3 research outputs found

    Incidence de la fluctuation des précipitations sur l'occupation des sols dans les hautes plaines de Sidi-Bel-Abbès (Algérie)

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    La réduction de la pluviométrie dans les hautes plaines du sud de l'Algérie occidentale a provoqué de profondes modifications de l'occupation et de la gestion des espaces. L'activité économique de cette région est fortement conditionnée par les fluctuations climatiques et les modes traditionnels d'exploitation des surfaces agricoles. L'analyse de l'occupation actuelle des espaces et de sa dynamique permet d'appréhender les différentes contraintes appliquées à ces écosystèmes et de mesurer les incidences environnementales et sociales du changement climatique. L'objectif est de comprendre l'évolution des systèmes de production et de déterminer et maîtriser les paramètres qui influent sur leur dynamique pour une meilleure utilisation de ces espaces. L'incidence de la progression de l'aridité est perceptible à tous les niveaux : forte concentration de la population dans les centres urbains, réduction spatiale des formations végétales spontanées, augmentation des surfaces agricoles et de l'effectif du cheptel ovin menant la région vers un système de production agropastoral.Les hautes plaines de Sidi-Bel-Abbès sont impliquées dans tous les programmes de développement de la steppe. Elles se présentent comme une référence des régions du Sud Oranais et constituent, de ce fait, un espace idéal permettant de mesurer l'impact d'une politique d'aménagement ignorante des paramètres climatiques et de leurs fluctuations.<br>The decline of rainfall in the highlands of the south-western Algeria has caused profound changes in occupation and management of areas. Economic activity in this region is strongly influenced by climatic fluctuations and traditional modes of exploitation of agricultural land. The analysis of the actual space occupancy and of its dynamics permits to understand the different stresses applied on these ecosystems and to measure the environmental and social impacts of climate change. The aim is to understand the evolution of the production systems and to identify and control the parameters that affect its dynamics for better use of these spaces. The impact of the increase in aridity is evident at all levels: high concentration of population at the urban centers, regression of spontaneous plant formations, increased agricultural land and livestock numbers sheep leading the region towards the crop-livestock production system.High plains of Sidi-Bel-Abbes are involved in all development programs of the steppe. They present themselves as a reference region of South Oran and are therefore an ideal space to measure the impact of planning policy taking not into account climate parameter and its fluctuation

    Impact of climatic variability on durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) yields in North Western of Algeria

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    In semi arid region of the South West of the Mediterranean basin, low rainfall, and thermal fluctuations cause water stress situations affecting at different levels, with varying intensities, the development of durum wheat yields. This work aims to study the major climatic factors that determine water environment of durum wheat in its reproductive period and assess their trend related to yields of the grain. Comparing diagrams of Bagnoul and Gaussen, established for two periods (1913-1937 and 1977-2014), highlighted an increase in the duration of the dry season due to rising temperatures, especially summer and a decrease in volume of the seasonal rainfall involving therefore water stress during the reproductive phase of cereal. The analysis of water regime in the past three decades, for the months of March, April and May, through the application of the approach of UNESCO-FAO, highlighted a very large variability in intensity of water stress during grain development period during the last years and also the tendency of the spring season months to be more drought. This reflects the complexity of the selection for yield components in this region. International Journal of Environment Vol. 5 (1) 2016,  pp: 107-120</p