7 research outputs found

    HR for a Dental Implant Manufacturer

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    The project relates to human resources information of a dental implant manufacturer located in the US. The project aims at improving working performance of the company’s employees by using predictive analysis tools. The company will benefit from understanding what factors influence employees’ overall work performance and productivity, and also which employment sources are the most effective

    Analysis for Selecting High Risk Service Replacement Parts for Process Improvement

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    Currently, the majority of electronic instruments are assembled from interchangeable parts, called Field Replaceable Units or FRU. These FRU parts facilitate maintenance operations and help raise productivity. This project uses a database of FRUs and Non-FRUs to make recommendations about which parts are high risk and should have software widgets created for the parts. Another goal is to identify which of the Non-FRUs are high risk, and should be changed in the company’s inventory to become a FRU. The final goal is to identify anomalies in the data which should be investigated by the FRU lead. This project is sponsored by the FRU lead for the division. There are multiple goals of this project. The first, and most important objective of this project is to find the top FRU and Non-FRU parts with highest risk to the company. The risk is likely to be a financial concern due to a combination of high part cost, frequent failures, and high labor cost. It could also be because a part fails frequently at tier 1 customer sites, which need their tools available to run the business. Another objective is to determine high-risk Non-FRUs which should be recommended to be included as FRUs. The benefit of a part becoming a FRU is that documentation would be created on how to replace the part. There would be mandatory stocking procedures and processes in the Service Logistics and Service Management departments. The downside to the company is too many FRUs in stock can increase the cost of inventory. The cost would not be funded by support calls in the immediate future. There is also overhead to putting the FRU processes in place. The final goal is to identify anomalies in the particular part data which should be investigated by the FRU lead

    Economic Analysis of Residential Alternative Energy Production in Oregon

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    Since there are many renewable energy alternatives available to homeowners to help their house become more eco- friendly, especially in Pacific Northwest area. This project will help them analyze what alternative is suitable for their house and worth for investment. In the research, we have identified three technologies which are solar power, wind power, and geothermal power and they will be virtually applied to one of our member’s house which located in Portland metropolitan area. This project will analyze the financial feasibility for each alternative by applying NPV, IRR, incremental IRR, and Benefit -Cost analysis techniques in order to obtain the best alternative. The alternative’s information has been gathered by literature reviews on costs and benefits such as installation and maintenance costs, energy saving cost, and incentives for each technology. Besides the sensitivity analysis is conducted in order to investigate uncertain variables that have an influence on the research results

    Finer Strategic Plan

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    Slides from a presentation outlining the strategic plan for a new cast iron cookware company, including its vision, mission, marketing, finances and operations

    Comma.ai Marketing Plan

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    The purpose of this marketing plan is to create the strategy for Comma Two, a self-driving car kit through gathering and analyzing the product, competitors, customers, and market of the newness of technology, self-driving car. The team designs this plan based on marketing practices and concepts to accomplish our goal and objective for the next five years

    Selecting a Wearable GPS Device for Children

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    A missing child is a parent’s worst nightmares.When a child is missing, even for a very short time frame, it is hard for a parent not to entertain a variety of horrifying scenarios and outcomes. In recent years, GPS technology has offered a practical solution to this dilemma in the form of smartphones and wearable tracking devices. For younger children, who are ten years old and under, many schools do not permit them to have phones on hand due to its distractive nature. So, wearable tracking devices become the only option for parents who want to keep track of their young children by default. Moreover, without missing a beat, the wearable industry has made this observation and has consequently introduced many wearable devices to the market. The quantity and variety of these wearable devices may certainly be for the consumer’s benefit as manufacturers compete, but it puts the consumers in a moderately overwhelming position as they attempt to browse through the options of an unfamiliar sector of technology. This paper will address the decision-making process of selecting a wearable tracking device for young children by using the hierarchical decision model (HDM). Through literature review, we will identify relevant features with which we construct the model, and identify the top options for the model to choose from

    Cultural Diversity and Team Performance

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    There are many factors that contribute to the success and effectiveness of a team. One of the most important factors affecting team performance is cultural diversity. Most of the time, teams are formed by integrating a diverse group of people that have different cultural background such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, skills, values, and experiences. This diversity will have a positive impact on the team which will improve the team performance. But sometimes, diversity can also cause some negative impacts. This paper identifies some of the constructive as well as adverse aspects of cultural diversity. Furthermore, this paper also identifies opportunities and threats comes with with cultural diversity. Results are organized and presented using the SWOT analysis method. Additionally, some personal experiences are mentioned as an evidence for the analysis. As all the authors are coming from different cultural backgrounds, their perspectives add an additional dimension to the analysis