall project outline. The goal of the project was to apply engineering design and knowledge from coursework, internships, and experience to design the requested aerobic granular sludge system up to 30% design. This means that only basic design features and general factors were considered. The report elaborates the team’s design choices, how and why the team made those decisions, and provides calculations and references to support the decisions made. The project was worked on consistently throughout the semester with a proposal presentation and progress report due at week five and concluding the semester with the final report and project presentation displayed during week 16. The project was guided with the help of HDR Engineering who sponsored the project


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    Purpose. The purpose of this study was to develop a planning model that K-12 school district personnel could use to integrate computer applications, both instructional and administrative, into the school program. Procedures. The common elements of plans found in the literature to introduce microcomputers into school programs were drafted by the researcher into a planning model. That planning model was incorporated into a survey and sent to a jury of experts for validation. The jury consisted of 17 respondents from a select group of 29 specialists in the area of educational planning and/or the use of computer data systems in education from the United States and Canada. The data from the surveys were analyzed by calculating measures of central tendency to determine jury member agreement with the inclusion of each component in the planning model. Finding. The jury validated all components of the planning model except the two that would have involved patrons without school-age children in the process. Conclusions. A conceptual planning model to integrate computers into the total school program should include the following major phases: (1) appointment of a task force; (2) provision for support to the task force; (3) assessment of the school district; (4) development of goals; (5) establishment of a committee structure to coordinate instructional applications, business applications, software selection, and hardware selection; (6) provision of staff inservice; and (7) evaluation of the total planning process. This planning model is based on the concept of planning that would involve as many school constituencies as possible to develop a better product. School officials could use this model, regardless of their district\u27s present status, to formalize their planning for computer use

    Nicotine as a signal for the presence or absence of sucrose reward: Pavlovian drug appetitive conditioning preparation in rats

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    Rationale: In Pavlovian conditioning research, nicotine is typically conceptualized as the unconditioned stimulus (US) that becomes associated with an exteroceptive conditioned stimulus (CS). This research has not explored the possibility that nicotine can also function as a CS. Objectives: The present research examined whether nicotine served as a CS for the presence (CS+) or absence (CS–) of sucrose and started defining its specificity. Methods and results: Rats trained in the CS+ condition had nicotine (0.4 mg/kg, base) paired intermittently with brief access to sucrose. Intermixed were saline sessions without sucrose. Nicotine acquired the ability to evoke goal tracking. This conditioned response (CR) decreased across extinction sessions. The CR was sensitive to nicotine dose (ED50=0.113 mg/kg) and administration to testing interval; 0-min and 100-min delays produced no CR. The CS properties were specific to nicotine in that amphetamine and bupropion substitution was incomplete. Rats in the CS– condition received similar discrimination training except that sucrose was paired with saline. Nicotine also served as a CS–; the saline state CS+ acquired control of goal tracking. Mecamylamine, but not hexamethonium, blocked nicotine’s ability to serve as a CS+ and CS–, indicating a role for central nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Conclusions: Nicotine served as a signal for the presence or absence of sucrose. The extinction, CS–, and substitution results eliminated a psycho motor stimulant account. The conceptualization of nicotine as a CS suggests novel empirical research in which a drug acquires additional inhibitory and/or excitatory value based on other outcomes present during its effects