9,055 research outputs found

    The asteroseismological potential of the pulsating DB white dwarf stars CBS 114 and PG 1456+103

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    We have acquired 65 h of single-site time-resolved CCD photometry of the pulsating DB white dwarf star CBS 114 and 62 h of two-site high-speed CCD photometry of another DBV, PG 1456+103. The pulsation spectrum of PG 1456+103 is complicated and variable on time scales of about one week and could only partly be deciphered with our measurements. The modes of CBS 114 are more stable in time and we were able to arrive at a frequency solution somewhat affected by aliasing, but still satisfactory, involving seven independent modes and two combination frequencies. These frequencies also explain the discovery data of the star, taken 13 years earlier. We find a mean period spacing of 37.1 +/- 0.7 s significant at the 98% level between the independent modes of CBS 114 and argue that they are due to nonradial g-mode pulsations of spherical degree l=1. We performed a global search for asteroseismological models of CBS 114 using a genetic algorithm, and we examined the susceptibility of the results to the uncertainties of the observational frequency determinations and mode identifications (we could not provide m values). The families of possible solutions are identified correctly even without knowledge of m. Our optimal model suggests Teff = 21,000 K and M_* = 0.730 M_sun as well as log(M_He/M_*) = -6.66, X_O = 0.61. This measurement of the central oxygen mass fraction implies a rate for the ^12C(alpha,gamma)^16O nuclear reaction near S_300=180 keV b, consistent with laboratory measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 10 embedded figures, 3 embedded tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Asteroseismic Signatures of Stellar Magnetic Activity Cycles

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    Observations of stellar activity cycles provide an opportunity to study magnetic dynamos under many different physical conditions. Space-based asteroseismology missions will soon yield useful constraints on the interior conditions that nurture such magnetic cycles, and will be sensitive enough to detect shifts in the oscillation frequencies due to the magnetic variations. We derive a method for predicting these shifts from changes in the Mg II activity index by scaling from solar data. We demonstrate this technique on the solar-type subgiant beta Hyi, using archival International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra and two epochs of ground-based asteroseismic observations. We find qualitative evidence of the expected frequency shifts and predict the optimal timing for future asteroseismic observations of this star.Comment: 5 pages including 3 figures and 1 table, MNRAS Letters accepte

    Measuring ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O from White Dwarf Asteroseismology

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    During helium burning in the core of a red giant, the relative rates of the 3&alpha and ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reactions largely determine the final ratio of carbon to oxygen in the resulting white dwarf star. The uncertainty in the 3&alpha reaction at stellar energies due to the extrapolation from high-energy laboratory measurements is relatively small, but this is not the case for the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction. Recent advances in the analysis of asteroseismological data on pulsating white dwarf stars now make it possible to obtain precise measurements of the central ratio of carbon to oxygen, providing a more direct way to measure the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction rate at stellar energies. We assess the systematic uncertainties of this approach and quantify small shifts in the measured central oxygen abundance originating from the observations and from model settings that are kept fixed during the optimization. Using new calculations of white dwarf internal chemical profiles, we find a rate for the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction that is significantly higher than most published values. The accuracy of this method may improve as we modify some of the details of our description of white dwarf interiors that were not accessible through previous model-fitting methods.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, uses emulateapj5.sty, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The core/envelope symmetry in pulsating stars

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    We demonstrate that there is an inherent symmetry in the way high-overtone stellar pulsations sample the core and the envelope, which can potentially lead to an ambiguity in the asteroseismologically derived locations of internal structures. We provide an intuitive example of the source of this symmetry by analogy with a vibrating string. For the stellar case, we focus on the white dwarf stars, establishing the practical consequences for high-order white dwarf pulsations both analytically and numerically. In addition, we verify the effect empirically by cross-fitting two different structural models, and we discuss the consequences that this approximate symmetry may have for past and present asteroseismological fits of the pulsating DBV, GD 358. Finally, we show how the signatures of composition transition zones that are brought about by physically distinct processes may be used to help alleviate this potential ambiguity in our asteroseismological interpretation of the pulsation frequencies observed in white dwarf stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 8 pages, 8 figure

    The CANADA-FRANCE REDSHIFT SURVEY XIII: The luminosity density and star-formation history of the Universe to z ~ 1

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    The comoving luminosity density of the Universe is estimated from the CFRS faint galaxy sample in three wavebands (2800A, 4400A and 1 micron) over the redshift range 0 < z < 1. In all three wavebands, the comoving luminosity density increases markedly with redshift. For a (q_0 = 0.5, Omega = 1.0) cosmological model, the comoving luminosity density increases as (1+z)2.1±0.5(1+z)^{2.1 \pm 0.5} at 1 micron, as (1+z)2.7±0.5(1+z)^{2.7 \pm 0.5} at 4400A and as (1+z)3.9±0.75(1+z)^{3.9 \pm 0.75} at 2800A, these exponents being reduced by 0.43 and 1.12 for (0.05,0.1) and (-0.85,0.1) cosmological models respectively. The variation of the luminosity density with epoch can be reasonably well modelled by an actively evolving stellar population with a Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) extending to 125 M_sun, a star-formation rate declining with a power 2.5, and a turn-on of star-formation at early epochs. A Scalo (1986) IMF extending to the same mass limit produces too many long-lived low mass stars. This rapid evolution of the star-formation rate and comoving luminosity density of the Universe is in good agreement with the conclusions of Pei and Fall (1995) from their analysis of the evolving metallicity of the Universe. One consequence of this evolution is that the physical luminosity density at short wavelengths has probably declined by two orders of magnitude since z ~ 1.Comment: uuencoded compressed tar file containing 8 page Tex file, 2 postscript figures and 2 tables. Ap J Letters, in press. Also available at http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~lilly/CFRS/papers.htm
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